

A young adult goes to sleep one day, he did not expect that the next time he opened his eyes he would do so as a baby, even less he expected it to be like the son of a female character from a series that he only saw in passing. This is a translation of my fanfic in Spanish, it is not my first language, so I will appreciate the corrections.

redely · TV
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Rabbit-Proof Fence

In the Ramírez home everything was tense, everyone was doing something: Gloria's father; Fulgencio was in a corner of the room making calls with the wall phone, his face was red and he seemed to be screaming, while his mother was hugging her daughter, giving her words of comfort, saying how San Francisco would not allow something bad to happen. I spent the day of his celebration, finally his sister Sonia together with several of his cousins; they were assembling a group of various weapons, from sharp to fire.

-¡Pablo! ¡Pablo! Listen to me!- Don Fulgencio, despite not speaking to his interlocutor in person, was pointing his finger at him aggressively- ¡You owe me! here in "Villa del Rosario"! I hid you putting my children at risk, so you better start talking!

Then her 2 twin nephews burst into the room their names were; Emanuel and Emilio, half the time the family didn't know which of the 2 they were talking to. Both carried a pair of shotguns each.

"Not those millets! Those were gifts from Fulgencio's father!" Pilar exclaimed, worried.

-Wait a minute- Gloria's father said on the phone- I haven't cleaned those in a couple of years, grab the ones under the stairs- He pointed in a direction to his nephews and returned to his call, apparently, he subdued Pablo and he agreed to give him information.

- Mom, cousin Edgar is coming, he will bring the neighbors from down the street- She stopped for a moment unsure- They were able to bring the Submachine guns, but not many shotguns, the good news is that they did get the 5 trucks- she expressed with a trembling smile since I was trying to be optimistic.

- That's good, we just need to know what that rubbish Pablo told him- he almost pronounced the name with disgust and no wonder, since from 1993 until the end of 1994 he had to put up with it at home, having a wanted criminal next to his children for almost 2 years was an extremely tense situation for Pilar "Dear what could he tell you?" he asked when he saw that his call had already ended.

The man from the home was leaning over the back of the sofa, his 2 hands were tightly gripping the upper part of the back- He didn't tell me anything specific, he only gave me rumors, apparently many shady businesses are handled on the outskirts of town, which more likely it is further north.

"Why north, uncle?" Brayan asked, one of Pilar's brothers' nephews.

- This is how they leave the country passing through fewer municipalities

-But man, it's closer to Venezuela than to the coast- Emanuel pointed out who, like his brother, wore overalls, he was considered the clever one of the pair of brothers.

-Don't be silly, kid! - Pilar shouted- since what happened years ago, what leaves Colombia to another country is reviewed by many media!

-Let's go! - He repeated that word 3 times- We must first organize ourselves, I heard that Edgar came.

So, they all got up and began to go outside, the last to leave was Gloria, who quickly put a letter on which she was sitting in her pocket.

"I'm sorry Sonia, but I won't stay in Colombia with my children"- she thought as she resisted the urge to cry.

................................…. Alexander...............

He wasn't the first baby here, in fact, he wasn't the only baby here, he could hear the cries of some others, the funny thing is that he was better cared for, he may be in a pet cage, but it was better than being in a piled up with other children who looked dirty and tied up with chains, he wasn't sure this was entirely good, he was scared to know because he was separated from the rest, along with those chained there were also babies, he was the only one with less treatment horrifying.

"Let's see the things I know; they fed me at night and today in the morning, so they won't kill me, the guy who dropped me I saw with a black eye, maybe they punished him for hurting me, then they will sell me as an item sexually or as a slave, although those things are not mutually exclusive, the less tragic option would be to be sold to a couple with money who cannot have children, that is unlikely, but fingers crossed"

"I wish my mother was Liam Neeson and I had been kidnapped in Paris, I always wanted to learn French, but the most I wanted to go to was Scotland, Nessie I know you're real, I believe in you"

As in his previous life; when he was in a difficult situation he began to wander, until his various thoughts converged on each other giving him ideas, ideas which were bad most of the time, but 2 out of 7 times it worked.

"Come on, I have the mind of an adult, I should be able to think of something"- unfortunately this was not one of those occasions, with his thumbs he tried once more to unlock the cage, but he had neither the coordination nor the resistance to try so many times.

Before Alexandro continued imagining methods to overcome his first obstacle, which was the cage, the doors of the warehouse where he was opened, Antonio entered followed by a couple, they seemed to have money.

-You're in luck! - He said pointing to the adult baby's cage- Whoever wanted to buy it is being investigated.

"And it can't be remotely linked to the crap you want to participate in!" Enrique exclaimed with a laugh at the end, he had just entered the room.

- It's not the same! - Said the woman who seemed to have a somewhat round belly, she was blonde and tall- We are not degenerate perverts who want to do crap with children.

- Heavens, I don't know, ma'am, buying a child for sinister purposes is surely a perversion and of course what they do to the child is crap or, what do you think, white boy? - he said as he offered Alexandro a fictitious microphone- What? What do you say? Agu gu tata? I'm sorry white chocolate, but those are not words, I suppose you have no problem with going with them- at the end of her joke she smiled wide in front of her cage- Well gentlemen Buthard.

"It's Burkhart!" The stocky, black-haired man in a suit exclaimed, only to stop when he understood something. "Pam!" Did you tell him our names?

- Don't say mine Jack! I told him Butthard as a pseudonym, that's not our last name, but you had to ruin it- the woman complained, crossing her arms.

- Anyway, gentlemen Burkhart, you already saw that he is healthy, he is white as they are looking for him and the parents have the required height, he will not be a dwarf as he said that all Latinos are- Antonio interrupted any claim that the man had, but lowering his glasses and trying not to laugh since the man who says that is even shorter than Enrique.

"Oh dear, Jacqueline will have a brother to play with!" the blonde woman pointed out longingly.

-I don't care much what he does as long as he's the man my senile father wants, he really can't believe that he's going to leave business and companies to my idiot brother, I understand he has 4 children with 3 different women, but this Sued for their support, he's an asshole.

- It's okay Jack, with him- he pointed to the baby- he will leave everything to you, after his heart attack he is afraid of death.

- Ha! I wanted God knows I didn't marry you because of your brain, but you're right, the old man is afraid of death.

- If they have already finished with their plot around the death of their father, the payment is pending.

"Of course, follow me to the plane," said Jack.

The cage was carried by Enrique and everyone started to get out of there.

-By the way, why do you speak Spanish so well? - Antonio expressed his doubt

- I grew up with Mexican employees and Pam is from Los Angeles.

- Oh, what a coincidence, we also have those here. Do you want to bring one? Maybe they'll train him like their little gardener hahaha- Enrique mocked.

.................................. ...........Gloria....................... ...…

They searched everywhere, they checked everywhere, every building outside the town to the north, most of them were private properties, they asked in those places if there was anything suspicious nearby, such an armed group traveling from one property to another caught the attention of the police, who ended up confronting them, tried to dissuade them from returning to their homes and leaving everything in the hands of the police, Gloria was not a person who gave up easily, but this desperation was swallowing her completely.

"Listen, agent, my grandson is lost and you never do anything in these," said Don Fulgencio with a calm, but stubborn voice.

- Sir, we understand your concern, but you can't be going to threaten house to house with the remote possibility that they give you some kind of information- The policeman exclaimed respectfully as he was surrounded by so many armed people, especially being pointed at by Gloria who He was holding a shotgun 10 feet away.

- Miss don't point me please

- LADY! I HAVE A SON! - he shouted taking a step forward

-Yes ma'am! Ma'am, please don't sign me up- she said with a trembling voice- Okay ma'am?

- We will not stop!

An affirmative shout was heard from the Ramírez family and their friends- Besides, there is only one building left that is further on- added Sonia holding a "Desert Eagle"

"So, there's no problem? Right, cop?" Gloria's mother asked, amused, raising an eyebrow.

"N-no no ma'am" The policeman said tremblingly.

-MISS! - she shout- I'm still young

- You are a grandmother

- shut up sonia

- STOP WASTING TIME! - Gloria despaired - GO!

Just as he was getting back into the truck, he saw a small plane taking off in the skies, taking off from the property that was going to be the next to be searched.

They came to search the house, then there was an armed confrontation and Gloria shot Antonio, however, she was unable to find Alexandro.

.................................. ..........Alexander................ ..............

As his cage was carried to the plane his useless efforts became more and more violent, he even began to cry.

"I don't know English"- His annoyance, after confirming that he was not going to die or be enslaved, was due to the fact that he would have to go through a complete education again, a totally different one from the one he had, so he could not cheat- "Mommy"- Also, although he did not want to admit it, he began to love Gloria, he never had anyone who showed him so much love and he was not willing to give that up.

"Calm down, white chocolate, you're about to get something for which people cross borders and travel through the desert, you'll be a gringo kid, we're doing you a favor" Enrique said as he took it out of the cage and gave it to Pam.

"Come on Andrew, you're going to love the United States, we have a lot of food there" the blonde said as she smiled.

It wasn't long before the plane took flight and Alexandro moved further and further away from his second mother who became, in just one week, one of the people he has loved the most in his 2 lives.

"I don't have a reference for this"- Alexandro thought as he cried- "If they affectionately call me Andy and they give me a fashion doll, I'm going to commit suicide"

And so, Alexandro disappeared in Colombia and Andrew arrived in the United States, he was worried about being able to forget Gloria and her family, it may have been a short time, but they showed him sincere love and an unrepeatable family union.