

[On her dying breath, the queen spoke her daughter's name.]

Two years had passed and I was already five years old. I could say that my life is in danger. In thirteen years I'll die in the hands of my father who in five years since I was born never saw me. I even tried looking for him around this palace. I already memorized the faces of the servants but I never saw my father nor his shadow.

A year ago, Haisley told me who I was. She always called me the title that was given to me: princess or highness.

Princess Elaine Gwyneth Arias. That's the first hint that I got. Elaine, I have the same name as the princess.

Kingdom of Luville that was being ruled by King Edmund Drishti Arias. At first, I thought the names sounded familiar but quickly forgotten about it.

Then yesterday while sneaking outside towards the back door of the palace, I heard a couple of maids talking. They're pitying me because I was cast away from the Emerald Palace—must be the main palace—and was given a titled by the people as Abandoned Princess.

Right there and then I remembered the book I've read, My Fair Maiden. It was a poor written book made by Cianna, the Goddess of Light.

After living in a world called Earth, she told me about everything she'd done. She spoke of books she read, mostly about a person who got reincarnated into a character in a book or a game after dying in their previous life.

That's why out of nowhere she has written a book.

Hold on a minute. I died. . . ?

"Princess? Are you alright? Should we go back inside?" Haisley asked worriedly since I was quieter since yesterday.

I shook my head then stared at the blank paper on my lap.

"How about I get some treats from the kitchen? I heard the chef was baking some cookies."

A leaf landed on my paper. "Okay." I looked up at the canopy of leaves, it swayed with the cool afternoon wind. The tree was shading me from the sunlight.

I still have thirteen more years which was enough for me to save some money and escape this place.

My Fair Maiden was a shitty story. It mainly focuses on the heroine and the "villain". The villain was never a villain, she was just a lonely girl who wants to be loved by her family and was falsely accused of murdering the heroine's mother and attempting to murder the heroine.

I couldn't believe I'm in a book. Moreover a crappy one.

The hedge across from me moved with the sound of leaves rustling. I watched a head popped from the hedge. A child with gold eyes and blonde hair.

His innocent wide eyes turned to glare. "Why are you here?" He said with hostility. He looked about two years older than me.

"This is where I live," I answered as I set down the paper and crayon. He seemed to know me.

"You shouldn't be alive!" The boy shouted.

He's definitely angry towards me to even say those words. But I don't recall doing anything to this child nor even saw him.

"Why?" I asked walking towards him.

The hedge shook. He must be moving his body but he's stuck making him more frustrated. "Then my mother wouldn't die because of you."

I stopped walking. This child was the crown prince who despises the Abandoned Princess for taking the person he loved the most. There were events that his feelings towards the princess worsened but I couldn't remember them. Five years was enough for me to forget most of the small details of the story.

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