
Chapter 0 Ranks/Grades/Worlds/Wishes/ETC

Well this is where i will put the ranks of stuff

First, Wishes: low,mid,high,super,ultra,mega,mythical and god these are called grades.

Well let me explain a bit about it now.Wishes can further be divided into low,mid and high rank.Like Hell flame would be a mid grade low rank and overhaul would be mid grade mid rank.

Worlds follow the same system of grades but there are no ranks in worlds.To give you an idea of whats to come super level worlds are at least planet buster level so i will leave ultra level worlds up to your imagination for now.God worlds cannot naturally appear either to put it into perspective Dragon ball super is only a mythical world.For a god level world to spawn a god would have to intervene in a mythical world at least and if they are a high ranking god the may be able to make a super world into a god world.

Now onto quirk levels.There are no limits to quirk levels as stated in chapter 1 they have unlimited potential.The only limit on quirks is the user.So now you might be asking "But how are you telling me dude with protrusions out of his head that look like coat hangers can evolve his quirk?" and in my world at least he can.His coat hangers would harden like red riot's hair does if his quirk were to evolve by chance or someone who can evolve quirks for people (our protagonist) but you would still be asking about how he would train it.Well in my head its a muscle so he would have to exercise it don't ask me how but if he tried he could.It is also stated in chapter 1 that humans may not have enough time to tap into all the potential of a quirk so there's that as well. Oh and before i forget quirk level are divided into low 1%-25%, (completion of the level of quirk mastery/power you are currently on) mid 26%-50%,high 51%-75%,peak 76%-99% (because if it hit 100 it would just go to the next level immediately so meh).Well that's a wrap if i add anything else with ranks i will explain it here and if you want a more in depth analysis say in the comments.

Now onto Authorities,Authorities go as follows:a bit of absolute authority,Beginner's Authority,Student's Authority,Novice Authority,Low Authority,Warrior's Authority,Mid Authority,Master's Authority,True Warrior's Authority,High Authority,King's Authority,Grand Master's Authority,True Authority,Absolute Authority!

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