
A split between old and new

After a long battle 001 also titled as reaper was sent to a new world gaining a body of his future self can he survive in a world he doesn't know off?

Endlessdragon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Nascent soul breakthrough

Kong Ju threw a right hook at reaper but before the hit landed reaper counter-attacked reapers hand hit right at kong ju's solar plexus. the strength behind the attack winded kong Ju and this gave reaper a chance to finish the fight.

Reaper wrapped his arms around kong ju's neck and slowly cut off his blood to his brain. naturally, this would cause brain damage to a normal man but to cultivators, this would just bring them into a deep sleep. Kong Ju realized this and tried to elbow reaper but he dodged every attack kong Ju threw always missed.

Each attack brought him faster towards unconscious soon he slumped and reaper let go reaper started a massage on kong jus neck and he slowly woke up. The people of the nadir empire were a technologically advanced race but that didn't mean they didn't have a few mystic abilities.

What reaper used was an ability everyone had this allowed them to increase vitality and endurance in the person they touched. This ability sounded quite tame in the universe but in a fight or war, this ability saved the soldiers. They could lose high amounts of blood and still stay alive they had a record for the longest exsanguination.

During a battle, a commander and three of his lieutenants after losing the battle were trapped in a cave for 58 days the commander lost his entire lower body. With the continued message of the three lieutenants, the commander lived until help arrived even though he was just a commander he had a wealthy family which gave those three lieutenants a place in their family.

To the many civilizations, this made the people of the nadir empire a high commodity as they could easily save a life even if just a second more. The children to the old were basically doctors of course the older they were the better the effects.

Reaper still kept this ability even after becoming a weapon and after five hundred years his ability was higher than anyone in his empire. Of course, the life expectancy within the nadir empire was a low 5,000 years it was mostly by science and alchemy that they lived this long. And by this point they actually halted in their power after the age of hundred and fifty years old.

But reaper actually kept progressing for an unknown reason most of the scientists claimed it was because he was a reaper and others said his soul was stronger than others.

The only person who could compete with him was emperor Malice the merciful but he passed away and his elected successor took over. reaper could easily boost one's vitality for a decade straight and the boost would make the man into an immortal tank.

The simple massage easily woke kong Ju who looked around confused. The sect master walked over and had a huge smile but also felt worried. If reaper could easily fight like this then there wouldn't be much they could teach him.

It felt as if he was rising to fast and would leave very soon before they could actually establish a bond with him.

"That was quite a show you truly are a future immortal but remember just because you one today doesn't mean you will win tomorrow."

'Haha, I keep on winning I'm a fucking protag no matter how hard I try I can't lose!' Odin laughed as he heard what the old man said.

'Oh yea kido I'm ascending soon so hurry up I'm dying to fight with those little gods above.' Odin said as his presence faded.

Reaper was confused at what Odin meant but decided it was best to finish his mission faster. After a while of talking reaper soon returned to his house and started to come up with his plan to speed up the progress of his mission.

He wanted to have his equipment on him when he went out but he also needed a reason to have them. he couldn't walk out and randomly become a mass of nanites he needed to make a backstory or control the sect.

'Is there any mind controlling techniques?'

[yes would you like to see them?]

'Yes show me the cheapest one.'

[synapse control


This skill works on those below the foundation establishment realm.

Cost: peak qi gathering realm]

'I need something that works on ascension realm cultivators.'

[bio hack

Level 3

This skill works on those below the heavenly prime realm by hacking into the data transference of any organic being.

Cost: peak soul transformation]

'I thought it would cost more considering it's for those at the top of the mortal realm?'

[this skill cost less because it made for a biomechanical being like you if you were a normal human then it would cost a peak heavenly prince realm]

'I see once I have enough I'll buy it.'

Reaper waited until his cultivation returned and then tried out his level three absorption skill. Around the house and ten miles in diameter, all the energy was absorbed and brought to him his golden core started to shine brightly. The other golden cores on the outer pillars started to become solid and shine in bright gold.

Soon the outer golden cores shot out a beam to the center core the golden core started to crack and small bundles of energy escaped it. Reaper felt as if this energy was not enough to hatch the soul so he used his entire absorption technique. In a diameter of 100 miles all the energy was absorbed by reaper, this caused the sect to become alert.

The elders and sect master flew outside to see and found the source quickly flying to reapers house they found he was breakthrough to the nascent soul realm and were astonished.

'Let's help you out I need a strong successor after all.' Odin spoke as he sent a wisp of energy to reaper soul.

Reaper's soul started to dark and so did his nascent soul who started to become a mixture of a human and dragon.

Outside the sect heard the roar of a dragon and so did the surrounding galaxies. As the sect looked up they saw a huge black and red eye look at them the draconic eye easily covered the planet. This was only a baby dragon but to the world, it was the dragon God soon the earth trembled as a grey-skinned human appeared.

The dragon started to shrink and fly towards the human. The dragon was now as small as mount Everest and flew at hyper speeds. The human started to transform growing wings and horns.

The two most warlike races merged the nu that had erased so many species in existence that only a trillionth remained and the dragon of erasure. Who ruled over the essence of erasure and wiped out many species.

The two merged and formed a humanoid dragon whose scales started to turn grey the bloodlust they released scared everyone in the galaxies and made the universe slightly shiver in fear.

The nascent soul that was born started to resemble the draconic figure outside. Reaper felt fatigue but not from his body but from his soul. Like that he fell into a deep slumber the phenomenon outside stopped and the figure entered reaper's body.