
A Shut-in's True Power

[THIS NOVEL HAS BEEN DROPPED. READ ONLY IF YOU'RE FINE WITH QUITTING HALFWAY. Also don't buy the last 2 chapters. They're just drafts filled with random gibberish.] There was once a man who focused his entire life on "self-improvement". He learned each and every life skill anyone could think of. From cooking to swordsmanship. From cleaning to martial arts. His sole purpose in living was to perfect every life skill he could learn. To him, the more complicated a skill is to learn, the more satisfaction he finds in perfecting it. He developed his knowledge, his strength and his spirit. As time passed, his obsession only grew. He started ignoring the world around him and locked himself in his house to improve his "writing" skill, turning himself into what we call a shut-in. With no one who could intervene, he ended up overworking himself to death. However, his way of life amused a particular goddess. As such, for her own future amusement, she offered him to reincarnate in another world. The man's answer to this offer? Obviously he agreed! In a fantasy world with a new instrument called "magic", The man taking the identity of "Dusk Nightmoon" hopes to find the joy of learning even more interesting and complicated skills. However will he be able to remain as indifferent to the outside world as he was in his previous life? or will the people of this world and the dangers within, influence him to change as a person? Find out in this novel which is a mixture of fantasy, comedy and action! DISCLAIMER: This is my first novel, so I can't make any promises about it being good. I am also only doing this for fun. Still though feel free to point out any mistakes! (while being as respectful as possible or I'll get depressed) Cover art was also not created by me. I used an ai app to generate it. This is the app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nonaapp.stable_diffusion_app

Edgy_Ego · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs

My status (Dawn Brightsun)

Some time before Dusk's status paper was revealed....


"Yes, yes. Let's get inside the room first"

"Why won't anyone call me by my name!" the young girl said as she flailed around in fury, while the sister behind her closed the door of the room. Then they both sat on the chairs in the room, facing each other with a small table between them. The room was pretty much without furniture besides the two chairs and that one table. There was a window on the wall opposite to the door that had light coming through it. It was the only source of light in the eerie room. The room seemed like it was suited for interrogations rather than status reveals.

"Oh my....is it that big of an issue for you to be not called by your name?" Agnes, the sister asked while staring at the flailing little girl.

"Yes! I'm proud of my name! I won't let you call me by anything else!" Dawn declared with a determined look.

"Is that so? What will you do if I don't call you by name?" Agnes asked the girl with a mischievous smile unbefitting that of a sister.

"I-I'll call you a.....fatty!" the evil girl fat shamed the beautiful woman.

While beautiful, Agnes wasn't really petite. Her chest, behind and thigh areas were somewhat large. These aspects of her body would bring about jealousy from most women. In fact, She would be called "thicc" in modern terms.

and yet, Agnes actually disliked her body. She wished to be petite and slim. She doesn't realize that most people, men and women alike, actually find her attractive. So instead of being proud, she felt insecure about her body. and Dawn, who used up her second worst insult, coincidentally managed to hit her right where it hurts despite being clueless about all this.

"W-What?! I'm not fat! I'm just a bit...." Agnes started with a panicked expression.

"Ha! You're a fatty!" Dawn said loudly with a triumphant look on her face.

'How did she figure it out?! I'm so covered up that she shouldn't notice it!' Agnes thought with a frustrated look.

Dawn started giggling uncontrollably at her victory but unfortunately for her, the battle was from over.....

"Oh yeah? Well you're a shorty!" Agnes said with a furious voice.

The remark came across as a shock to Dawn, as this was her greatest insecurity.

"I-Im not short! I'm still tall for my age!" Dawn shouted but she knew she was lying. She was trying to hide her height by standing on her toes whenever possible, and sitting whenever there was a seat but alas, her short height was found out. or she thought.

In truth, this was just a random insult thrown at her by Agnes which...again, coincidentally ended up being her foe's greatest weakness.

The two continued bickering and denying their insecurities for a short while before Agnes finally stopped the heated argument.

"Ok! Let's stop! We'll get nowhere if we keep continuing this...Miss Dawn." Agnes finally called the little by her name.

"Fine.....Sister Agnes" Dawn called the sister by her name too.

They both laughed for a bit before the sister resumed her work by bringing out the status paper.

"All right...Miss Dawn. All you have to do is channel your mana into this paper and stop when I give you the signal. It'll only take a minute. Okay?" Agnes asked with a serious expression.


"Do you know how to channel your mana?"

"Yes, I learned it from daddy before coming here!"

"Good, Good. Then, here. Make sure to stop when I tell you to." Agnes gave the paper which looked as ordinary as it could.

Yet, Dawn knew this paper was very important. Her father told her over and over again, to treat the paper seriously. He even said that she wouldn't get her favourite treats for a week if she made a mistake.

So Dawn focused her mind and started channeling mana into the thin paper. She waited for Agnes to give her the signal to stop, but the wait for the signal seemed never ending.

'I'm sure it's been a couple of minutes already!' Dawn thought.

In reality, it had been 40 seconds. The child just had no patience.

After what seemed like an eternity (only to Dawn), Agnes finally signalled Dawn to stop right as she felt something be scribbled on the paper.

"It should be done, Miss Dawn. Take a look at the paper."

and so Dawn looked at the paper.



Name:Dawn Brightsun


Biological Age:6


(????)(Unique skill): Skill use and Information locked due to user not meeting requirements of maturity and conditions to activate.

(Emotion interpreter){Rare skill}: Is able to understand the emotions of others better. The stronger the bond, the greater the effect.


Fire magic{Lv1/15}: Is able to wield the power of the flames through magic! Due to magic level being low it is only possible to learn beginner fire magic at present. The potential of the user in this magic has been deemed to be extremely high!

Holy magic{Lv1/10} Is able to wield the blessings of the gods through magic! Due to magic level being low it is only possible to learn beginner holy magic at present. The potential of the user in this magic has been deemed to be high.


(Sword maiden): Extremely talented in the sword. Growth rate is absurdly high compared to most.


(PROTECT THE CHILD){Ordinary blessing}: When faced with misfortune or disaster, slight chance of being rescued through coincidences.


Dawn read her status paper with excitement at first but unfortunately, she couldn't understand most of the information.

"Have you read it, Miss Dawn?" Agnes asked.

"Yes, but I don't understand anything." Dawn replied with a frustrated expression.

"....I see. Well statuses can be complicated as they are given to us by the gods. Their knowledge is much greater than ours." Agnes comforted the little girl.

After Dawn finished another attempt at understanding her status, she gave up.

'Why can't I be as smart as Dusk.' Dawn asked herself in her thoughts with a pained look.

"Let's get you back to your father. After that I will have to get the young master's status done too." Agnes said to Dawn.

"Okay." Dawn nodded and got off her seat. She knew there was no point in reading her status again. She also didn't want to cause problems for Dusk. So the two left the room.