

Before Karma could fully collect his thoughts, another member of the household entered.

"Hello, young master," she said. Her voice, however, held some sort of disdain in it. Karma could immediately tell. The tone was similar to the housekeeper back at the orphanage.

"I'm sure your mother and father have informed you about the tour. I'm afraid that we will have to postpone that. Right now, they have asked me to bring you to the dining hall. They wish to discuss some matters alongside you as soon as possible…"

The maids turned her head towards the little girl.

"They wish for you to come as well Yui."

Yui looked back delighted.

"Yippee!!! I can't wait!!!"

"... Alright then," the maid replied whilst taking hold of Karma and Yui's hand. "Let's get going."

However, Karma was hesitant. The words he had heard earlier were still lingering in his mind.

"W… Wait!" He said. "I'm not ready yet. There's something I've need to confirm with… uh… Yui… We were talking about something."

The maids looked back at him coldly but did not say anything. Instead, she ignored his words and continued to lead the two to the dining hall.

"Why must I pretend to serve a cripple, let alone listen to his requests," she mumbled softly.

In the end, Karma had no say in the matter and simply had to comply. Soon, the three walked their way down the floors and arrived at the dining hall. Upon entering, Both Karma and Yui were greeted by Mother and Father. Afterwards, Father gestured the maid to leave. She bowed and quickly left the scene.

Turning his attention back to the Karma and Yui, Father said, "I see the two of you have already met…"

"Yes… we have,"

"Hmm… you seem somewhat tense. Are you feeling alright?"

"Oh… I'm fine. It's just… I guess I'm just hungry," Karma replied. His voice slightly wavering.

"Ah! That's perfect. You see, your mother and I actually wanted to have a family dinner. Back at the car ride, your mother had lost her temper. Which is why she spoke to you so coldly... I can actually understand your position very well. You're a cripple correct. A person without power... So when you heard the news for adoption, I fully understand your cold attitude towards us. However, we are family now!!!"

Father turned his head toward Mother.

"First off… your mother would like to apologize," Father said whilst gesturing her to act.

"Yes… For my actions in the car ride… I had been getting increasingly annoyed by your unwillingness to listen. It was only reasonable that my tone would get a little stern… And because of that exchange, first impressions weren't very high… for either side. For that, I apologize."

Karma looked at Mother directly. He found it humorous that what he had just heard could be called an apology. The entire time she spoke, although for a small period, she simply created excuses for her actions. By simply adding "I apologize," this woman truly believed she had apologized. Not that Karma actually cared for the content in her words. He simply found it humorous as to how self-centered these "high-tiers" could be. This act of justifying their actions even when they attempt to apologize.

"Thanks… I guess," Karma replied.

"Karma!" Father exclaimed. "That is not that proper way you should respond. Just now, your mother had apologized. It's now your turn. Tell her that you also regret your actions."

Karma sighed. As if to mock Mother's earlier statement, he replied, "I believe that my actions were completely justified and reasonable as I am crippled. First impressions weren't very high due to my rude behavior. And for that… I must apologize."

Upon hearing this, both Father and Mother looked back on disbelief.

"I don't understand," Mother said. "Do you not understand what respect is? Do you not understand your position? Do you seriously not understand that you're crippled and we are high tiers? We have treated you as equals!!! Yet you act so high and mighty. By simply raising my hand, I can burn you alive with the fire magic that I possess. And what do you possess? Nothing!!! Absolutely nothing. Even so, you speak to me with such remorse… do you even want to live!?!?"

"... Do I understand? Yes... I understand this world clearly. The world of magic. A world where power is everything. A world where I'm deemed worthless. Why do I act this way? Because that's how I fight against this twisted world. I'd rather live my life in torment and suffer more and more and even more than that than lowering my head to high tiers and obeying their every command!! I'll live my life on my terms. You treated me as an equal. Do you seriously believe such words yourself!?!? I don't think either of you have looked at me as a human being even once! I'm sure… that the reason I was chosen among the many others in my orphanage... even though I'm a cripple… was not out of care or love, but something el-"

"BOTH OF YOU MUST STOP!!!" Father yelled. "Bringing about hate will not help!!! In the end, apologies aside, both of you are in the wrong. Do not let hatred cloud your judgment. Karma! As I've said before, I'm sure you've experienced horrible things at the orphanage; however, give us a chance and we can give you a chance!!!"

For a moment Karma's resolve wavered. Deep down, he wanted to believe Father's words. He truly wanted a family who would treat him as an equal no matter the circumstances. But… how could Karma trust them when he's not the first… but rather the 17th. If Karma had come to this household with an open mind and simply took everything at face value, things might have been different. If he didn't think too deeply into things maybe his mind could rest easy and slowly come to love the people who sat in front of him. All three of them. Mother, Father, and Yui.

But that was not possible. His interaction with Yui made it clear that this utopian like scenario he was experiencing was all fake. There was more to it. More to him being selected by high tiers. To Yui… No, it's more accurate to say to all three of them, he was seen as a toy. He was seen as toy #17. However, they wouldn't show their true colors yet. They were still waiting on something. Although Karma did not know the whole story, he knew that within time, he would soon learn the reasons behind it all.

In the end, even with such thoughts, Karma nodded with sincerity and apologized to both Father and Mother. Although the chances were low, he wanted to believe that maybe… just maybe, this could be a real family. At the time, he was simply a child hoping for something that couldn't come true.

After some time had passed, dinner had been prepared. Around five minutes after eating, Karma started to feel drowsy. His conscience faded and his vision was getting increasingly blurry. As the darkness engulfed him, his body became paralyzed. Unable to move, he could only see his surroundings getting further and further away until everything went completely black and he collapsed.

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