
A Villain In Red

In a fantastical twist of fate, Janet Mcquincy is thrust into a world she never imagined possible—a romance novel she once devoured, now turned into an otome game. But her excitement turns to dread when she awakens not as a beloved heroine but as Veronica Henderson, the dreaded villain destined for a desolate and heart-wrenching fate. Determined to defy the cruel hand of destiny, Janet, now Veronica, embarks on a daring mission: to befriend the captivating male leads and steer her story away from the treacherous path of banishment. Along the way, she forms unexpected bonds with delightful and quirky characters, who prove to be both allies and friends in this intricate game of fate. Just as she starts to feel invincible with her knowledge of the original novel's plot, a startling revelation shatters her confidence. She realizes that the game's universe operates independently from the novel, leaving her vulnerable to unforeseen twists and turns. Panic sets in as she discovers that not only her fate but the lives of everyone in this enchanting world are at grave risk. In a realm where happiness hangs in the balance, Janet must summon every ounce of courage and wit to confront the impending danger. With time slipping away and danger lurking around every corner, she finds herself entangled in a heart-pounding race against destiny itself. Will Janet seize control of her own narrative and forge an extraordinary love story? In this breathtaking isekai romance, where fate holds sway and uncertainty reigns, the battle for happiness becomes a daring quest—one that will captivate your heart and leave you breathless until the very last page. "Discover a world where destiny weaves an unpredictable tale, and love becomes the ultimate quest. Join Janet Mcquincy on a thrilling journey, where her determination to find happiness defies the boundaries of reality itself." Author's Note: That synopsis took me a week to write with help from my English and Literature teachers. Thank you for reading my novel. I apologize because some of my first chapters are really long and jam packed. Please bear with me and don't let it discourage you from reading. The story is good I promise. Though it may take a while for the story to pick up. It might not get interesting until the 68th chapter but I implore you to give it a chance. ( ꈍᴗꈍ) It's my first novel so please support me (٥↼_↼). Vote, comment even an emoji will suffice.

Internet_mouse · Fantasia
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27 Chs

Unruly Behavior and Hidden Pain

I've met the third male lead. Jake Ihan the son of the Baron Ihan.

Jake was Charlotte's childhood friend and had over time falling in love with her. He was a sort of confidant for her in her times of trouble and was the first person she went to for advice.

"The pleasure is mine. I love your dress it's so lovely"

The more I look at her the more I see the resemblance between her and Jake.

"Lady Henderson please overlook my sister's unruly behavior she's just a bit excited because it's her first time leaving Aendesia"

"It's not a problem be careful not to run anymore"

"Lady Henderson we were just about to have breakfast would you like to join us" Beatrice asks me taking my hand in hers.

"I'd love to if you'd have me" I look at Jake who gives a small nod of approval.

"Of course we will. Come with me we have a beautiful view of the ocean at our table.

With that said she took my arm in hers and dragged me all the way across the room. While Jake continued to scold her insisting she act more 'lady-like'. I felt like a ragdoll.

"Father look here I've made a new friend"

She waves enthusiastically at a man sitting at a table. He too has lovely green eyes and black hair although it's grey in some areas.

He seems almost taken aback seeing me then stands up to greet me.

We exchange a few words and he is Baron Cohen Ihan father of Jake Ihan.

He welcomes me to the table and soon we're chatting and having a good time. Conversation at first was a bit rocky but I managed to pull through by not taking the initiative.

'This feels nice' I can't help but think to myself.

"So Lady Henderson why are you traveling to Assenav" Baron Cohen asked me.

"Oh! I'm going to see a relative of mine. And what about you Baron Ihan ?"

"I wanted to see if I could purchase a mine just north of Assenav. It's an emerald mine so if the Lancos School of Magic needs a supplier I'd be honored to supply them"

"That would be most appreciated" I responded in my most sincere voice.

I don't have the slightest idea of what he's talking about.

"I'd love to spend more time talking but I have some business to attend to. Lady Henderson I'll see you around. Jake please try and keep your sister in line"

And with that he left the lounge.

But I didn't have time to focus on him when Beatrice starting asking me to tour the entire ship with her.

"Please Lady Henderson we'll have a lot of fun I promise" She implores giving me puppy eyes.

I struggle to hold back a scoff. Those things had never worked on me. Never had and never will.

"That's enough of that Beatrice go to your room and continue studying for entrance exams into Lancos"

"But brother..." She whined in protest.

"No buts Beatrice. You promised that if I allowed you to come along you would study to make up for missing classes. Now go back and I'll personally inspect the work you did"

Huffing and muttering to herself Beatrice gets up and leaves the table leaving me and Jake alone.

And for a brief moment we're both silent. Until I finally decide to speak.

"So what are you going to Assenav to do?"

I ask in hopes of breaking the awkward silence between us.

"Listen here I was just polite to you because my sister was around. Don't speak to me, Don't look at me and avoid me" With that he got up and left the table.

I completely forgot this one hated me than all the male leads combined.

Now it's just me alone at this table with no one around.

I wonder if they finished eating quickly just to get away from me.

Well at least the view is beautiful. I continue to look out the window admiring the waves as they gently crash against each other. The crystal water shimmers as the sunlight hits its surface.

*****Inside the Mattel Manor*****

Once the two of them were alone inside his room Adelio hugged her and swung her across.

"Woah Please put me down" Isabella exclaimed trying to escape her brother's suffocating hug.

"I'm sorry I'm just so happy to see you aren't you happy to see me?" He said setting her back down in the ground.

Isabella nodded. And sat down on the bed to steady herself.

"Brother....." She began but her voiced trailed off. She contemplated what she wanted to say in her head but saying it out loud was always difficult.

Adelio studied her. He had learned to read her moods, When she acted like this he knew that she was worried about something.

"How have things been going at school"

He shrugged and sat down beside her.

"Good nothing unusual or surprising happened"

"What about you how are your studies going? Were you able to finish the scheme i sent? If you're stuck on any topic I can teach you"

She shook her head "No I'm not having any trouble at all"

"Isabella is something wrong?"

She took a deep breath and calmed herself.


A knock on the door interrupted her. Adelio felt irritated. "Go away I'm busy"

"Young Master the Earl has called for you join him for a meal"  a voice said from the door.

"It's okay you go. We can talk another time" A part of her felt saved by the knock. She wasn't quite ready to tell her brother. She couldn't bother him with her problems especially not when he's just come back.

"Fine but you're coming with"

"But I can't I wasn't called. You should go alone I'll wait here for you"

"No you're coming too and that's final"

Isabella stooped and nodded her head. When he said something's final, He wouldn't make any compromises.

The two of them left and headed towards the dining area. His father was already seated. He glanced at Isabella and and looked away. Adelio sat adjacent to him and Isabella took the seat closest to him.

"You arrived rather early today"

"What can I say. I was just so eager to see you father" Adelio replied sarcastically.

"How is life at school"

"Everything is fine. Nothing new there I'm afraid"

The food was brought in and they all started eating.

"What about you father? What's happened while I was away"

"Don't talk while eating. I don't believe you forgotten your manners" the Earl scowled.

"Calm down you'll get wrinkly if worry too much"

The Earl was flabbergasted.

"Is that how you talk back to your parents?"

"Relax I only had your best interest at heart"

Isabella couldn't help but smile at the scene unfolding. It was refreshing. A pleasant atmosphere. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had a meal with her father. She ate slowly careful not to let her silverware clink too loudly against her plate and watched the two of them bicker back and forth. She wished she could freeze time and savor this moment forever.

Before she could take another bite her head was overwhelmed with excruciating pain. It throbbed and pounded threatening to split her skull in half.

The food no longer tasted good and she wanted nothing more than to throw it all up. But she could risk ruining the atmosphere. So she quietly hummed to herself. Doing her best to bear the pain just a little while longer.

Her right eye began to burn as if she were being scalded by hot water. She bit her lip and fought to bear the pain.

She excused herself thanked the both of them for meal. And left the table. She had to hurry back to her room and cover it up before anyone saw it. She had to cover it up so her brother wouldn't see it.