
Abused, Rejected, and Loved

Natalie Moore has always been shy, too afraid to speak up. However, that is not her fault. Ever since she remember she has been abused. Whether that abuse came in the form of verbal, mental, or physical. All Natalie wants is to be able to find her fated mate, and finally be happy. Little does she know, her fated mate is in her pack, and he wants nothing to do with her. Will he reject her, and if so is there a chance she will get a second chance mate? Come to the land of werewolves, vampires and witches, follow Natalie on her journey to finding out who she really is, and whether or not she will find love and happiness

Erica_Lee_5321 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Threat Begins/First Shift Part 1

*Unknown* I have finally narrowed down where the Midnight Queen is. For 400 years my family has been waiting for her to resurface. When she surfaced 400 years ago, she was not marked or mated to my ancestor, Alpha Ramirez. I will make sure to complete the process and become King of the werewolves. I just have to make sure I get to the Blood Moon Pack before her shift has finished. Once I have her, and she shifts, we will complete the mating process. "Rodriguez, get in my office!" I yelled to my Beta. He knows that I do not like to wait for anyone or anything, so it takes him just a couple of seconds to open the door to the office and walk in. "Yes, Alpha." He asks with his head down in submission. "I want everyone to be out at the vehicles in 30 minutes. I have located what pack Midnight Queen is going to be in. The journey to the Blood Moon Pack is going to take 8 hours. So everyone better make sure they have everything they need." I commanded. "Yes, Alpha. I will let everyone know." Rodriguez states and then walks out of my office, closing the door behind him. Soon, my Queen, I will be seeing you very soon. *Natalie* It has only been three months since Lucas and I decided to start my training. When the prophecy said that Midnight and I would excel at combat, hunting, and tracking...well, let's just say that they were not kidding. Whenever Midnight and I are learning a new technique it does not take us long to master it. There are times that I have even used moves that I have not learned yet. Midnight thinks that this might be because she is such an old wolf compared to others. Especially considering how many times she has been sent to a new werewolf every 400 years. There is something that's different from what the prophecy stated. In the prophecy, it said that we would have a power, but it is always different. Well, this time around Midnight brought with her, conjuring and controlling fire, telekinesis, and being able to communicate with the forest around the pack. These powers I have to practice are secret, somewhat. Only Lucas, Nathan, Oliver, and Rebeccah know about them. Lucas and I do not want this news to get out just yet. While Lucas has been making preparations for the warriors and patrol guards, I have been getting acquainted with the forest. We have talked enough that it is going to help make sure no outsiders get into the territory without me knowing. Since this forest has been here for so many years, it remembers everyone that has ever been in the pack on friendly and non-friendly terms. There are times when I have to apologize profusely to the forest for accidentally setting a tree on fire when I practice conjuring and controlling fire. I also figured out the best place to communicate with the forest. That place is the gazebo out back of the pack house. Midnight has told me that after we shift I could master my powers faster than what it is taking me now. I know Lucas is happy that I am doing so well. But I cannot help but think that he is a little jealous. He does not have the abilities and powers that I do, and I just do not want him to second-guess what we have. And I am hoping that after the mating process, he will get some sort of power or something. But the prophecy never said anything about this, so we will just have to wait and see. Relaxing in the gazebo is one of the things I like to do most in my downtime. With all the different flowers that are planted around it and the forest not far in front, it just oozes tranquility to those that need it. Plus you can tell with how the flowers are arranged that the gardener took their time planting each one. "Hey Natty! What are you thinking about over here?" Becca asks me loudly. "I have been calling you are a couple of minutes already." "Sorry, Becca. I was thinking about how far I have come in the last three months." I replied a little sheepishly. "Babes, you have come so far. Be proud of yourself, and if anyone says otherwise, well screw them." Becca says enthusiastically. Rebeccah Adams, or Becca, is an Elite Female Warrior in our pack that I made friends with on the first day of training. Becca is 20 years old, 5'10" tall, and has a slim but muscular build. Her hair is what I would consider raven black, which makes her already ice-blue eyes stand out even more. You would think that with her being a warrior that she would be stern and rigid. However, she has a warm energy about her. Becca is also kind-hearted and has a tendency to wear her heart on her sleeve. Put all that aside and someone threatens her family, friends, or pack and she becomes one ruthless she-wolf. "I know I have made progress, I just do not want anyone to resent me." I told Becca honestly. "Girl, if they resent you then let them. They are just butt hurt that they are not as cool as you." She said smiling at me, then immediately got serious. "Unless you are referring to Alpha Lucas." "Man, you know me so well. Yes, I am referring to Lucas. What if he rejects me because of my powers? I already love him. I do not want to lose him...maybe I should just be an ordinary wolf." "Natalie, do NOT let me hear you say that again! You are amazing just the way you are. You are going to be the best Luna. Plus do not let Alpha Lucas hear you say that, because he will not be happy. He is proud that his mate is powerful." Becca states adamantly. "Well, I would love to stay and talk longer but I have to go on patrol. Talk to you later girl." "Talk to you later girl." I replied smiling and waving. Midnight: Nat, we will be shifting tonight. I can feel myself getting stronger and more energized. Me: Really? Tonight? I thought we had more time. Midnight: I know, but I cannot hold it off. You need to decide if you are going to go through with the marking and mating process with Lucas. Me: I decided that already. I am going to go through the process. Do you know if he will get any powers after the process is completed? Midnight: That I do not know. I have also been wondering the same thing. I do not see why he would not get any. Seeing as how he is going to become King. Me: Okay, I guess I better let Lucas know that we are shifting tonight. He will want to make sure that the patrols are all in order before the big moment. Midnight: Yeah, that would be a good idea. You should also have the forest let you know as soon as something comes close to the border. Me: That sounds like a plan. Do you know how long it will take to shift? Midnight: That I do not know. But I will try to make it as fast and as painless as possible for you. Me: Thank you Midnight, you are the best.