A short story explaining the world's history while excluding God and all the things God created. God created all living things and the concept of knowledge and science itself was also created by God. So, there is no big bang and there is no evolution. Well, you can guess what happens next.
A sphere of water floated in this darkness.
One could say that it was a sphere of ice.
The concept of physics did not exist so it is incorrect to say that the sphere itself was floating.
Another could say that the sphere of water itself did not exist.
In that case, did darkness exist, if at all?
Darkness does exist, as it is the absence of light. If light doesn't exist, darkness does exist.
Absence of God doesn't necessarily mean that evil remains. Evil only exists if God exists. Therefore, the world has no evil. It is pure and untainted.
Since gravity doesn't exist, there's nothing holding the water together as a sphere.
In conclusion, water and darkness coexist but are not bound by any rules.