
After Dragon Ball

Chapter one

The story begins with Goku training with a pale plain face figure in the land of the dragons.

Goku: Wow Shenlong! You made this guy super strong this time.

Shenlong: indeed Goku a perfect reflection of yourself, basically unbeatable.

Goku: oh yea well see about that. Ahhh!

The fight intensified to amazing heights, one blow after another until Goku uses the dragon balls to his advantage. Screaming Yonggan blast! All seven dragon balls come out of his back to form a circle, glowing with energy, arms extended in front of him a gigantic beam races towards the doppelgänger at light speed. A huge explosion erupts, when the smoke clears the clone is know where in sight.

Goku: damn. I guess I over did it that tIme yea?

Shenlong: I would say so Goku well done. Now rest.

The scene ends with Goku eating food and talking with Shenlong.

The next scene opens on a grim and dark planet Earth.

Naco: Will we ever find the so called "Eternal Phenix" Tutoa. We've been looking for months and still no trace.

Tutoa: Yes, yes we'll find it all it takes is patience, and less yammering! ( hits Naco on the head)

Naco: damn Tutoa why'd you hit me you heated dog!

Tutoa: and what's that supposed to mean exactly!

Naco: it means that your being a bit…

The ground they stand on begins to crumble as it caves in and they both go falling.

Tutoa and Naco: ahhhhhh!

They land hard on the ground below with debris and smoke all around them

Naco: what the hell, wh… where are we

The smoke clears

Tutoa: I can't believe my eyes we… we did it, we finally found it Naco.

As they stand amazed a giant bird like skeleton with a small waterfall in the center lays ahead. Tutoa runs towards the waterfall knowing exactly what it is, Naco watches on in Aw. A dark voice then echoes.

The stranger: who the hell are you two and how did you find this place!

Naco: whoa Tutoa there's a ghost in here we need to leave!

Tutoa: No way I'm just gonna leave Naco! Hey stranger! We don't mean to bother but we need some of this water for ourselves and if you don't like it then to bad I'm taking it anyways.

Naco: Tutoa! What are you doing dumbass?

Tutoa: relax, the strange voice won't hurt us.

Then a figure emerges from the shadows.

Naco: Tutoa behind you.

The figure then grabs Tutoa by the throat and screams leave this place and never return, if you do I'll be sure to end your sad existence, these waters were never meant for near mortals as yourself. Now go! The stranger then throws Tutoa and Naco out of the hole.

Tutoa and Naco: ahhhhh, We're so sorry!

The figure then sits on a rock and sighs

The stranger: they'll never learn will they.

The figure then removes his hood and reveals none other then an older Vegeta.

Vegeta: My promise to this world was to keep it safe as long as I'm alive, and with this eternal elixir I can keep my promise till the end of time.

The scene ends with Vegeta sitting looking up at the sky.

The next scene opens in space zooming in on the galactic patrol prison. Jaco and Novo have just returned with a medium level threat prisoner.

Jaco: time to process and book ya punk.

Novo: yea what he said punk.

Jaco then gets a message from Merus saying come talk to me.

Jaco: ahh yea so I'm gonna let you take over rookie don't screw this up.

Novo: I'll do my best sir!

Novo grabs the criminal and proceeds to walk away to booking.

Jaco: what's up Merus, something new?

Merus: nothing new hopefully I just wanted to confirm that you got that guy for trafficking.

Jaco: sure did he had a bunch of illegal things.

Merus: and he came from sector 57 in the south quadrant?

Jaco: yea… your scaring me Merus everything okay?

Merus im sure it's fine there's just some sort of virus or plague some say that has originated in that area, I'm sure it's fine tho.

Jaco: oh Merus please you think I'm scared of some sickness I'm sure it's nothing

A bug then flys from Jacos shoulder and lands on Merus's neck proceeding to bite him.

Merus: what tha (slaps his neck)

Novo: all right junkie get in your cell and stay there.

Porata: it's not like I'm going anywhere else chief.

Novo walking away and slaps his arm like something has bitten him.

Later at the patrol prison while everyone is sleeping one guard is walking around doing her duty when she see something terrifying.

Female guard: (whistling then stops) …. Oh my god what the hell happened to you!

The guard screams in terror as she sees what's left of Porata. Bones with small amounts of flesh and muscle. The guard runs away screaming in her mic "we have a code red, I repeat we have a code red". Prisoner is deceased". She runs to the main office to wake the warden of the prison.

Female guard: sir, sir please wake up we have an emergency

Galactic king: yes, yes I'm coming stop the screaming.

The door opens.

Female guard: sir we have a code red one of the prisoners is.. is dead!

Galactic king: what you must be joking how can this happen?

Female guard: I don't know but we need to do something now please sir!

Galactic king: it's going to be alright warn the others I'll go wake Merus.

The Galactic king proceeds to go to Merus's chambers. Arriving at his door he demands to speak with him banging on his door. Left waiting as nobody comes to the door.

Galactic king: Merus… Merus I demand to speak with you at once!

Still no answer the galactic king demands his guards to break into his chambers.

All three guards: one..two..three (bang!)

The guards break down the door and the Galactic king enters the room.

Galactic king: Merus why have you not answered m… dear heavens!

The guards and the king find Merus in the same state as the prisoner, dead and decaying.

Galactic king: gather everyone to the main hall now! Lock this place down.

The scene ends with the guards and the king walking away gathering all the troops.

The next scene opens in a far distant place in the universe where no light can enter, closing in on a dark evil looking ship.

Evil henchmen: My grace, the plan has begun to set in motion.

Cloaked tyrant: good, all we need now is to reach the gods and there angle attendees.

Evil henchmen: yes your grace as you wish although if I might add the hardest task has yet to fall on us.

Cloaked tyrant: go on Mono speak, tell me what I already know.

Mono: we'll your grace reaching the gods is only a stepping stone to your master plan. There are far more powerful mortals in distant universes that we could seek power from or allies.

Cloaked tyrant: what you speak is true but not even mortals can compare to the power of all the gods combined, but with the extra mortal power I can become the strongest ever seen and create my own universe, a universe that only knows peace and serenity. With that power I will breed a universe that only knows greatness without the threat of gods or angels. I will be the only god they fear or love.

Mono: yes your grace but we also have a minor problem.

Cloaked tyrant: that being?

Mono: we'll your grace on many planets there are magical wishing orbs that can bring an end to use the strongest orbs we know of are called the "super dragon balls".

Cloaked tyrant: dragon balls you say? Now that is interesting and if we were to obtain these orbs we can wish for anything?

Mono: not exactly your grace some of the orbs on planets have limits placed on them. They can only do what the kame of that world is capable of himself.

Cloaked tyrant: I see. So if we just find the kame to one of these orbs we can acquire more information about them.

Mono: there is an easier way your grace.

Cloaked tyrant: go on.

Mono: there Is a being in the seventh that is all knowing and can possibly point us in the right direction. Instead of seizing a world and possibly blowing our cover we can persuade him to simply tell us where to find and how to manipulate these orbs to our will.

Cloaked tyrant: ahh very good Mono.

Mono: thank you your grace.

Cloaked tyrant: take me to this all knowing being.

The scene ends with the cloaked tyrant and Mono on the ship disappearing at light speed through space.

The next scene opens with Vegeta hunting for food in the woods. Walking away with his freshly killed food a familiar face shows himself.

Vegeta: stop hiding and come out whoever you are.

17: fine I guess you got me this time.

Vegeta: 17? I never thought I'd see you again.

17: we'll Vegeta after everything that's happened here I'm just happy to see an old friend.

A flash back begins, Vegeta and 17 are standing in a city with body's laying everywhere.

Vegeta: so… old friend what brings you here.

17: well I was flying over the city looking for refugees or survivors when I saw your old home, Capsule corporation. I figured what the hell why not and stopped to see what I could find. I stumbled across this old dragon radar and a picture.

17 then pulls the picture out of his pocket and hands it to vegeta

Vegeta: my family…

Vegeta then begins to Trimble ever so slightly wanting to cry he holds his emotions back and says.

Vegeta: thank you 17.

17: no problem.

The scene ends with vegeta and 17 walking through the woods talking and laughing.

The next scene opens with Mono and the Cloaked tyrant arriving at the all knowings palace.

Mono: your grace we have arrived.

Cloaked tyrant: good let's see what this being has to offer.

Mono and the cloaked tyrant proceed to approach the door and enter the palace.

Zuno: ahhh Mono of planet ness and you are… wait for some reason I don't know who you are this is impossible.

Cloaked tyrant: yes I love laying low.

Zuno: I see you haven't made an appointment to speak with me, I'm sorry but your questions will not be answered.

After saying that a short man enters.

Zuno: ah there he is. The price for your question is one kiss on the cheek.

The short man proceeds to kiss zuno on the cheek.

Cloaked tyrant: what disgusting way to obtain information from this being.

The cloaked tyrant then draws a blade and cuts the head clean off of the short man.

Cloaked tyrant: still I was here first.

Zuno: what… what have you done how dare you enter my palace and.

The cloaked tyrant then throws a dagger cutting the cheek of Zuno.

Cloaked tyrant: I'm sorry you were saying?

Zuno now speechless.

Cloaked tyrant: you will give me the information I require or your head will be next understand.

Zuno: completely… now what, what is it you wish to know.

Cloaked tyrant: tell me where I can find these magical wishing orbs. What where they called again ah yes dragon balls.

Zuno: many dragon balls reside in the sixth and seventh universe's. You wish to know the location of them all?

Cloaked tyrant: indeed.

Zuno the begins a long story about the dragon balls but is interrupted by another dagger slicing the right cheek of him.

Cloaked tyrant: skip the story telling fat ass tell me where they are, now!

Zuno: well the planet Namek had them but they have since turned to stone and also the planet earth, or earth used to now they reside with a man birth name kakorot also know as goku.

Cloaked tyrant: Goku you say, what do you mean reside with him.

Zuno: Goku absorbed earths Dragon balls and disappeared.

Cloaked tyrant. And where did this goku disappear to.

Zuno: unfortunately I do not know he left with the dragon of that world over 100 years ago.

Cloaked tyrant: interesting, and the super dragon balls. Where are they.

Zuno the super dragon balls are spread across the sixth and seventh universe. They are planet sized.

Cloaked tyrant: and how can I find these super dragon balls?

Zuno: a Millennia ago a woman by the name of Bulma invented something called a dragon radar, one still rest on planet earth.

Cloaked tyrant: see that wasn't so bad was it.

Zuno: please leave I've told you everything you wanted to know.

The cloaked tyrant begins to leave but says.

Cloaked tyrant: just so you know my name is Vilma the soon to be ruler of all the multiverse.

Vilma then slices off the head of Zuno.

The scene ends with Vilma whipping off her blade and tell mono to set a course for earth.

NOTE: this is a fan made story, all rights to characters and places are owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama. Thank you and please support the official release.

Chapter two coming soon.