
The First Step of Being an Adventurer

His name? He did not remember such thing. Names are not something that are considered important anymore in his life. He only remembered that he lived to kill—to punish Hell for what it have done. He was alive only to keep the world safe.

"My name is not important," he said. He glanced at the crowd of people surrounding him. "What is important that you point me where the enemy is—and I'll be damn sure to kill them all."

He was the Doom Slayer, after all.

All people around the Doom Slayer could only stare blankly at him. It's almost like the first time they met the Goblin Slayer. He never introduced himself, only asking for the quest about goblins, are they perhaps related? It was all what people thinking about.

But, just one look and they knew that the Doom Slayer are different. There was an indescribable air around him. Something akin to that of bloodlust. It was controlled perfectly by the Doom Slayer, but those strong enough could still feel it.

"U-uh... Mr. Goblin Slayer! You should hurry back to your farm! Sunset is almost here!"

"You're right, then I'm going."


The Goblin Slayer walked out from the Guild hall, leaving the Doom Slayer and the Priestess. The Priestess then excused herself to go back to the temple. Now, only the Doom Slayer and a couple of adventurers left in the Guild Hall. Most are already gone to rest or finish their quest.

"So.... are you new here?" The Guild Girl asked, earning the Doom Slayer attention.


The Guild Girl gulped. This man in front of her is similar with the Goblin Slayer.

"Because you doesn't seem to be an adventurer, are you interested in becoming one?"


This man in front of her is really similar with the Goblin Slayer. A man of few words. Even they completely covered their head with helmet. Unlike any other adventurer that prefer not using it.

"W-well... Because you've chosen to be an adventurer. You will start at the lowest rank that is the Porcelain rank. To advance in rank, you need to complete quest and pass our promotion interview."

"What other thing that I should take note of before doing the promotion interview?"

"There are many factors that you must pay attention on. Such as trustworthiness and ability in completing quest."

The Doom Slayer nodded his head. The Guild Girl then handed the Doom Slayer a small tag that shows his rank as an adventurer. It resembles a dog tag. He then put the adventurer tag around his neck.

"Is that all?"

"Yes! Now you're an adventurer, you can take quest like the Goblin Slayer and the Priestess that you come with before! Of course, the quest that you can take are depending the rank that you have."

The Doom Slayer stared at the Guild Girl silently. So, to take harder quest, he need to have higher rank? That seems reasonable. Because of that rule, the amount of casualties when taking a quest could be minimalized. But of course, some people tend to look down even the most easiest quest such as slaying a goblin. Though they're small and weak, they're still an opponent that you need to be wary of.

"If that's all that I need to hear, then I give you my thank. I'll be going."

"All right then! Take care!"

The Doom Slayer walked out from the Guild building. The sky already became dark the moment he got out. The streets are still filled with people, though not many as it used to be in the afternoon when he got back from that cave.

He walked around the city. Maping out the city in case something bad happened. If he can memorize all the roads and structures in this city, then it would be his advantages if Hell decided to invade this place. He need to teach them a lesson--and he will do that.

Nothing really happened in the night. It was quite and peaceful. The Doom Slayer eventually arrived outside the city, where he found a big tree standing on the top of a small hill. He then wlaked over to the tree and sat below it. He closed his eyes, when is the last time that he has a moment of peace like this? He remembered the time he fought hordes of demons endlessly in Mars and Hell.

He doesn't have any time to rest. The only thing in his mind at that time are only to kill every demons. Rip them to shreds and tear their body into small pieces.

Now, he arrived at this strange new world. A world where magic are much more dominant than the technology unlike his world. Unlike his world, this new world are always fighting. They fought againts monster and other creature what people call as demon.

He asked the Priestess before, according to her explanation, demon are a race that are led by the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord are the nemesis of all living creatures except the Evil Sect. He is a powerful opponent that only those at Platinum rank can defeat him, and the only one who has the right to hold the Platinum rank are the Heroes.

The Doom Slayer became more curious with this so called the Demon Lord now. If it's a demon, then it was his job to kill it, no matter when and where--he will kill all demon.

Because the title Doom Slayer doesn't just pop out of thin air.

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