
Memento Mori


Alice who's sitting on the Humvee's roof alongside me starts to sing that song as we drive through the river, Hirano-san and Zeke is behind me keeping watch and smiles at me...these two.

"I can't sing."

Alice puff her cheek looking discontent...argh, I'm never gonna sing you hear me..nev-



In the end I was peer pressured into singing..huh didn't realize how weak I am to children...also.

'Why are you singing as well?'

<What..I like singing I find the song to be ironic especially if you're rowing your boat down a waterfall.>

'Leave it to you to destroy a children's song.'

Meanwhile, Mari-nee is driving while Saya-nee is busy checking the map, Chiaki-san is on lookout as well and from time to time joins in on the singing. Takashi-nii and Rei-nee are sleeping next to each other while Saeko-nee is currently meditating.

"Alright we'll soon reach my place, hopefully under 30 minutes if we don't run into any obstacles."

Saya-nee looks chippy as she said it to Mari-nee. As we reach on the other side of the river we stop to take a short break. Saeko-nee breaks out the bento boxes for everyone. We said grace (except for me.) and proceed to eat. We were smiling and talk about our past, well mostly them...I'm still reluctant to talk about it.

"Say Chiaki-san what about you, what were you like before all of this?"

Rei-nee ask while smiling...I too am curious she and I are the only two people that do not belong here.

"Hmm me huh?...nothing much to say I was a quiet girl in class, not a loner I do have friends. It's just that I don't have anything that makes me special well...except for my dad. He a scientist in america...so I've been living alone in the house."

"...Then your mother."

Mari-nee ask almost hesitating.

"She passed away when I was young, leaving dad and I after mom died he distract himself. Of course that means I was basically looking after the two of us. Doing house chores, cooking, etc. but I still love my father."

"That's nice to hear."

Mari-nee then hugs her suffocating her..I grin as I see this causing Chiaki-nee to look at me angrily.

"I think we should move now, we need to be there by evening."

Saeko-nee said it while cleaning herself, we follow suit as well and prepare to leave. We packed up and enter the Humvee and make our way to the Takagi Estate.

-Meanwhile Elsewhere-

-Lupo's POV-

"Target has been sighted, you all know the drill. Specter will be watching us from a safe distance in case things go south. Bertha and Four Eyes will cover Beltway as he set up the explosives, Vector and I will go on the offensive at the very least we'll talk to him first convincing him to come with us."

Beltway chuckles and load his shotgun.

"And the others?"

"We were given orders but our main priority still stay the same, search and capture and leave no witnesses behind. We don't exist."

As I said that, Vector how was playing with his knife in the corner put his hood up and his gas mask's light lit up, he went invisible and left the room.

"You've received your orders...now move out!"

After a half an hour we got ourselves ready. It seem that they're having lunch at the moment so all we can do is wait.

"This place was once your home is it not Vector?"

"Yes, things have change since I left and oh that's before the streets were filled with those things. So this child, our employer is very interested in his ability am I correct."

"Yes, to cause spontaneous combustion at will remind me of Stephen King's work expect his is explosive."

"Huh..do you think it's the virus that mutated him?"

"Yet to be confirm, Four Eyes need his blood samples to run tests. Until then we're in the dark. And honestly I just want to finish this job and go home."

"What dislike the idea of killing children?...I saw that young girl over there, should be the same age as your chil-"

I point my gun aiming at his head encouraging him to finish his sentence.

"Enough game, they're moving."

I turn my head to see them packing their stuff, as soon as the Humvee left the vicinity I gave Beltway the green light.

-Arthur's POV-

"Look Onii-chan, sakura leaves."

Alice looks at me excitedly while pointing. Huh...never saw this back in my old world...they look beautiful. As Mari-nee drives she immediately press the break causing everyone to move forward slightly due to inertia. I grabbed hold of Alice to prevent her from falling off.

"What's this?"

Saya-nee glasses drop slightly for what she saw, we all turn to see what see's looking at and are surprise to see the path is block by cars...the strangest thing is that it's on fire. I jumped down to check things out Saeko-nee follow suit while the others cover us from the car.

I look around to see dead infected on the street....I crouch down to see blood flows from it. They were recently killed. My pupils shrunk upon realization.


Saeko-nee upon hearing this felt a cross hair targeted on her back she quickly turn to see a strange woman with a gas mask holding an assault rifle aiming at her.

"Put your sword down Fräulein otherwise they will be hurt."

Saeko-nee hesitate as lower her weapon slowly. Seeing this, I quickly made an attempt to throw something at her with an explosive charge, then I heard a gun cocking next to my head. what the...I didn't even sense him.

A man emerges out of nowhere pointing a gun at me, and upon closer inspection he's currently using some kind of cloaking device.

"Everyone out of the car now!"

A large man with a shotgun is aiming right at Hirano-san while a girl is holding an SMG is aiming at Mari-nee. Everyone reluctantly got out of the car, soon an older woman with a gas mask walks towards me.

"Hmm, at last me meet Mon Chéri. It took us awhile to trek you but here we are."

Looking at her it's safe to assume they're looking for me, looking at their gear they have military background as well as access to it. The question is who are they really, for guts is telling they're mercenaries so who are they working for....I then see the logo on her left shoulder's arm.

"....Umbrella..how...how is this possible."

"My, you know about them?"

"How could I not know the world's leading pharmaceutical."

"Umbrella..that's where my dad works."

Chiaki-san eyes widen upon seeing the logo as well.

"Your dad works for Umbrella Corporation?"

"Yes..he's in America working for them. But why are these people holding guns...isn't the corporation suppose to be helping people."

"Ahhahahahaha helping people, this kid crack me up."

The man with the shotgun laughs at her word causing her to cry slightly...he's starting to piss me off.

"Anyways back to the matter at hand I came here to offer you a way out of this country and a safe passage to America...and in return you'll be coming with us to Umbrella Corporation."

"What?...America shouldn't that place be destroyed as well?."

"Huh..what made you say that?"

"The outbreak shouldn't it be worldwide."

"Oh heavens no, otherwise the world will truly end, Tokonosu City is the only city to be affected by the outbreak. Japan's government has quarantined the entire city."

My eyes widen by her word.

'Solomon what's the meaning of this? Umbrella, they're not suppose to be here. They're an entirely different world so why are they here?'

<Beats me...my guess is good as yours. If I were to guess it's The Elders doing, they must have found out about the powers I gave to you and decided to ramp up the difficulty.>

'Shit...I knew things were never easy.' I look towards her with contempt.

"If I say no."

"Then we'll kill your friend and oh before you use your 'powers' to kill us, be mind that this place has explosive charges set in place and a companion of ours is somewhere safe holding the detonator. So if anything were to happen to us, he'll kill all of you."

Well so much for The World...I can't use the ability to kill them and move the others within those time span....shit..shit think.

What do I do?..then the light bulb in my head lights up and my smile slowly turn evil.


Finally the enemies have revealed themselves to Arthur.

How will he get out of this one?

Until Next Time....

Apolly0ncreators' thoughts
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