
Chapter 2

6 years ago


I wake up sweating, I feel as though I'm about to throw up, so I rush to the bathroom. When I'm done, tears stream down my face, I walk into my mother's room and try to wake her "mommy, mommy I don't feel good I'm sick" I nudge her a little to wake her. She stirs "what child, why are you bothering me at this hour?".  "I'm sorry but I got sick. I keep puking. I didn't make it to the toilet before…" my mouth starts to water, and I gag a little. Moms' eyes widen "oh no you don't get to the bathroom brat".

I run…



"Mommy?" I question, hanging over the toilet bowl. Washing out my mouth with water and cleaning off my face I walk out of the bathroom in search of my mother. Slowly tiptoeing down the stairs I hear what sounds like mommy fighting someone. I paused, took a look around the corner, shadows pushing and pulling at one another. I scream an ear-splitting cry and then they stop fighting. The tall man holding on to my mother shoves her and runs toward me. I fly up the stairs running to my mother's room going to the closet. I shut the door quietly. He launched himself into the room breathing heavily "come…here…you…little bitch".  Pushing further into the closet my arm hits something rough and metal, it goes to fall, and I grab it before the sound can make him aware of my presence. It's a gun oh my god it's a gun. Before I can even finish freaking out the closet door shatters open. I hold the gun in my hand shaking "go away" I point it at the intruder. My mind is going in circles. Is my mom ok, I'm going to be sick again, and what is he going to do to me next. He reaches and the next few seconds slow down. I pull the trigger just as he grabs my wrist. "What… did…You...do" clutching his check just above the left side ribs. Someone ran into the room screaming, in a state of shock at the time it took me a moment to realize it was my mother. "You killed him…why? How? Help someone help?" she belts out. She grabs the home phone her hands cover in blood "officer I need an ambulance. Please, my daughter shot her stepfather. Please help me, there is blood everywhere!"

I froze my stepfather. My mother has been in and out of relationships since my father passed away But, she has never committed to anyone 100%. I'm so confused. I'm freaking out. I try to speak to say I didn't understand. I thought he was hurting her. I move back deeper into the closet hoping I can hide. I pull a jacket from the floor over my head. I hear sirens in the distance crying this horrible ugly cry almost like tires squealing on asphalt sound. I feel someone tug on my leg. I frantically start to kick and bellow out for my mother "please mommy I'm sorry I didn't mean to please don't do this" tears stream down my face nonstop. "You took him from me. You are the reason this happened, he is gone, and you are a murderer not my child!" police officers file in the room seven maybe ten I lost count I couldn't see through the waterfalls down my face smeared with blood. "Drop the weapon kid" one of the officers said. I look down and sure enough the gun is still in my hand, I drop it instantly. My mother pushes me to the officer "Take her she did it she killed my husband". Still not sure of what exactly happened the officers look puzzled "this child killed him?" officer Wayne askes.

"Yes, now arrest her, lock her up just get her away from me" she hollers at him. grabbing my arm, I get pulled out of the room and get taken to a cruiser out front. "Now kid I need you to be straight up with me, did you shoot that man?"

Still in an almost catatonic state of shock, all I can do is nod. He slowly lets out a deep breath and reaches behind him to grab something. When I get a closer look, I see its handcuffs. I don't move hell. I don't even think I blink just stand there and wait. He clasps them on me "you can explain what happened when we get to the station, ok?" I slowly nod again. However, that's not what happened because I wouldn't say my first words until 2 years later and by then it was too late. When you're in shock your body and thoughts slowly shut down on you. Almost like a black veil is surrounding your senses. I stayed that way because my mind was so underdeveloped it could not process the events now; I relive it in these haunting flashbacks scattered throughout time.

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