

The fourth hokage and his wife sealed the yin and yang halves of the kyuubi into Menma and Mito Namikaze, their own younger son and daughter. They thought that since Naruto as their eldest would be strong enough to protect his younger siblings. They hoped that the two jinchurikki would be strong and together bring peace to the elemental nations.

(time skip.. 12 years)

Naruto woke up that day feeling unhappy, it was the triplets 12th birthday and just like the last few years he felt that today was going to be the same, he smelled the food downstairs which smelled amazing. After taking a bath he went downstairs, while walking down the stairs his mother peeked up the stairs seeing Naruto she sighed in relief.

Kushina: good morning Naru-chan, are you going somewhere?

Naruto: morning kaa-san, just going to the park for some cloud watching.

Kushina: okay be back by dinner, and can you pick up some flowers from the yamanaka's? We're throwing a party for your siblings and we have a big announcement so we gathered the clan heads and heirs for tonight.

Naruto: I might be late, you don't want to ruin the party if I came late right?

Kushina sighs.. "yeah.. you're right Naru-chan everything should be perfect for tonight.. Ooohh I'm getting excited hehehe, I wonder how the twins will react?" while Kushina was talking to herself Naruto already left and went to Ichiraku for breakfast, while walking Naruto reminisced the past 6 years.


When Naruto was four he noticed that his parents had favorites, Minato loved Mito as she had his hair color but looked like a very young Kushina and had light purple eyes, while Kushina absolutely adored Menma as he has her Red hair but looked exactly like her husband when they were kids. Naruto looked like a wild mixture of his parents, his hair was a mix of yellow and red, and he had whisker marks on his cheeks, his eyes were grey almost like a hyuuga but a had a darker shade. Naruto noticed the favoritism due to the fact that when he liked something similar to his siblings they'd always tell him that he is the oldest and as future clan head they expected him to be generous and mature to take care of the siblings. This gave Naruto peace of mind and he wanted his parents proud so he just listened to them. Even as a kid he was mature and accepted that his younger siblings needed more toys than him or attention.

2 years later..

One day when they were 6, two of the legendary sannin visited the family, Naruto was quite mature for his age but since he was still young he was quite the prankster so when he found Jiraiya's bag he checkes the contents and found some porn mags and a copy of icha icha paradise. Later that afternoon he found Tsunade talking to his brother in the living room, this instantly earned his jealousy as he was quite fond of older women and Tsunade was one of the most attractive kunoichi he ever saw, he was so jealous that he thought of a crazy idea.

Naruto walked close to the two then "Tsunade-chan, why don't you leave Menma alone and come with me to my room, I'll show you pleasures of being a woman" he whispered in her ear and blew softly. Tsunade shuddered and instantly felt enraged that she punched the boy with all her strength. When Kushina saw this she felt rage, why did she punch her son? She was so mad she released her chains, when Tsunade felt her killing intent she sobered up, apologized and explained what Naruto did this calmed everyone and directed their gaze at Naruto who was dizzy from the full powered punch of the sannin.

"Naruto Namikaze... Where did you learn to act like that and why?" asked Kushina in a deep scary voice

Naruto still dizzy from the punch did not feel the anger directed at him so he answered "it was written in the book from Jiraiya-san's bag that if I used those words I could drink milk and eat a girls special place"

The room grew silent....

Kushina/Tsunade: JIIIRAIYAAAAAAA!!!!

That day Jiraiya was beaten up by both women, and Naruto was grounded and was only allowed to come out during meal time, after that Tsunade warned Naruto to stay away from her, while Jiraiya knocked his head and told him that among Minato's kids he was the only one he didn't like, and every time the sannin visited they ignored Naruto as much as possible and avoided contact with him when his parents weren't around.

1 year later..

On their birthday Minato announced that they'll begin their ninja training, this announcement excited Naruto as he can finally show his talent, as he was always grounded to his room he got bored and learned chakra exercises after a month of training alone he was able to control his chakra so skillfully he was able to water walk without problems and even learned to sense chakra and hide his own chakra. He wanted to surprise his parents so he trained in secret and kept his chakra reserves low using his technique, unknown to him that doing so allowed him to expand his chakra.

"kids this is called leaf exercise training, all shinobi no matter how strong began training with this" Minato taught them the basics Naruto looked bored as he already mastered this and can even use any tenketsu point to hold big rocks, thinking of a prank he decided to fool around and surprise them a week later since he thought that his parents were only gonna teach the basics.

A few hours later Menma and Mito were able to do the exercise while Naruto was still fooling around, this excited Minato and Kushina as they thought the two had good talent and they were mentally planning training their favorites, without realizing Naruto ostracized himself from his parents training plans which he will realize a week later when Minato and Kushina tell him that they have to prioritize the two as they are carrying the kyuubi and need more training and he can learn from the academy, his parents as an excuse for not training him allowed him to study their technique scrolls and read some info about jutsu from different villages, but they warned him not to exercise the techniques without supervision as he might accidentally seal himself to a wall or destroy his chakra coils which scared him slightly. This lead him to his routine of physical workout, studying the scrolls and creating his own taijutsu from those he read. His isolation lead to him not being included in family photos since he was eight, due to the happy family of four training together they always forget to invite him when they eat out or have picnics.

(present time)

After breakfast Naruto went to work in the fields of konoha unknown to his family he started working here under the guise of transformation jutsu before he even turned nine, he initially wanted to train his infiltration skills but he enjoyed getting payed while working physically which helped his training a lot so he decided to add work in his routine.

After a days work he ate at ichiraku before heading home, as he prefferred ramen to party leftovers which would've been his usual meal the years before his financial independence. Arriving home, he was surprised as their were still people which meant this party was not yet over, he decided to head to his room as this party will just depress him, he lied down on his bed after an exhausting day, he was going to meditate when he heard familiar voices in Menma's room.

Kiba: Menma when you master slug summoning train with me and Akamaru, we'll show you how to work better with a partner, ofcourse Mito you're always welcome even if you can't master the toad summons hehe

Choji: *munch munch* I'm curious just how your parents will tell Naruto about your clan inheritance

Hearing Choji's words shocked Naruto, the implication of that sentence scared him and he hoped it was not what he thought.

Menma: Its his fault he's talentless as a ninja, he's lucky he was just disowned as heir and not kicked out heh, now its my turn to spin the bottle.

Sakura: kyaaaah, Ino-chan you have 5 minutes of heaven with Menma-kun, how lucky kyahh

Mito: ohh Ino-chan? I thought you had a thing with Naru-nii? Why do you look so happy with Menma-nii?

Ino: Eww, Mito stop joking around I was only friends with him cause I didn't know he was such a talentless loser he'd get disowned, we never had a thing, eww

Karin: ehh wasn't he your first kiss?

Ino:  you bitch, I told you he kissed me

Karin: but you said..

Menma: enough, Ino lets go we need to be quick if our parents come here the game is over

Hearing everything, he understood why the people below looked at him weirdly, hearing Ino reminded him of Tsunade's rejection but felt worse as she told him she wanted to be engaged with him, their conversations hurt him so deeply he silently cried himself to sleep.


The next morning he felt refreshed and strangely at peace, after the events last night he should've felt broken, alone, betrayed. Instead he felt relief like he solved a very huge puzzle, he knew his parents didn't love him, their friends also disliked him after confirming his question since he was 4 he felt at peace, he felt free and this excited him because in a week he would really be free from them, after he becomes a shinobi he didn't need to stick around with his 'family'

He decided to leave the Namikaze estate as he felt caged there bringing only the things he bought for himself, he sealed his stuff in a scroll and used transformation jutsu to buy other essential things, with the money he earned it wasn't enough to live anywhere for more than 3 months, so he decided to camp in the forest of death, as no one would think to look in there. He knew this would work as nobody at 'home' actually cared about him, he only met them at home some mornings when they woke up early, some nights when the hokage came home late or during rare occasions and they usually left him alone so he thought he could leave without them finding out for a long time.

Meanwhile in the Namikaze estate

Minato and Kushina were discussing last nights announcement.

Kushina: did we do the right thing? Thinking about it we basically disowned our first born, maybe we should renounce what we said? I hope Naru-chan doesn't hate us..

Minato: Kushi-chan relax, our son loves us, he loves his siblings, I'm sure he'll understand, besides we didn't disown him.. We just chose heirs for the clan.. Th-they're triplets.. That's right they're triplets so it doesn't matter

Minato as if remembering that he had triplets instead of twins. Kushina went wide eyed for a moment then sighed in relief.

Kushina: thats right they're triplets, I keep forgetting cause Naru-chan is so mature

Minato: yeah, we're so lucky he's such a good kid

They remembered he is part of the triplets yet forgot they've never celebrated his birthday for the past few years or talked to him more than 5 sentences in a day. They have no memory of him at besides him talking respectfully to them which made them assume he was mature. Suddenly the door to their room was opened.

Menma: kaa-san can you teach me more secret Uzumaki jutsu? As future clan leader I need to have clan jutsu right?

Mito: me too, me too

And with that they forgot about their concerns for Naruto again. Meanwhile Naruto was in the forest of death planning for his 1st time living away from the Namikaze.

"with the money I saved from work, I could afford to 'live' in an apartment for a month so my future Jonin instructor won't find out where I really stay, luckily I learned some seals and can hide this cave I found from animals and jonin level ninjas, after I get my genin ID I can officially cut off all relations besides blood with the Namikaze clan by changing my name so I won't have to owe them anything at all after a few D ranks I could afford a real apartment near Ichirakus for my new home, then maybe I can seduce Ayame-neechan and get her pregnant so I can have free ramen.. Hehehe" lost in his pervy thoughts, Naruto grew very mature for a 12 year old, he can plan steps ahead for the future and he's ready to be a ninja, he learned a lot in the hokage's personal library at home and read all of the books and scrolls at home, which prepared him a lot, however the sensei of the hokage was the author of the famous icha icha series, which provided Naruto having an early sexual interest which was pushed forward when he met a very sexy Tsunade when he was young this got him a fetish for older women "shit, shit focus *slapping his cheeks*okay I need to be promoted to chunin within the year so I can go for missions far from this village, if I'm lucky I might get noticed by a daimyo and be a guardian. For all my plans to happen I need to increase my training, time to add atleast 5 more g's to my gravity seal in this week then double it in a month, but first to get a temporary apartment near the academy"

The next day..

In the classroom students were coming in, when they saw Naruto everyone was surprised because he was acting like he usually does, he was sleeping in his desk waiting for class to begin, the students were divided looking at him with pity and derision. Then a group of girls decided to talk to him.

Ino: hey Naruto, wake up

Naruto: Zzzz

Sakura: hey loser wake up

Mito: Naru-nii wake up *shakes Naruto

Naruto: hmm? Whats up? *looking at the girls surrounding him while wiping his drool

Karin: eww, Naruto-san Ino wants to talk to you

Naruto: hmm.. What for? *looks confused

The girls smile like villains who succeded with their evil plan

Ino deciding to speaks loudly to humiliate him "Naruto I'm breaking up with you, I only dated you cause I thought you'd be strong enough  to protect me when we're older, but now that you're disowned you won't amount to anything in the future, you're parents didn't even teach you any techniques, some of the orphans in class will have a brighter future than you, so please don't ever talk to me ever again do you understand?"

All the girls and guys in class who didn't pity him laughed a lot, in the group of girls surrounding him only Mito was silent, while Karin and Sakura were almost crying from laughter..

Naruto: *smiles* Sure, I didn't even know we were dating, bye bye?

Everyone in the room froze..

Ino: bbb-but yy-you said you loved me... You said we'd have blond Yamanaka-Namikaze kids in the future?! *almost screaming

Naruto: *blushes* I read in Icha Icha tactics, thats how to get women to agree to my wants.. Besides just because we made out and did some stuff doesn't make us a couple.. We never even went out on a date..

The room was silent when Iruka came to class, everyone was lost in their thoughts, the girls were thinking how much a bastard Naruto was, and how he deserved to be kicked out from his family, while most of the guys were thinking how to get a copy of icha icha tactics.

A week later Naruto got his headband and was officially a genin of konoha, before filling his documents he went to the hokage tower and officially changed his name, as the news that he was disowned was heard by the whole village he was easily able to emancipate himself and changed his name to Kuroko, as he was now disowned he was practically an orphan, so he recieved some money from the village which was alloted for orphans. Next he dyed his hair black so that he wouldn't carry his mixed blond and red hair. When night time came he decided to eat at ichiraku for dinner, Ayame and Teuchi were surprised at his changes but they supported him and gave him a big discount. While heading home he was seen by Menma, Ino, Karin and Mito they blocked him and asked him what happened.

Mito: Naru-nii?

Kuroko: Namikaze-sama, Uzumaki-sama, Yamanaka-san, Uzumaki-san how can I help you?

Hearing how he addressed them they were slightly surprised and confused

Menma: what happened to you loser?

Kuroko: what do you mean Uzumaki-sama? *looks confused

Mito: what happened to your hair Naru-nii? And the way you address us is weird..

Kuroko: as children of the hokage I address you with your proper titles Namikaze-sama, as for my hair..

Kuroko: as children of the hokage I address you with your proper titles Namikaze-sama, as for my hair I had to change it as I wished to remove any connections hokage-sama and his wife had with me after they disowned me *smiles gently

The group of four widened their eyes in surprise, suddenly Menma roars in anger and grabs Kuroko's shirt and yells "you bastard, if you want to remove all connections you better stop using your name, kaa-san and tou-san gave you your name you ungrateful bastard, don't you dare come to our house"

To this Kuroko simply smiles and shows his new ID, which causes Menma to widen his eyes and lose his grip..

"if theres nothing else, I'll be going Uzumaki-sama" Kuroko says while he left, the others not understanding what happened asked him what Naruto showed him.

Menma: his ID.. He changed his name to Kuroko and it was approved by the hokage office.. He even has a different address.. They really did kick him out..

Mito: so he's not Naru-nii anymore? *shocked but slightly happy

Karin: he really was kicked out...

Ino: ... *opened her mouth but remained speechless

Still confused with what happened the group decided to return to their homes, Ino told her dad what happened, then his dad decided to spread the news to the other clan heads, the hokage disowned his own son and even kicked him out.. The clan heads felt pity for Naruto and were surprised by Minato and Kushina's ruthlessness towards his own son, they thought the couple must be obsessed towards results and they were surprised as this attitude from them was unexpected but they knew they disowned the boy and even changed his name so the decision was final.. Meanwhile two clan heads had different thoughts..

In the Sarutobi compound, when Hiruzen heard the news he felt pity for the boy, he did not know the Namikaze kids as even though he nominated Minato as hokage to replace him he became distant when Minato disposed of his best friend Danzo, he knew it was Danzo's fault he was told to disband root and integrate them into anbu, but Danzo ignored him and planned to plant his agents as spies in anbu, 2 days after that root was disbanded forcefully, Minato killed Danzo 15 times that day, and they discovered the secrets root held, they were able to find Orochimaru and also ended him, the crimes Danzo and Orochimaru did were truly inhumane and unforgivable.. But still he was his bestfriend and his favorite student, after that day Hiruzen Sarutobi refused to talk with Minato besides konoha clans or business matters, he was internally debating wether to reach out to the boy or to leave him be, as Minato might think of his actions as a declaration of sorts..

Meanwhile in the Hyuuga compound, Hiashi Hyuuga would be found trashing his office as he truly felt angry with Minato's actions, he planned to marry off his eldest Hinata to Naruto so that she would be saved from the caged bird seal as he knew his daughter was very interested with the boy since he saved her twice, he also knew the elders in his clan disproved Hinata because she was as gentle and sweet as her mother which they saw as a sign of weakness unfit as clan heir, he loved his daughter dearly though he had a horrible way of showing her, he was scared that the elders would secretly mark her with the seal and have their way with her, he knew that most of the elders in the main branch loved to abuse branch clan members, they even raped wives of branch members in front of their husbands, he knew that if he didn't do something Hinata would suffer a fate worse than death, with a heavy heart he decided to banish Hinata from the clan, but secretly asked Kurenai Yuhi to take care of her, as Kurenai used to be a genin student of his late wife and she asked to take Hinata as her student a few weeks ago.


Today they would be distributed to their teams today, while the students were talking about who they want to team up with and the changes with the hokage's disowned son, Kuroko was lost in thought 'I wonder who I'll get for my team.. Hopefully I don't get anyone from the annoying fangirls or canon fodder(bg male characters)' then the door to the room opened and Iruka came in, he used his big-head jutsu to calm the class down then began to announce the teams, Kuroko listened to the announcements and was pleasantly surprised with his team.

The teams that were important:

Team Itachi- Menma, Mito, Karin

Team Asuma- Ino, Shikamaru, Choji

Team Kakashi- Sasuke, Sakura, Kiba

Team Kurenai- Shino, Kuroko, Hinata

To understand how the teams were decided lets return to the previous night, the arrangement of the batch that included the most clan heirs were decided years ago by the council together with the hokage, ofcourse they planned to check again in case of unexpected failure or deaths so while arranging the documents the secretary remembered the name change of Naruto.


The secretary of the hokage was reading documents when  the recently famous disowned son of the hokage came with a name change request, she was ready to reject him as he was just 12, but she saw his head band and had to  consider him an adult so she went to the hokage and told him a genin was asking for a name change, Minato disregarded this as he was busy with paperwork and reminded his secretary that she can handle small matters that weren't that big of a deal, the secretary considered his words and thought she got the underlying meaning of Minato's words, 'the disowned son is not important, you don't need me to handle this' and so she approved the name change and cleared his documents.

Flashback end

The secretary remembered that she hadn't change the name in the team rosters so she quickly fixed it before giving the hokage the final list of names for the genins who passed for team placements. Minato checked the list and didn't see Naruto's name so he assumed he failed, seeing that Kakashi's team wouldn't include his eldest, he decided to include the Inuzuka heir in his team as he knew Kakashi could have Pakkun help train the Inuzuka heir, and included the daughter of one of the civilian council to Kakashi's team, next he placed Kuroko in the team with the Hyuuga and Aburame heir as he saw that he had the most balanced results, he decided to assign this team to Kurenai due to her request to teach Hinata. He assigned the new ino-shika-cho to Asuma as he knew Hiruzen would have liked that and he hoped the old man would be pleased. He was excited when he assigned Itachi to his children's team, it was decided long ago to include Karin with the twins as Kushina wanted to train the little Uzumaki as her protege, and knowing her she would conatantly watch her childrens team as she loved her babies so much, and he was grooming Itachi as his successor. After arranging all the teams Minato went home to find Kushina already sleeping, probably wanting to wake up early and prepare a family party to celebrate her babies getting teams, 'I need to talk to her about Naruto failing' were Minato's last thoughts before he went to bed. The next morning, Minato noticed that Menma wasn't as excited as he thought he would be, he knew Mito was cool headed like him but she also seemed more silent than usual he assumed it had to do with Naruto failing, so he cheered them up saying that they'll switch up their training, he'll teach Menma while Kushina would teach Mito, the kids smiled before leaving for school he left a note with a flower origami on their bed to remind Kushina that they need to talk about Naruto failing to pass the genin exams. After he left Kushina found the note and origami flower causing her to smile at the sweetness of her husband, she didn't read the note as she thought it was just a love poem or something and though she loved the effort, she wasn't a poem type girl so she kept the note and flower in her dresser and got ready for tonight, they'll celebrate the kids success then she'll reward her man for being so sweet.

After getting their team assignments...

I had this shit on my phone I wrote it when I was bored and had no internet a few months ago, too lazy to edit words and paragraphs

skulputulurubugcreators' thoughts