
Absorbing Elemental

Autor: Chai_Chaii
Eastern Fantasy
Contínuo · 175 Modos de exibição
  • 1 Chs
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What is Absorbing Elemental

Leia o romance Absorbing Elemental escrito pelo autor Chai_Chaii publicado no WebNovel. ...


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"Devano has a math lesson today! You can't be late for school!" "Yes Papa, Devan understands," answered Devan while eating peanut butter bread with gusto. "Oh yes, don't forget that there is a modeling school in the afternoon too. You have to go Devan!" said the mother who was busy with her cell phone. "Daddy go first, Devan, study properly at school, okay?" Papa said then left the dining room carrying his cell phone. While the mother also finished with her food and got ready to go to the office. "Come on, hurry up and finish your meal Devan. Don't be late for school!" Mamah said then kissed Devan's cheek briefly. Devan is now alone in the dining room. As usual in the morning every day. He snorted in annoyance and took his bag as he said goodbye to his bi inem household assistant. Devan leaves the house in his car. He is in the third grade of high school, already has a private car. Devan immediately drove quickly so as not to be late for school. His face looks flat. There was a feeling of hatred that could not be expressed in his heart. When I got to school, my first lesson was math. Dean really didn't like it at all. He was only demanded by his parents to get good grades. "Today, I want to announce my math score," said a math teacher firmly. "Duh, what's my score," said Riri worriedly who sat behind Devan. "Ah, you don't have to worry. You must have scored 90 or not 80. I'm the one who's worried. I'll definitely get a five, oh, I'm really stupid," Zahra said with a sullen face. "It's really noisy in the back," Devan said with annoyance in his heart. He propped his chin with his palm as he watched the math teacher. "You want to announce the best grades in our class," said Pak Suryo while looking for a sheet of paper on the table. "The best score for yesterday's test was Riri Alisa Ningrum. Congratulations, Riri. Where's Riri?" asked Mr. Suryo, the oldest teacher among all school teachers. "Huh? How come? Why not me?" asked Devan confusedly in his heart. His face looked so panicked. Several students saw Devan in whispers. "That's really odd, Devan doesn't get the best grades. Usually he always gets the best marks for math tests," "Yeah, this is really weird," "Just look at his face, he looks really worried. I'm really sorry," Devan heard that. He was so fed up. He could not accept that he had to accept defeat like this. "Sir, this is Riri, sir. Sit in the corner!" Zahra exclaimed Riri's best friend. "Duh, I'm embarrassed to come to the front," said a white-skinned girl with natural red lips. He looked so happy and embarrassed at the same time. "Hurry up there. Pak Suryo is already waiting for you," Zahra whispered while pushing Riri's arm. "Come on Riri! Go ahead, sir, I have a present for you," said Pak Suryo kindly. Riri walked forward and at that time Devan's gaze was very scary when he saw Riri's back in front of him. "Here, as usual. You gave a pen to the student who got the best score on the math test," said Pak Suryo, handing over the gold-colored pen. "Yes, even though the pen doesn't cost much. But let's just say it's a real gold pen, OK?" said Mr. Suryo, laughing, making several students laugh while covering their mouths. "Thank you very much Pak Suryo," said Riri bowing politely while accepting the pen as a gift. When the first break has taken place. Riri and Zahra were eating in the cafeteria with gusto. "Very funny, Mr. Suryo. Giving gifts like this," Riri said, looking at the pen she was holding. "Yes, to keep memories, when we're not here anymore. It's a really good pen. It's like an old-fashioned concept," Zahra said, pretending to know the gold color of the pen. How come, you're so lucky you can beat Devan. Only this time! You learned the speeding system last night, didn't you?" Zahra said laughing but unfortunately Naynia choked and coughed. Here, drink this," the girl with the ponytail gave her a glass of water to her best friend.

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"I am Cassandra van Wyk. I developed anorexia at the age of eleven. And- yeah, that's it." I said and sat down on my seat again. "Come on Cassandra, this is a safe space. You can do better than that." The group therapist said. "I like Oreos?" I said making the other people here chuckle. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Cassandra, like many young girls, was broken by society. After her family sent her off to live in a hospital community she finds out that she was not alone but she still found it hard to open up...well that's until she stumbles upon Jasper MacDonald. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° "You see this? This is a list of all the people who have died with your condition. It doesn't matter how many times the doctors will force down tubs down your throat so that you can get enough nutrients, if you don't solve the root to your problem. You will die." Jasper said. "I don't really mind dieing." I said as I walked out of the room. "I'll be in room 58 when you're ready to talk, rainbow." He shouted. Stupid Jasper MacDonald. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° "You know, sometimes i forgive easily even when i do not have to. I forgive and i move on. But i can not forgive you, you make me so angry it makes me wonder why i still yearn for your touch." "The feeling is mutual Rainbow. You make me angry too, and maybe that is why I love you." °°°°°°°°°°°°°°° As we'll discover in this novel her story on how she, a fat girl, bullied and mistreated, ended up building up the courage to stand up from all the hate she has been thrown with and live the life she wanted to. Everything was worth it in the end, but life isn't as magical as they say it is.

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  • Taxa Geral
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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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