"I am so tired of pretending, where is my happy ending " That had always been the battle cry of jessa Olamipo Chloe Babaijide When Jessa's mother was jilted by their father just before the birth of her twins leaving her with just the house they had lived in. It was a tough and unpredictable roller coaster that was sure to leave one scared for life. Well that's until a cause was proclaimed on the family that stole her twins from her on the day of their birth. Will the causes be fulfill at the appointed time? Will the twins eventually locate their mother? Will she be sane enough to look after her twins? Will everything returns back to normal? What happens when the twins father returns? With questions like this left unanswered you know you dont want to be Left hanging, find out on A twin with a difference.
𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞.
"Ma'am, have you done this before?"
The doctor asked me in between my piercing screams. She was trying to adjust me to be comfortable on the bed.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! No, I haven't. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!"
"Okay here's the drill, try to breathe steadily and I'll tell you when to push okay?.."
There I was in the hospital bed gasping for breath as the doctor and nurses ran around my room putting things in order for the delivery of my baby.
I was only sixteen years of age,
Too young to feel this immense pain I was feeling,
Too young to be pregnant for a man old enough to be my father,
Too young to be bring children into this world, Twins for that matter.
And certainly too young to be abandoned by her family who were supposed to support her through the toughest of times.
Too young for it all.
I screamed as another wave of contraction hit me, I couldn't believe I was on my own. No husband, No boyfriend, No support system, I was doing it all on my own. Trust me it's tougher than I am letting on but in my defense...
I never wanted to be married to a complete stranger at sixteen,
I never wanted to bring life to this world, at least not until my twenty-fifth birthday,
I never wanted to go through the whole pain of labor, at least not all by myself with no one waiting at the other end of the door for me,
I never wanted any of that.
How I got about it all I know not, how I got more than what I bargain I really don't know. But what I do know is I regret the day I called Olufakemi my Father. He had been nothing but a scum bag to his only daughter and his wife(my mother) who is 6feet under right now. Thanks to the man I called father who single handedly punched the living daylight out of my mother sending her to an early grave. All because he caught her shopping with his best friend Michael Aleshiloye.
I screamed again as the last wave of contraction hit me. I couldn't believe that the next scream will be that of my children, the beautiful souls I would single handedly bring to this world all on my own. Too bad they belong to that lying cheating good for nothing bastard my father calls a best friend.
As I wallowed in self-pity I noticed the female doctor and nurse in my ward had gathered around my wildly opened legs. They were hanging firmly in the air thanks to the metal that was strapped around, holding them in place.
This was it,
The moment I finally gain my freedom again
The moment I will be free from all the weird glances people throw my way.
The moment I finally get rid of this pest that had been weighing me down.
The moment I get rid of it all.
I was going to be a mother whether I liked it or not and I didn't like it one bit. It was supposed to be a thing of joy, but for me, it was a thing of pain, sorrow, anguish, heartbreak, and regret.
As the doctor instructed me to push, I did with all my might. Screaming at the top of my lungs I put in more effort in pushing these beautiful souls out of my body. In that moment, I made a wish, a wish that I wished never came true.
I woke up 10 hours later after an exhausting labor only to find out that all my efforts in birthing the twins, my twins to life was all in vain.
"I am so sorry ma'am but we did everything we could but it wasn't good enough. It's like they disappear out of thin air."
"Are you saying what I think you are saying?"
I asked just to be sure I heard right, just to be sure she knew what she was saying, just to be sure she meant what she was saying, just to be sure my wish wasn't granted.
"I am sorry ma'am but your twins were kidnapped shortly after birth."
I screamed with the energy I had managed to gain in 10 hours. My twins had been kidnapped and I never got to see them, let alone cuddle them. It was then I realized the depths of the saying.
Be careful what you wish for, it just might come true