
A spetznaz detachment in another world

We found ourselves outside of reality. We weren't in earth anymore. We were sent by the G.R.U the investigate an anomaly in space time. We were part of a division inside the Russian G.R.U called the anomaly department. We investigate and study dangerous anomalies that can harm the motherland so we could make counter measures for them. Can we go back or should we be worried? I asked my comrades as they go around screaming, and panicking as the anomaly disappeared. Well shit.... Writer: If you enjoy this please follow or leave a star on the chapters. it really helps me a lot. Note I am the only one that makes this chapters and don't be worried if I'm late on my schedule. Also the source of the pictures seen here are from creator night cafes. They are a site that makes A.I generated art for free. Thanks please enjoy this story about a spetznaz detachment in another world as they find a way back to their world.

ComradeoftheGRU · Fantasia
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: burial

" " English translated from Russian

* * Other world language translated into English or sound effects

Ivan's POV.

I hurried to the lieutenant who collapsed on the floor from touching that thing. I pointed my gun at it and shot it.

*7.62x25mm tokarev Gunshot*

The shot didn't affect the thing. I was shocked when I can't kill it with a gun. Huh? So I guess this thing isn't probably a purely biological being?

I ignored it for now and touched the lieutenant's hand to found out of his heart was still beating. I was shocked because his hand is so cold. It was like touching ice. He was like a frozen dead corpse. I immediately rushed him to the medics, and physician's.

The physicians, and the medics rushed to help the lieutenant but noticed he was cold as Siberia.

"What happened to the lieutenant?! Why is he so cold!?"

Said one of the medics.

"Well.... He touched some creature that the mages summoned for him and collapsed for some reason. I don't know why the hell is he as cold as an Siberian dead corpse but I bet it's about that thing that the mages of the third airborne regiment of the kriegsgebeutelt Reich."

"Well we will do our best."

Said the medic.

They rushed the lieutenant to the tent and started CPR.

A few minutes later...

It didn't work so they used the defibrillators.

After a few seconds of using the defibrillators it worked and he started convulsing in pain.

After a few seconds the lieutenant was pronounced dead.

I left and called in the captain.

"What it is Ivan?"

"Sir.... There is some bad news...."

"Go on. Don't be shy."

"Sir. The lieutenant is dead."

The captain sighed as he looked in the distance.

"Damnit. First the supply is running out now this?!"

He then punched a table to let out some of the anger.

"Ivan. Tell the others we are going to do a burial."

I nodded my head and left the captain's tent.

I gathered the soldiers and told them about the lieutenant's death.

"Ladies, and gentlemen.. I have a sad news to say. The lieutenant is dead. Now raise your hands if you wanna do a military burial for him."

Most of the soldiers raised their hands. Some looked at me with solemn eyes. Some of the soldiers were holding their familiars and treating them as pets. I was a little paranoid that those things will kill them like what happened to the lieutenant. Hmm.... I wonder if we can train some of those things to be used a torches, and wielding equipment? Maybe we can use them as an industrial tool... Hmmm... Maybe we can create more guns. Heh. I'll ask the captain later.

I then left the soldiers and walked to the place where the lieutenant collapsed. The thing that killed him was still there. I grabbed a stick and poked it at it and it froze over after 2 seconds. I dropped the stick. Huh he must have died from hypothermia from that thing. Maybe the body temperature dropped so low so fast as a few seconds and caused him t die so quickly.

I looked at mages who where still there and pulled out a notebook. The notebook contained the translations to Russian to this world's language

*Can you explain what that thing is and why did it kill the lieutenant?*

I asked the mages.

*Well.. That familiar is a ice element. It wasn't done making a contract with him and didn't get a resistance to cold so he died from touching the familiar. This happened multiple times back in the imperial mage academy.*

Huh so this happened to them back in their school or something equivalent to a university?

*Would you like to be it's master?*

Said one of the mages.

*Hmm I don't know. It's seem dangerous...*

*Don't worry. You will have a resistance to it's cold. Plus you will have the ability to create ice and manipulate the cold.*

*Hmm.... What's the catch?*

*Huh? What do you mean a catch?*

*A catch means a disadvantage in an apparently ideal situation.*

*There is no "catch" in this. You just need to form a magical contract.*

*Well.. Hmm.... Sure why not.*

I accepted the deal and the mage summoned some sort of papers.

I read the terms of the deal and was shocked it was translated in Cyrillic. I asked the mage why is it in my language and the mages looked at it.

*What do you mean? It is written in our langauge.*


I immediately wrote Cyrillic in my notebook, and made them read it. They looked at me with confusion, and said

*Sorry we don't know what this is. We don't even know how to read this.*

*Well this is what the contract is written for me looked like.*

*Hmm the contract must have a translation function.*

I read the contract and saw some of the obligations, and mutual rights.

1.) You must treat your familiar with respect, and treat them as equals. If you do not abide of this rules the contract will be voided, and your magic will disappear.

2.) You must not maltreat the familiar. If you don't abide your magic will temporarily disabled.

3.) If your not familiar follow your will even if you treat them as equals or greater they will be punished and get electrocuted until they abide your will.

4.) You must use your magic with restraint if you do not abide you will be punished severely.

5.) Feed your familiar food as a treat if you don't you will have your abilities disabled until you feed them.

Well shit... This seems shady.. The obligations and rights are concerning.. If I don't abide by these rules I will get myself hurt or lose the abilities. Hmm but the trade offs are helpful to say the least. Maybe in the future this will help us.

I signed the contract.

I then touched the familiar, and didn't get hurt nor get to be affect by it's cold.

Huh? So this is what they meant by resistances?


The thing looked at me with a cute face and roared at me cutely.

I bopped it nose and it touched my hand.


It was cute and made my cold heart soft.

Wait! This thing killed the lieutenant don't call it cute. Don't give in!

Then suddenly it's stomach growled.


I pulled out some of the crackers I had in my breast pocket and fed it some.

A few hours later....

The thing that killed the lieutenant is now my pet/familiar. I tested out some of the abilities given by the contract and froze some of the MRE's, and food stuffs to make them not spoil.

"All soldiers please come to the specified area. The burial will almost start."

Said the captain through the radios.

I then wore my clean military uniform and carried my AEK 971.

I walked to the specified area and saw some of the soldiers along with their familiars.

We held prayers and after that fired our guns into the sky.

*Gunshots intensifies*

After this I looked at the lieutenant's grave crossed and pulled out a knife to carve his name and birth year to his death year.

Name: Yeshua Volkov

Birth date: May 5th 1995

Death date: November 7th 2022

Quote: We die in the dark so the people can live in the light.

To be continued...