
A while away: two sides to a coin

A While Away: Two Sides to a Coin shows the story of three merging with the three, Yemi, Yomi, Kunle, Ayooni, Anike and Asake, six people who tell the story of the dead and find themselves in a fix when they stumbled upon a corpse from the 18th century that hasn't decayed, The King of Utaka and a portal to a mirror world from theirs. Stuck in an unknown yet familiar world. they must find the truth as to why the corpse had a bitter memory and unravel the mystery of the land that was plagued before they can go back to their world. But with love, envy, jealousy, greed, and murder circling them, will they give in to what they are subjected to or will they scale through their ordeal and fight for what is right? thank you.

Aabimisha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter Twenty Nine: The Truth of Ayu's suffering

Year 1947.

It has been weeks since they started learning from The Teacher. Ayu kept having weird visions whenever he was near The Teacher. Wura is a happy-go-lucky person. The woman falls in between naive and brave. Her kind heart doesn't allow her to see bad in anybody.

If he could sense anything ominous from This man so would she but WUra wasn't saying anything so he kept quiet. The circle also enjoys their time here. Ari can now control his powers, Aiden has always been the family's prodigy so, he had a hang even before anyone could. He is constantly merging with Wura since they are shadows and light to each other.

When it comes to practising alone with The Teacher he feels a drain from him. The more he taps into his abilities the quicker he tires but The Teacher said it was normal for him to feel that way. A miss in practice had him and Wura alone in his manor. 

They have been intimate for a lot of time since that night but Ayu constantly finds himself uncontrollable with her around. He traced his hands on the line on her back. Slowly he turned her up. He nibbled her lips. Moving his hand gently and sneakily, he cupped her sex to hear her whimper. Her moans and sighs were his undoing. Sleep, Wura mumbled coherently. Ayu had always had an insatiable hunger for her but today was a whole different level.

They have been at it for hours, they barely had anything to eat or do, just the long sessions of lovemaking. And it made her needy, soggy and tired. When Ayu slipped his finger into her folded lips, Wura exploded in seconds. What was that she asked hoarsely. Ayu watched her expressions with hooded eyes unable to resist he kissed her slowly prying her lips open and thrusting his tongue into her mouth slickily.

I can't seem to have enough of you, he whispered. I love you so much it aches. He kissed her again this time passionately and touturously slow. He set the pace he wanted his heart vibrated at the intensity. When he slipped into her, he could swear he saw a glimpse of heaven.

Wura, he called the name like he was saying a prayer. His lips slacked as she met him thrust for thrust. He watched her explode in his arms and he heard the gods sing in a joyous tone. When he dropped on her, she bore his weight happily. The gods, that was intense, Wura said. Her body hummed, she felt tender and sensitive with his continuous ministrations. What is it, my love? She asked him. The way he kept clinging to her excited her but scared her at the same time.

When he wanted to answer, he felt the push. A very strong one. He force-pushed him against the wall. Have you had your fill, the force said cynically. How dare you touch her, she was mine. The force moved towards Wura who found it hard to move from where she lay.

She felt his hand on her body. Ravaging her. A slick tongue on her wet folds. Her lover had just been there. Please don't, she pleaded with a tears-filled face. But the force laughed again. He wrapped his hand against her throat to gag her, Wura felt herself slip into darkness as her body was ravaged by an unknown person. She would be raped while her lover would be made to watch, this is the worst torture for him. She would rather die than allow this to happen.

Fear gripped Ayu as he felt Wura's emotions. No this is not happening now, not ever, Not when he just worshipped that body with his hands. He will not allow her to be sullied this way. He struggled against the hold on him to no avail, the force held him tighter as if to threaten him.

He was making what they shared dirty. Not knowing where the power came from Ayu tore the force away from him. His rage knew no bounds. No one touched what is mine against her will. His voice was heavy, his foot heavy as he lashed out. How dare you touch my woman in that way. Rage covered his reason as he threw power at the force. When the force laid limbless on the floor, he turned to a boy not more than thirteen.

The rage died down immediately seeing the damage he had done. Unable to dwell on it he gathered a whimpering Wura in his arms. I am sorry this happened he said tiredly. Wura felt dirty with the touch. Her thoughts scattered as she snuggled against him in fear of what could have happened.

Whatever possessed that boy had the intention of raping her but the situation was different. Ayu had killed a minor to protect her. A thirteen-year-old boy lay lifeless on his floor. This is the biggest taboo. The power they held was against them killing an innocent and Ayu had broken that to protect her. 

She didn't know how to feel about that. She wasn't raped but Ayu will be punished for the sin of another. This is the worst nightmare. Panic rose in her heart in fear of what her lover would face because of this. Let's get you cleaned up Ayu said to her.

After having fresh clothes on. Wura noticed the damage around them. What do we do? she asked. Ayu's eyes soften at her worried tone. We bury the body and have this place cleaned. The circle will be here soon. They know what happened. This had her snap her head at him. How? she asked. He made them watch what he was doing and what I did. if it is judgment I am ready to have it. 

While they were arranging the room. Ari, Aiden, Tonia, Annie and Charles Annie's husband rushed into the manor worrying about marrying their faces. Annie engulfed her little sister in a long embrace. I am sorry you had to face this humiliation.

What do you want us to do, the brothers asked Ayu. We need to bury the body before dusk. We will take care of it while the girls put this place back in order. Ayu walked to her. Will you be alright? He asked. Wura looked up at him, an unshed tear swam in her eyes. Please be safe. Ayu nodded and then left her.