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The Universe is ever changing, ever expanding and full of mysteries. How about a walk through it.

StellaVati · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


Theo woke up shivering from the cold and with a throbbing headache. Well, that's what you get when you get whacked on the head and slump out in a back alley. He got up and stumbled back into the inn and entered the toilet. "Well, that's going to sting" there was a huge bump with some dried blood on it on his head. He felt extremely sluggish and the light felt painful when he looked at it. After a few face rinses and some minutes of breathing Theo could get his bearings back and stabilize himself. The realization of the early events finally settled in and he realized how fucked he was, he had no money, no place to stay and no clothes to even change to.

"What am I going to do, how will I even visit the next planet, what can I even do or go, should I go home back to Persephone? No, I can't give up and carry my defeated ass back to Mom. It would just validate all she said and might even affect my siblings when they try to leave too." Theo quickly threw the thoughts of returning to his family "Dad did it so can I. Firstly let's see if I can find where I can sleep tonight." Theo walked and went to the higher platforms and tried to find a decent accommodation on credit.

"Look kid if you got no cash don't even think of staying and get your ass out of my establishment". The door closed with a loud thump, this was one of the back alley inns in the lower platforms and the answer was the same everywhere. No one is ready to give accommodation to a bum with no money, having bruises and looking like a street urchin wasn't helping matters. Theo had no option but to keep walking and looking around for anything or anywhere. Most of the stalls and commercial buildings were closing as the time scheduled for normal activities came to a close. Most diurnal citizens would go home to rest for the day while nocturnal citizens began to get more active. The shields of the space station became more opaque blocking out most of the rays from the stars and making the space station simulate a day and night cycle. Neon lights became brighter and some music started coming from some stores and buildings around as the nightlife of the station kicked off. Theo walked and arrived at a secluded area away from the bustle of the commercial districts of the lower platform and approached a dilapidated building. He crawled through a broken window.

"At least it was a place to sleep, it might be cold and old but it's a start. We would see what I would get tomorrow"

A day changed to two then to weeks and Theo had gotten better at surviving in the lower platform, the warehouse provided a good resting place and a hideout from the various gangs in the area. During this time he made friends with a local Xurel who was an orphan who worked under the Twilight gang as a courier. Recently Theo had been doing little jobs here and there for twilight, nothing too risky just to deliver some packages here and there.

"Theo, Theo I got something I have to tell you to come out" Theo got down from a stair railing as he saw Xurel waving frantically towards him,

"Well, what got your panties in a twist."

"A new job is out from the gang they need a lot of couriers and the pay is 500 credits," Xurel said excitedly

"500 credits" This is a markup from the regular 100 credits for the job" Do you have any idea what we might be transporting Xurel"

"Boss didn't tell me anything but I heard the package is something important from Orion Industries. I can only imagine what would be inside it" Xurel was practically jumping at this point.

Orion Industries was a giant conglomerate which had its hands in anything from household items and food to military-grade items and weapons. As long as there was a market for it Orion would have a hand in it. So the thought of them working with a small gang like Twilight must not be a small matter. Well in terms of illegal activities such as smuggling Twilight had a stronghold in those matters.

"Boss said we should come to him by 20:00 e.t. I swear Theo this mission is what would solidify me as one of the twilights". Xurel said with the fattest grin Theo had ever seen.

Occasionally couriers were attacked to steal the content of their cases and sometimes killed but aside from that the job was mostly low risk, and because of just how many couriers were sent out the chances of you being injured or caught were low making most of the young men or kids take interest in the job as it was a decent source of money.

"It's about 19:30 et lets get a move on so we won't be late" Theo looked down from his smartwatch which apart from his clothes that day was the only possession he had left.

They made their way to the market area and they took several turns through the buildings and busy streets till they made their way to an unremarkable-looking building. As they approached the door they encountered other "couriers" who had come for the same job. They all made their way to the basement where there were several little packages and gang members. A tall bald man walked in from another door. This was the boss who Theo and Xurel had done a few jobs for and behind him was a man who Theo had never seen before but who he would come to know as Samael. But from the interaction, he could tell this man was important and high-ranking.

"Theo the man behind the boss is the executive from Orion; they are the ones who Twilight made contact with." Xurel had come over after picking up his package and whispered to Theo.

"I have never seen anyone who looks that rich before, I feel if I sell my liver I can't even buy his shoes".

"I doubt but it seems like Boss wants to say something." Theo quickly stopped staring and took an attentive look.

"Now listen here fuckers, you know why you are here and you all already know your dropoff point. Remember no funny business or you would be held responsible. These packages are more important than your worthless lives so I don't want to hear any tall tales. Your money is already at your appointed drop point. Now GET THE FUCK OUT THERE".

"Come on Theo let's be quick, we would rendezvous at the usual spot" Xurel was already halfway out the door as he shouted.

"You can only wonder how he isn't a member of Twilight yet. " Theo thought as he began the journey to his appointed drop-off point.

Leaving the area of the twilight gang Theo put the package in his bag and walked down the streets. Since it was night most of the shops had closed but peculiar stalls that served the dozens of the night began to open up their doors to customers.

"For some reason, I feel like someone is watching me" Theo began to walk faster and he took several right turns and noticed that the feeling didn't go away. "They are really after me. It won't be the first time". Over the few times, he had worked for twilight he had encountered pursuers but they were easily lost in the back alleys and he would do the same today.

"They are persistent today, it seems they might give up if I enter the crow territory though". The crows were a rival gang to the twilight on the Darak station. They were the only gang that could stand toe to toe with twilight. At one point there was a major conflict between the Crows and Twilight that led to a lot of deaths and a major loss of revenue, almost destroying each other in the process. After that, the leaders of the gangs agreed not to get into each other's business so that such a conflict won't happen again. The crows ran the red light district and dealt in the selling of illegal substances. The red-light district was a glamorous and enticing place. Images of seductive females and males of various species adorned the buildings of the district, women in show glasses of buildings dancing seductively and inviting men to give them a try. The brothels were diverse and carted to the needs and kinks of their clientele. Theo moved without looking at the enticing scenes around him as he moved through the streets. Theo couldn't help but smile as he looked ahead and saw some members of the Crows with their signature suits with silver linings. Theo moved towards them with hurried steps and as he passed the members he felt a little relieved as he was sure he would have lost his pursuers now. As he slowed down to catch his breath he turned to look and saw two tired members of the Crows catching up with the others and pointed towards him as they said something he could not hear. And at this moment it occurred to Theo that he never saw a glimpse of who was chasing him because he was always a step ahead of them and they were just always out of his vision. Fear gripped Theo as his pulse quickened as adrenaline flowed through his body. "SHIT I'M FUCKED"