
Accost Splendora

Accost Splendora _Synopsis Plain closed-in Rin starts high school after recovering from her family's tragedy and sad past events. While excited and ready to leave everything in the past, she arrives at her new famous high school only to find her sad past catching up to her. But is it really that bad?. After taking one look at the class assignment board, the ideal everyday high school life she pictured herself in disappears. Her day to day life is changed drastically following the new happenings of her encounters. She stars in the experiences of romance and lots of interesting discoveries during a hyper time for her family. And Royalty clashes in with her new famous classmates. But little is known she is getting involved with the imperial family of Japan, One not so good at upholding quite the reputation. The plot is dynamic and developing, with a lot of characters involved. Read the first romantic yet dramatic english novel of Ryan T.S: Accost Splendora Complete Edition Genres include: Teen Romance, drama, comedy, slice of life, High School

Nana_Suou · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

Accost Splendora C-5_46 Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter 5

Page 46- _Friendship Aligns: Rivalry_

Rintarõ.... _Uhh.... s-sorry to cut your reunion short, but if you're my requested company, then what's She doing here!?_

Her eyes twirled to the person behind Kiyohime. Flaunting an equally elegant long hairstyle appeared the bad-mouthed princess Kagami, breathing in suppressed aggression. Everyone focused on her, leering at the beauty of a growing girl. She wore a cute pink baby doll dress drawing perfect floral quad-frills. Daylight filtered through her peach gladiator sandals filled with sparkly glitters. She would've completed her perfect innocent girly trend, well if not for the cold tight-lipped look smudged under red rose _Làurê_ lipstick. Her bright red eyes packed a chilly glare as she turned to look at Rintaro.

Kagami.... _My sister is under no obligation to answer a commoner like you who dares question a princess' presence!._

"Like i care whether you're a noble or not...!, I wish i could give you a piece of my own mind right now! Maybe then you'd know what's respect towards your elders!," Rin's thoughts flowed in irritation rising each moment she kept looking at the little lady. She calmed the uproar down before raging in a sequence of replies. But the same didn't go for either the cool composed Ayami or short-tempered Takahiro. As far as they were concerned, it mattered not whether she was a princess or sister. To Inata, being rude was one thing, but impoliteness towards an imperial guest older than her age!?, that went against her etiquette honor even for a princess. Takahiro only seemed to be angry because it was Rin being insulted. But frankly choosing someone you met four months ago over your own sister?, that seemed wrong in many ways.

Back to the hot heads ready to blast off in unknown ships of tantrums, an unexpected cool down overtook the burden.

Kiyohime.... _Ahem! Mii!..._

Kagami.... _O-ok!_

Kiyo released a slight cough and called out the little girl's supposedly nickname, in a gently calm voice. Her face though unseen by others as she stood in front, seemed to have placed a scary curse upon her little sister's rude mouth. Kagami pranced in shivers despite the heat of the room as her eyes snatched a frightened look.

Kiyohime.... _Alright! Now that that's settled, shall we go now Rinny!_

Rintarõ.... _Y-yess Kiyohime! (She's unexpectedly scary, i'd be better off not getting on her bad side!)_

Kiyohime.... _I told you to call me Kiyo the other day remember?, it's much more easier and gets us closer to being best-friends._ *smiles*

Rintarõ.... _Oh-ok! sure Kiyo!.._

An innocent, friendly and amiable face flashed before Rin's blunt eyes. She scraped off her surprised peers distracted by Takahiro who spit-spoke with obvious jealous.

Takahiro.... _Ohh...so now you're on a first name basis eyy?_

As if grabbing a chance to anger her brother, Kiyohime ignored Hiro and grabbed Rin's hand. A step outside the door she yelled," it's a girl thing so you wouldn't understand!," and just like that she dashed downstairs one hand holding Haruno and the other Kagami.

Meanwhile left in the spacious room stood prince Takahiro with eyes facing down because of his humiliating defeat against the amazing Kiyo. Beside him was Lady Inata who took one look at Keisuke's still body and murmured," How did it come to this?".

Hiro's mind dozed off drowning in a deep pool of self pitiful questions until Inata's voice broke him free.

Ayami.... _Forgive me young lord Hiro, but i would be very much appeased with help in moving Keisuke to your room. It appears my strength alone isn't enough to carry his heavy body._

Takahiro.... _Eh, er ok! ...Argh!, why do i have to carry this gorilla looking meathead idiot!_

Single-handed, he pulled off his brothers' body firing complaint after complaint. Ayami followed the passed out boy's dragged feet out of the room, closing the door behind her until they reached the troubling stairs. There they stumbled upon the belated crew of Rin, who were standing still faced with an obstacle.

To be continued......