1 Beginnings

The morning started with sun breaking through the window and the smell of eggs in the air. I got up out of my bed looking if anything changed, but sadly everything's was the same. My mom yelled "daxon get down here!"

So I headed downstairs and the rays of sun blinded me. I said " yo can we shut the curtains" my mom responded "don't call me yo and yea" she shut the curtains while I sat down at the table. I ate my breakfast fast "where's dad" I said calmly "he's at market street." That's 2 hours away I thought to myself. My small village was in the process of becoming part of the red dragons kingdom. We lived on the south west of the kingdoms lands that has just been cleared of monsters and demons. The nearest market was in Hindle. My mom interrupted my thoughts saying "can you go out to the woods and get fire wood the neighbors need it and there old so be nice and get some." I responded in a happy tone "you know I love the forest" my mom fell to the floor but got up quickly. "Just stay there till midday alright"My mom was weird but always ready and prepared for anything so I agreed and grabbed a the axe and walked outside but today's aura has felt weird.

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