I became best ever in every way ever forever. I actually did it , I actually achieved my dream . I do not know how but it happened . I finally am significant for gods sake I dreamed of this day for far too long.
I wished and prayed that I would succeed in my goals to all the gods. Heck I was even willing to sell my soul at one point. Now it seems that I will not have to . Now that is a funny story .
You see when the pandemic hit , I was still a bright eyed young man. I had dreams you know, dreams of world domination. I even had a perfectly reasonable plan should anyone ask me but alas it all failed . I lost and really for a time I was broken , my magnum opus was a mockery of my ambitions. I hate myself oh god do I hate myself . I wish and beg that someone kills me but alas that is not to be . I am best ever in every way ever forever. I am the man that stands atop the shoulders of giants . I am no more a mortal but rather a force of nature . I have done oh so many things and I have lived oh so many lives , I have lost who I was before all of this for that man is gone forever