7 Arc 1 part 6

Arc 1 part 6

Because fans wanted to remember their idol's party, many recorded the livestream, ignorant to the fact that a huge scandal was to happen. After the birthday was concluded, many fans wanted to sell the footage to reporters, the first footage was sold at 50k dollars, which is a huge sum, but can easily be taken back with a few clicks. Articles about Crystal dominated the internet, forgetting about the whole Timothy scandal, and for those who still remember thought that even if Timothy did it, Crystal deserved it.

For legal reasons, such as possible defamation and unconsented recordings, the police force was involved, after few weeks of investigation, the police could not find who took the video of Crystal confessing, Kris even made sure the culprit of the other video would not be exposed, after forging some fake evidence to the police which cost 30 points, Kris planted them, thus the police reached to a conclusion, the culprit is an unknown reporter.

The videos were also sent to the police, unable to find the sender's location, they gave these videos to the IT to make sure that they are not fake. This was important because in the video Crystal admitted to her act of defamation multiple times and falsely accused someone under the oath, which was clearly illegal, the law states that those crimes in total may let Crystal end up in prison for at least 2 years, if money is involved or any other evidence is found she might end up to 7 years in prison, even though slander is not illegal it can depend on the severity, Crystal lied about something quite serious, and the jury might take that in consideration, not only that, in this country, lying under the oath can make a person be in prison up to 5 years. Thus after multiple trials and re-opened cases, the alleged offenders were released, and Crystal was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

This whole situation started another debate, can people claim they were raped and then the alleged offender is most likely to be sentenced. False accusations are quite damaging, in Kris's original world, a lie detector was connected to all people participating to ensure the credibility of the accusation. This lie detector had a 100% success rate. So to solve that problem, Kris asked Rain to create a lie detector with 100% accuracy and then to post the blueprints and sell them to counties for a good sum, of course, this cost 100 pts. This invention saw through a lot of people's lies and surprisingly a study showed that only 5 per cent of rape accusations were false and 20 per cent held some truth. Kris believed that due sensitivity of the topic and how hard it was to bring in solid evidence, alleged rape accusations should be treated seriously to make sure the victim get their justice. It seems that in this world, women were oppressed and didn't have rights long ago, so the voices of these heart driving stories were deemed to be believed. To the general public, fake or not, a person just cannot say that a victim of rape is lying until solid evidence says so. In this topic, the say "innocent until proven guilty" is disregarded and turns into "guilty until proven innocent". Kris was able to gain hundreds of millions of dollars from each country he sold the device to.

[Congratulations host! You have successfully completed the random mission, would you like to activate the prize?] asked Rain after congratulating Kris, [Yeah sure I want to try the random wheel].

[Ok Host, before starting I will inform you some simple rules,

Rule 1, First-time player can re-spin if the player is not happy with the prize

Rule 2, Prizes can only be open in the waiting room

Rule 3, Player can re-sell prize on the system market

Let's start know host!]

Suddenly a huge round carnival-looking spinning wheel appeared in front of Kris, which was around 75cm tall (around 30 inches), each section was separated into 8 parts by colours, Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green. The parts didn't actually have any prize written on it, in which Rain explained that there are millions of awards that the creator of the wheel wanted to spice things up, so Kris is spinning between millions of prizes. Kris took a deep breath, then exhaled, he then proceeded to press the 'spin' button that was displayed under the wheel. The sound of the pointer going through each section made Kris anxious.

After around 30 seconds, the pointer finally stopped in a red coloured section. Kris was then anxiously waiting for the wheel to show what he got, Kris thought whoever designed the wheel probably intentionally made it in a way where the player was hanging on a piece of thread.

Kris finally got to see what he got but was extremely confused as what it does, it was named in a weird way, that wasn't in English. As a host, the system automatically gave Kris a skill in which he can understand different languages. The object was written in Arabic, that said "ساعة المختار" or translated to English, watch of the chooser, it didn't make any sense.

[Host! What a cool prize, if host doesn't understand what it does, it is simply a watch that shows you anything you want, as you are the chooser. You want information about someone, the watch can help you with that, monitor someone, you can just command the watch. However, you can only use it as if you are searching the internet or the command has any technological aspect. So asking the watch to change your appearance won't do anything. But you want to hack something easy! Monitoring someone is like using a camera so that's also fine. The downtime is only 10mins! Commands that cost points to be done will all be reduced to a mere 5 points] Rain said as he already knew that Kris won't understand what the watch would do, [oh cool, so no need to waste a lot points on forging evidence, cool ;)] Said, Kris.

After getting the prize, Kris had to put it in his inventory and couldn't use it. Laying on his bed, waiting for food to be ready, which is made by Timothy. Kris asked Rain to monitor Vivian. Suddenly, Kris's door room was opened, startling Kris. He then shook his head to the door and saw who came in.

At the opening, stood someone with blond hair, smiling at Kris, that person was Johan. "So you actually came huh?" teased Kris grinning. "I wouldn't miss an invitation from the most popular uprising star" replied Johan. Kris then motioned his hand towards his bed, which indicated to Johan to come and sit beside him. As Johan moved, Kris changed his position and sat on the bed, his back laying on the headboard of the bed.

Johan sat and looked up to Kris, and started chatting with him. "Johan?" asked Kris in the middle of their conversation, which then Johan hummed. "Were you the one who displayed the videos in my birthday?" continued Kris. Instantly, Johan's Hazel eyes widened, Giving away his answer through his expression. Kris then proceeded to giggle, and say "I knew it!" Johan then sighed and explained, "I couldn't let her do that to Timothy so I tried to show her true colours, but the last video wasn't displayed by me!" Then pointing to his face.

The two continued to talk, and Kris feeling uncomfortable in his position, once again laid on his bed. Kris felt that conversing that way was a bit awkward so he pulled down Johan and told him to lay down with him. In the room, it could be seen two people laying a bed, looking at each other, talking about random stuff like their current work and whatnot. This calm and sweet scene was captured by the third wheel, Timothy, he felt like something is going on between the two but didn't care as it's not his business, but of course, he was curious. Then he left and continued his cooking entirely forgetting to say something to Kris.

After ten minutes of talking. Kris and Johan stopped. Enjoying the peaceful silence while locking eyes, oblivious to their action. Kris raised his legs and moved it closer to Johan's. While looking realized how beautiful Johan's eye was. In his Hazel eyes, gold specks could be seen. Unwittingly, both of them moved closer and closer, to the points where their noses are touching. Unbothered by the other's action, they kept on gazing on the opposite person and while enjoying the silence.

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