
Chapter 5: Unanswered Questions

"What are you doing snooping around my workshop?" A question asked by an unknown voice, Kid turns slowly to show no hostility and sees a very well built middle aged man.

"I was curious as to why there's a shop in a run down shack." Kid replied trying not to make note of the young girl or the dry voice he heard.

The man was holding a crate probably filled with supplies for crafting, notably it looks heavy and tiring to carry around but the man showed no fatigue or short breath. "Well I don't fancy just standing in front of my shop all day, come inside the wares are in there, not out here." The man said in an impatient tone.

They both enter the old shack and inside is a horrible display of weapons and trinkets, nothing was organized properly or made to look of value, however that's to an un-knowledge eye. These swords were of the finest metals and made with pristine skill, this Smith definitely knew his way around a hammer.

"I see you've spent a lot of time to make such amazing quality weapons, it's a shame the owner can show off their value." Kid implied jokingly while examining the room trying to find the location of the voice he heard.

"For a wise crack know-it-all, you have a good eye for value." The man stated back at Kid "Now, for a proper introduction, welcome to my shop, I am Jugo Bellingham, a Smith by trade." Introducing himself Jugo seemed like a earnest man but there was more than meets the eye.

Before Kid could introduce himself "So what does The Old Man's student want with me and my shop?" Jugo asked almost demandingly.

"I'm here for what any other skilled subjugator could want, a sword for slashing foes, a spear for thrusting through my opponents or a young girl possibly on the run in tattered clothes." Kid made the statement to try and pry info from Jugo but instead was met with a force of bloodlust

"Oh so The Old Man's student decided to join the guards corp huh, well I'm afraid my shop is closed for the day and I must politely ask you to leave." Jugo made the threat clear through his gritting teeth.

Kid let a light smile out and made his way to the door, before exiting Kid poked at Jugo. "You should clean this place a little, it might attract more customers." Exiting out the door Kid let out a sigh and made his way back to Central square to meet up with Marsen to find out who put out the request for the cloverleaf

At Central square he could see Marsen sticking out like a sore thumb, Marsen had a unique hair color of what looked almost like grey ash from burning wood. "So, who put out the request and did you meet them?" Kid asks Marsen

"A Noble woman by the name of Elsie Livhart, paying up to almost 30 silver pieces for a simple amount of 20 cloverleaf, now I may not being trained like you or Dogbite physically, but I did hail from a noble family and this sparks a red zone in my mind." Marsen stating what he has learned.

"Hmm... Well we do know what cloverleaf can be used for, in a light dosage it can cure a simple cut or fever, but if overly dosed on it can be counterproductive and do more harm. Alright let's gather the resins and make our way to her." Kid wanting more information on this 'odd' request headed out with Marsen to the north gate heading into Fields of Long Stretches.

End chapter.

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