
Across the Omniverse With No Sense of Direction

well you know where this is going, MC gets reincarnated with a system and can travel the omniverse. Novel is purely wish fulfillment and just a fun read. Updates are sporadic and currently no update schedule. This is my first novel and would love your support and input. Again this is my first novel so forgive me if their is something I get wrong or if something isn't to original. Also quick shoutout to ''multiverse: gamer system'' and ''I Will Live A Better Life'' which inspired me for this story go check them out. Quick disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this novel other than the MC. all characters belong to their respected owners, except Morgan Freeman, he's not a fictional character, even if he shows up in your dreams. Just updated the tags, I'll add new ones as the MC travels worlds or gains powers.

Kill_it_with_fire · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 2: Awakening

In a countryside village, surrounded by farmland and deep vegetation. In a certain poorly crafted hut stood a little boy.

Although dirty the boy still remained adorable, with large eyes with purple wonder in them and dirty shoulder length white hair. A small boy he stood at 3'7'' and wore dirty rags as clothing.

The boy looked upon a small broken table just barely standing, on sat a small piece of bread.

Although not much for an average person, for the boy it was something he bought with money he saved up for 2 months. The reason he would buy this piece of bread with the little money he had left?

It was his 5th birthday today.

How did he know it was his birthday today even though he's an orphan?

Because ever since he could remember there was a small blue screen in the corner of his vision, on it said his name, age, and somethings he didn't understand. It would appear and disappear whenever he thought it too, and he was the only one who could see it.

As the adorable little boy waited for the time on the blue screen to change and his age to change marking another year of his life, he heard a monotone emotionless voice quietly whispering in his ear.

[Notice: The scheduled time [5 years] has been reached. Now transferring all original memories to the host.]

The boy, confused, looked around searching for the owner of the voice, only to be assaulted by unimaginable pain the next minute. As he was assaulted by the worst migraine he had ever had, he screamed and fell to the ground unconscious.

[10 hours later]

Izumi POV

Opening my eyes, I slowly got up. My eyes unfocused as my brain was still processing the rush of memories overwhelming it. Looking around I familiarized myself with the surroundings, while still going through my memories.

Picking myself back up, I found my balance and stabilized my heavy breathing.

Going through the memories of my new life, I realized in this life I had been all alone. I grew up as an orphan and was unable to get along with the few other kids in the village. Barely scraping by, with the help of an old farmer who let me work on his fields for a meager pay. Looking back I realized I had been being used by that old bastard! Taking a few deep breaths, I calmed myself and thought about the system. The me in this world didn't know what it was and didn't understand due to not being able to read, only piercing the time together due to learning the bare minimum about numbers. A skill needed to buy food.

Slowly refocusing myself, I shut my eyes and said the magic words…

''System Open.'' I whispered.

[Host doesn't need to say it out loud. As the system is connected to you, simply thinking about it is enough to open it.]

I was met with an emotionless robotic voice.

Coughing lightly out of embarrassment. I tried to justify myself.

''I know that, I just wanted to because its tradition for every reincarnator''

[understood, should I set the system to only open through verbal commands?]

''N-no, no, don't set it to verbal commands, keep it as is! …Just open it, please. '' I replied, still a bit embarrassed.


And In Front of me a blue screen appears.


Name: [Izumi]

Physical Age: [5]

Title: [None]





[World Travel (Locked)]

[Missions] (Locked)

[1 message]

[host has 1 new message. Open?]

I let out a confused huh at the mention of a message.

''Open it.'' I said, a little confused.


[Hey their Izumi, I just sent you a message to let you know that I had to reincarnate you at the age of 5 due to the underdeveloped brain of a child not being able to take the strain of all your memories… a little late now I guess, but what can you do (a lot actually I'm a god, remember.) Anyways, it'll hurt alot when you get your memories back… I really should have told you all this before, huh. Well I'll send you a little sorry gift for you, how 'bout that? Well take care and Bye~

-❤ Big G]

I read it slowly as my blood pressure rises.

''God I'm 5 and already worried about my blood pressure.'' I mumbled, with a hand gripping my forehead, trying to distract myself from the stupid god.

[Would you like to open the [sorry gift], host?]

And just like that all the anger went away.

I excitedly answered; ''YES''


[Sorry Gift Pack:

1 random [low tear template (special modification: only survivalist)]

1 [low tear gacha roll (special modification: only weapon )]

1 [Chocolate flavored birthday cake (Note: Happy 5th birthday -Big G)]

1 [respectable clothing (Note: No shirts, no shoes, no service.)]

1 skill [Cooking (C- grade)]


''I guess he can at least do something decent. '' I smile lightly as I see the cake. Most likely acting a little more emotional to it due to the 5 years of loneliness of my new body.

Looking back at the screen, I refocus myself at the other rewards thinking about them.

'The [Cooking] skill will definitely come in handy, and the clothes are good. But what I really need to focus on are the gacha and template; they both say 'special modification' which I assume will narrow down the type of item or template I'll get, the survivalist template will be helpful and the weapon will definitely make it easier. But that's only if it's good, well only on the way to find out.' I take a deep breath and speak to the system once again.

''System, roll the gacha and random template, please''

[Understood. Rolling…]

[template: low tear: [Shinomiya Hokage] from (easy survival life in the otherworld)]

[gacha: low tier [iron survival knife]]

I inwardly sigh in disappointment, but I nonetheless grab the iron knife and activate the template.

[*Ding* Due to a high affinity with template [Shinomiya Hokage] the template has unlocked to 60%]]

''System, can you show me details about the template''


[Template Name: [Shinomiya Hokage]

World: (easy survival life in the otherworld)

Current unlock at 60%


As I read through the template my mind is flooded with survival techniques. And I slowly weave a sigh of relief since I'll have my food situation sorted out.

After reading the template I move on to my next course of action checking my statue.

''System, Open Status.''

[Opening Status]


Title: [Reincarnator]


[Cooking (C- grade)]


[Plot Armor] [Rapid Growth]

Overall evaluation: You don't get bitches, but maybe someday.


''Huh, that last comment kinda hurt.'' I said, a little hurt.

[It was unprejudiced and completely truthful, designed only to motivate you to strive for success]

Its cold hearted emotionless voice stated, destroying any sense of pride or confidence I had left. Huffing out, I decided to prove it wrong, by using my rapid growth skill to the fullest.

'Soon I'll be the strongest person in this worl-'


An echoing growl releases from my stomach. I lower my head and stare at the piece of bread that's been on the floor since I regained my memories, I then looked at the piece of cake I had just received and decided.

''but first, cake time!'' I said as I hungerly devoured the 3 layers of chocolate deliciousness.

''Yumm~'' I hummed.