
Accost Splendora

Accost Splendora _Synopsis Plain closed-in Rin starts high school after recovering from her family's tragedy and sad past events. While excited and ready to leave everything in the past, she arrives at her new famous high school only to find her sad past catching up to her. But is it really that bad?. After taking one look at the class assignment board, the ideal everyday high school life she pictured herself in disappears. Her day to day life is changed drastically following the new happenings of her encounters. She stars in the experiences of romance and lots of interesting discoveries during a hyper time for her family. And Royalty clashes in with her new famous classmates. But little is known she is getting involved with the imperial family of Japan, One not so good at upholding quite the reputation. The plot is dynamic and developing, with a lot of characters involved. Read the first romantic yet dramatic english novel of Ryan T.S: Accost Splendora Complete Edition Genres include: Teen Romance, drama, comedy, slice of life, High School

Nana_Suou · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

Accost Splendora C-5_41 Book by Ryan T.S


Page 41- _Wails of a soft heart_

Rintarõ.... _Eh!, umm...Keisuke!?. Are you ok!?, Keisuke?...._

With the sudden fainting like turn of events, she could feel him strongly weighing down on top of her. He was confined to a weak dizzy body and his eyes lay closed shackling Rin to tighten her face. Drowning in a perplexed mind, her heartbeats skipped in terror each cursed with a sequel and rapidly rising in speed.

"Did i just kill Keisuke!?, no no no i can't think like that. At any rate he's too heavy, let me try pushing him off first."

Calming herself in the heavy-body-situation, Rintaro mustered up enough strength to move Keisuke. Though looking at his face was enervating and embarrassing, she couldn't dispel any of her fear if nothing was done. In-fact, contrary to her thoughts, her jittery hands suddenly grabbed Keisuke's hands and hurled him to the side. She quickly rose up and moved over to him as the body made a thudding sound on the carpet. Her mind very much knew what it meant to have a sudden bang in the guest room. A tenant to attraction much worse to the ears of worrisome people like Ayami.

Least expected to rush in was Takahiro who staggered as he came through the door.

Takahiro.... _Rin are you o...., uhh what's going on?. Did something happen to Keisuke?_

His eyes swayed up and down looking in a somewhat strange but worried way.

Rintarõ.... _I'm not sure either, he just fell to the ground after saying he was coming to the music room~_

Rin felt bad about lying, but there was nothing else to do. How could she tell Hiro," We were kissing after falling on each other and then he collapsed?." By all means she was less scared to think of her sudden love-moment as a good thing than her deadly kiss. Deeply chanting prayers in whispers, the willow wails of her soft heart were heard.

Keisuke.... _Ngh! r-Rin an-d Hi..ro brute?_

Rintarõ.... _Aaah!, you're alive. You really scared me. Please don't ever do that again._ *sobs*

A batch of refreshing cool air flowed through Rin's mind. Her heart downed by the vanished fear, sunk to its normal beating pace. Even though he was still unable to move, just looking at his barely open eyes made her rest at ease. Tears trickled down in drops 'till they flowed in falls down her red-warm cheeks. God knows how much water she'd drink because her body seemed to lose a lot of it from the looks of her daily tears.

Takahiro.... _Hey Rin, can i knock him out again?_

The serious look stamped on Hiro's face came as a surprise to Haruno. To ask such a question in a moment as sentimental as that would've taken a serious effort.

Rintarõ.... _Eh, why....?_

Takahiro.... _You can't tell me you don't find it odd he's able to say Hiro brute perfectly in his condition....!?_

Bursting into laughter, Rintaro's face loosened up a bit. Jovially passing a joke at a time like that definitely screamed Takahiro. But he wasn't simply displaying his jolly self for nothing. Thanks to him _Rinny_ was able to brighten up and paddle out of her pale blue face.

Keisuke.... *coughs* _You both seem to be enjoying yourselves while i'm busy dying here._

Takahiro.... _Ooh stop your yapping big bro, You don't look like someone in so much pain. And i think i probably know what's wrong with you._

Eyes gleaming with hope, Rin brusquely moved towards Takahiro steering clear of the tripping pin in the carpet.

Rintarõ.... _You do!!!_

Takahiro took a swift step back startled by Rin's sudden movement, only to feel himself hitting something at the back. Or more precisely, someone's body.

Ayami.... _....._

The Maiden lady was on the door covered in an angry face split-crossed with a devastating devilish smile. Looking at her pure black-brown eyes, you could see the words "Die," clasping a sinister vibe. Squealing in confusingly fake yet real fear, Takahiro thought of scampering to the left corner of the room. Legs a steady step forward, his feet hit the metal pin. A little too late in trying to frantically balance himself to a standstill, he was blinking before yet another troublesome fall.

To be continued.......