3 Chapter Three

Zephaniah P.O.V

"Hey, what's your name" I asked him trying to make small talk as he looked at me curiously.

"My name is Damon, Third prince Damon Zifre" he said with a proud boast of his chest. As he smiled brightly all most as if what happened did not happen at all.

"Well Damon, my name is Zephaniah Ember'Lynn Richards", I stated proudly,"but I'm sure you've already heard of me" I joked with him.

"Ahhhhh, your that crazed scientists child" he said in pure astonishment.

I nodded at him already numb to what they called my father. It was annoying to hear people talk bad about the dead, but it's the world we live in don'tcha  know.

  "Yep, I'm his child, but my father wasn't crazed at all he was genius beyond our time" I stated proudly as I continued to trace my fingers over the map.


     I looked from the map to my compass to figure out which way we would need to head to find the palace quicker. In my mind I knew it was easier sad then done to do, but this kid looked like he never exercised in his life time and here I am about to ask him to go with me a nice long journey to his home. I laughed softly at the idea of him having to walk the whole way. I'm just gonna have to ask him.

    "Hey kid do you exercise often" I asked him curiously.

He looked at me and nodded his head proudly.

"We're gonna have to walk from here to the palace", I said," if you get tired let me know and don't fall behind" I warned him as I rolled up my maps and put everything into my little bag.

   We started off on our journey back to the princes home. I prayed that the heavens watch over me and this child that accompanies me on this journey.

¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ few hours later¥¥

   We made it into a small run down city. It had been neglected and covered in filth, murders happened often. Yet this city was for the slaves that had been freed from their confines and restraints. The civilized people who were once slaves left to find better job opportunities and build a stable life for their families. This is were I knew I would possibly end up one day, if I were to become a slave I would live my life with nothing but regrets and shoulda, woulda, coulda , nothing more than sadness and anger would be found in this small town. It was depressing and I could see on the princes face at how frightened and upset he was about what was going on and he was more disappointed in his precious king.

" Hey come on" I called out to him snapping him out of his gaze.

He came following behind me as we made it too my small little house. I personally built it myself. I know it wasn't much but it was better than sleeping on the cold, hard ground. When I built it, I built in the style of a nice Victorian style but also with a more royal flair added in the twist of it all. It made me excited and happy to see the prince feeling at home In my little home. No one here in the city of BloodRange knows about my home. But here is a prince standing here before me taking in my houses appearances. I couldn't help but smile at him.

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