
First Quest

The Doom Slayer opened his eyes. It was the first time that he ever slept after such a long time. It was refreshing. After all the carnage that he had been through, he could finally get some rest. Although, his sleep are somewhat uncomfortable, as if something keep bothering him from sleeping peacefully. Is it because he still can't get used to the fact now he lives in a world that is relatively peaceful?

He shook his head and stood up. This world is very different from Earth. A world full of magic and species that did not exist on Earth. It was weird and unimaginable.

For how long will he stay on this place? Fighting powerful enemies until only he remains? Or until he died?

He clenched his fist. Can he even die? After eons of fighting in Hell, he started to doubt if he could ever die. Sometimes, he hoped at one point to die and reunite with his son. But if he did fall, who will stop Hell from invading Earth? No man could stop Hell invasion even with all the advanced technology on their arsenal.

The Doom Slayer then started walking back towards the Town. Ignoring the usual gaze full of curiosity aimed towards him. He purposefully walked slower to admire the city around him. A city similar to the middle age Europe.

"Hello Sir!" The Guild Girl greeted him. He'd smile if he could. Even if he did smile, can she see it?

"I'm here for quest."

"As you're a Porcelain ranked adventurer, you could only take quest according to your rank, are you okay with that?"


She still could not get used with the Doom Slayer.

"Which mission do you want to take then?"

The Doom Slayer then walked towards the quest boards. Where all the quest are posted. Of course, one can only take quest according to their rank. Because the Doom Slayer are only a Porcelain ranked adventurer. He could only take Porcelain ranked quest.

So he took the goblin slaying quest.

"This one."

He put the paper on top of the table. The Guild Girl then examined the content of the paper before looked towards the Doom Slayer again.

'Is he perhaps similar to Goblin Slayer?' She thought.

She shrugged. It was not her business to ask anything about the Doom Slayer. At least not his personal background. She could ask about him later when he promoted i to higher rank.

"Then, I'll be off to finish the quest."

Before she could react, the Doom Slayer already walked out of the building. She could only sigh when she sees this. Another mysterious man like the Goblin Slayer.

'At least the Goblin Slayer are much nicer compared to him,' she thought before continuing her works.