
A World Of Swords And Magic [Discontinued]

Rei is reincarnated into another world as a godesses retainer. Having an immortal life span makes her unable to stay in one place for too long. How do you think she will navigate her new life? NOTE: English is not my fist language so sorry for any mistakes.

rejjs_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 2

Walking towards the adventurer's guild I decided to look around and check If there's anything I need. I saw food stalls, shops, family's having fun, etc.. It looked peaceful. It reminds me of my hometown.

After a bit of walking I finally reach it. It was a pretty big building. Entering the building there were bulletin boards with quest's, people talking and having fun, and at the very end of the of the room the front desk. Walking towards it the person at the front desk greets me.

Layla:"Hello there Miss. My name is Layla, how may I help you?"

Rei:*Hello Layla, I would like to be an adventurer.*

Layla:"First you need to fill all of this out and then we will begin with the practical exam. We also need to check your statu in order to determine your adventurer rank."

Filling out the paperwork it just wanted me to answer basic information about myself. Things like my age, height, weight, birthday, etc.

Rei*Layla I'm done filling it out.*

Layla:"Alright, everything seems to be in order. Now please put your hand on the device."

Reading status...

Name: Rei Takahashi

Age: 25

Level: 5/20

EXP: 0/20

Race: Half-human, ???


Attack:140(+100) HP:320/320

MP:220 DEF:120

Charisma:105 Stamina: 220/220

Class: Magic Swordsman/woman


Hand to hand combat LVL 5 (MAX)

Swordsmanship LVL 1

Creation LVL 5 (MAX)

Dark magic LVL 1

Ice Magic LVL 1

Appraisal LVL 1

Passive Skills:

Cooking LVL 5 (MAX)

House Work LVL 5 ( MAX )

Bloodlust LVL 2

Tittles: Blessing of the God of Creation(HIDDEN)

God Of Creations Retainer(HIDDEN)


Layla:"Now that everything's done, please follow me to where the practical exam is."


On the way to the exam hall you could see all the effort and hard work put into making it. You probably don't want to hear about this but I was an architect. But anyways, after a bit of walking we arrived at the exam hall.

Layla:"Hello Mr. Sirius, this young lady would like to do the practical exam."

Sirius:"Alright then. Come on kiddo, let's get started."


Sirius:"What's your class kid?"

Rei:*I'm a magic swordsman, Sir.*

Sirius:"Alright. Guess that's what I'll test you on."

He hands me a wooden sword and gets in a defensive stance.

Sirius:"Alright kid, come at me with everything you got. You just have to knock me down to pass."

I decided to aim for his legs to knock him down. I was surprised that he was able to dodge that because I was pretty fast. After awhile of back and forth I was finally able to knock him down.

Sirius:"Good job kid. You pass the test. Layla here will give your guild card at the front desk."

Layla walks back with me to the front desk.

Layla:"Here is your guild card. It states all of your basic information."

Rei:*Thank you*

Note: Sorry that the chapter is short. Next chapter will just be basic information about Rei and some world building.