
Abused, Rejected, and Loved

Natalie Moore has always been shy, too afraid to speak up. However, that is not her fault. Ever since she remember she has been abused. Whether that abuse came in the form of verbal, mental, or physical. All Natalie wants is to be able to find her fated mate, and finally be happy. Little does she know, her fated mate is in her pack, and he wants nothing to do with her. Will he reject her, and if so is there a chance she will get a second chance mate? Come to the land of werewolves, vampires and witches, follow Natalie on her journey to finding out who she really is, and whether or not she will find love and happiness

Erica_Lee_5321 · Fantasia
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33 Chs

Meeting the Parents pt 2


Trying to concentrate on getting ready to meet Lucas's parents is a little harder than I thought it was going to be. I keep going back to all the times that I was able to meet new people in River Rock Pack. I was made to stand as far away from everyone as possible. Then when anyone would come up to say "hello" it was always in a demeaning way. I do not want this situation to be like all the other times I met new people.

Midnight: Nat you need to calm down, you are going to have a panic attack if you keep thinking back to those days.

Me: I know. I am trying to stay calm, but it seems like I cannot keep my mind in the present.

Midnight: well while you finish getting ready, why don't we talk about how you're going to tell Lucas about us.

Me: Now this is not a better topic to talk about Midnight. Plus you haven't even told me what we need to talk to him about.

Midnight: To be honest Nat, I am a special wolf. What I can tell you at this point is that I have speed, agility, combat skills, immunity to silver, hunting and tracking skills, healing powers, and I can mind-link with anyone. There was a prophecy made about us a very long time ago. I do not know that details of the prophecy, only that we need to make sure that after we shift for the first time we have to get started on training.

Me: Do you think that Lucas and Dom will still want us?

Midnight: well I can tell you that Dom already knows that we are special. But he does not know how special we really are. He has been silently getting Lucas ready for the talk that you two are going to have. I can tell you that Dom will still want us.

Me: So then it will be all up to Lucas when I finally tell him what you just told me. We really need to figure out what the prophecy says that way we know what we are getting into. Maybe I can see if there is a library around here.

Midnight: That is a good idea. However, you need to talk to Lucas before you try to do anything. He may know where to look, or who to contact that may know something.

Me: yeah, you're right.

By the time Midnight and I were done talking, I was surprisingly done getting ready. This by the way only consisted of putting on the clothes that Lucas left me, using his hair brush, and the new tooth brush that I found under the sink. Instead of putting on shoes I decided to go barefoot. Although, this take me a minute to decided. Just seriously hoping they do not get mad at me for not wearing shoes in the house. Ugh, I guess I better go down and get ready to meet the hopefully-soon-to-be-in-laws.


Mom: Lucas, we are going to be there in about five minutes. Does she already know that we are coming? I know you said you wanted to have enough time to warn her.

Me: Yes mom. She knows that you guys are on your way here, and as we speak she is coming down the stairs. Can I ask you for a favor?

Mom: Sure, what is it?

Me: I do not know if you already planned to or not, but could you see about getting her some clothes. When we left her pack she did not have anything. I do know that she is not ready to go out into a mall or anything yet…

Mom: Lucas, you are rambling son. Haha…I will see what size she is and then see what I can find locally that will cover for at least a couple days, and then express order everything else she could need or want.

Me: Oh, thank you mom. You are literally the best mother ever!

Mom: Of course I am the best mother ever, I am the only one you got, hahahaha.

Me: Alright mom, Natalie just walked into the kitchen. I will see you when you get here.

Mom: See you guys soon.

"Hey Sweetheart, feel any better after cleaning up a little? I just got done mind-linking with my mother, and she said that she is going to get your clothes sizes and pick up a couple things for you in town, and then shop online for everything else." I told Natalie with a smile. By the time I got done letting her know this, she was already sitting down at the kitchen island. This house is the pack house. There are only three floors, with the living room, dining room, kitchen, and three offices on the first floor…with two bathrooms of course. The second floor has three bedrooms, and those bedrooms have their own bathrooms. And finally the third floor is the Alpha's and Luna's floor. Up there we have our own penthouse so to speak.

"Oh, well that is very nice of her." Natalie said with a small smile. "Is she okay with doing that for me? I do not want to get on her bad side before even meeting her."

Walking over to where she was sitting, I gently put my arms over her shoulders and gave her a comforting hug. "I was going to ask her to do it through the mind-link, but she beat me to it before I could even ask her the question. Believe me baby, she is more than happy to do this for you. Plus, unless you do something absolutely horrible, you could never get on that woman's bad side."

Wrapping her arms around my middle she said, "Thank you for being so patient with me. I know you did not ask for any of this."

"Honey, if I could take back everything that has ever happened to you I would in a heartbeat, but that is not possible. But when I look at you, I see a strong woman. And I know you may not believe me right now. But one day you will see just how strong you really are." I stated just before the front door opened. "That would be my parents. Brace yourself, my mom is a big hugger."