
A Veiled Fate

this is the story of a boy who was bullied and left behind his whole life only to be killed while fleeing from his pain and sorrow. he then reincarnates into a world full of danger, lies, and thievery. can he make a name for himself? can he even trust anyone anymore?

Raijuo · Ação
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1 Chs

Cold Reminder

It was a chilly winter in Ohio, but it was even colder around other people.

I was always alone. Ever since I was a kid, I was always watching others play from afar, never once did I dare walk up to them, knowing good and well what would happen. From then on I never had anyone to watch my back, and I was often bullied and beaten so badly that I couldn't move for the next hour or so.

Eventually I just got used to the jeering words and beat downs, always taking them headfirst and never making a sound. to make it even worse when I finally thought my time had come to be pulled from my sorrow and despair, those "friends" I had gave me a cold reminder that I was a nobody, and I never will be.

That day was the day I thought I was freed from these tormenting shackles. As I was running home with kids laughing at me and mocking me, I didn't pay attention to the streets, but by the time I realized there was a car speeding towards me, I had already excepted my fate.

Little did I know it did not end there.

'The ringing stopped, heh, maybe this darkness is eternal and I'll finally be able to sleep.' As Dante was thinking about the wonders of eternal sleep, a bored God had a different plan. A bright light enveloped the dark space Dante was in and he found himself in the arms of a beautiful women, speaking a weird language he had never heard of. then all of a sudden she passed him on to a pale, but extravagant looking young woman. as these events were occurring, Dante thought

'Am I seriously a fucking baby.'

"Look Hope, he's healthy and cuter then the rest." the mid-wife said in a very surprised tone

During Hope's pregnancy, no matter what detection spells they tried, they always came up with the same answer and conclusion. the baby wasn't moving and was most likely dead. Still, Hope had not given up, she believed her child was alive and healthy.

"I told you my child would come out alive and healthy." Hope managed to say, in a very weak voice.

As Dante was cursing and furiously screaming silently in his head, a strange looking man with a muscular build burst into the room and with a warm smile, gently picked Dante up and started to softly speak to him with a wide smile, showing pearly white teeth.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing, I knew he would come out alive" Dante's father, Jorm, spoke to Hope in a loving and caring way as he held their third child.

"his name shall be, Dante" Hope said before collapsing from exhaustion

all the while, Dante was still trying to come to terms with his anger, but had calmed down enough to figure out that the man holding him was his father, and the pale woman on the bed was his mother, all the while oblivious to fates twisted sense of humor.

'Heh, if all the women look like my mother in this world then it might be worth staying here for a while' Dante said while forming a grin, which brought his father to think he liked him more

Several months passed and Dante was getting used to his new life, he found out that magic was an uncommon gift bestowed upon those lucky enough, yet was also a cruel curse at the same time. Many people feared the power of mages and never got close to them, fearing they would be killed at a moments notice. Dante had also learned a great deal about the language of the new world as his mother always talked to him and never left his side.

Today was the day of his first birthday, also the day where he would be evaluated to see if he had any potential for magic. As Dante was brought into a small room with a thin man, around his mid fifty's, with a table and a small crystal ball in the center. Dante was then instructed to put his hands over the crystal ball, and as he did something that was never before heard of happened. the crystal ball burst in a myriad of colors, leaving his parents and the old man speechless.

'Just great, now I have a debt to pay as well as a new life' Dante silently cried miserably, failing to realize that this would change the course of his life forever.

As the months pass by Dante was slowly learning how to navigate around with his body, learning to stand and walk by the time he was 10 months old, and learning how to speak shortly after, surprising everyone.

Today is Dante's fifth birthday, and he's already began magic training, and was told he had an affinity for fire and lightning.

"Today you will learn how to control your flames to cover your fist, instead of just summoning a flame." as this haughty noble was explaining to Dante how to properly control his flames, he was thinking of ways to hide his magic from others so he could prevent the tragedies of his past life

"Are you even listening to me Dante, if you will not pay attention I will just take my leave" the furious instructor glared at Dante, snapping him out of his daze

"I'm sorry teacher, please continue" Dante said with a bright fake smile

When Dante came home, the sight of his parents massive estate never seized to amaze him. As Dante entered his room he started to practice with the blunt metal short sword his father gifted him for his 5th birthday, as to get used to not using magic. Dante refused to be lonely again, he would rather appear weak and have people to lean on then be strong and feared.

If you have any ideas on how to improve the story or just suggestions feel free to comment

Raijuocreators' thoughts