
A Rose Entangled in Blood

Rayme, a girl going through all sorts of hardships, gets entangled with a vampire who glues to her because of his past feelings for her. Though his emotions burst out confessing to her about how he felt. A relationship that should never occur in the first place in a world where an offspring of a vampire and a human can destroy the world is about to commence ignoring all social norms. Dylan's and Rayne's Lives will continue to unfold as they find a way to be accepted in a world which denies their love.

Stephanie_Rasanya_1576 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

A Teen Vampire Who is Too Romantic

Rayme woke up from her sleep, hearing a knock on her door. Before she got out of bed, she checked out of the window, but it was still dark outside. Wondering who it is, she opened the door just to see Dylan standing in front of her room.

Even before she could ask him why he was there, he opened his mouth to speak.

"I will take responsibility for what I did last night, and if you don't mind me being a vampire, I would like to be in a relationship with you. I promise I will be a thousand times better than what I was before." He said.

She pondered for a while, not knowing what to answer him with. She wanted to accept him and reject him at the same time, but every time she locked her eyes with him, she couldn't dare to deny him.

"Come in." Rayme said, realizing that this might make a huge issue if his parents knew.

"Mr. and Mrs. Night... they are both vampires too, right?" Rayme asked.

"Yes, otherwise I won't be one."

"Are you sure it will be alright for us to be in a relationship? After all, it was you who said that vampires and humans are not supposed to get into relationships."

"They don't have to know; he said, letting out a sigh. I just want to be someone I like for at least once in my life. I don't care whether it is going to be a vampire or a human. I might be a blood sucking monster in many people's eyes, but I will never suck your blood and I promise you that I will never set my teeth on another human's skin while I am with you."

"You don't have to promise me anything like that. I don't want anything like that in return for a relationship. You have been doing that for your own survival, so I don't really mind." Rayme said. Though she wanted to agree to be in a relationship with him, she couldn't say those words out of her mouth.

After being silent for a few minutes, he finally awakened her voice.

"I am going to say yes because it is you. If it was someone else, I would never say yes."

Dylan's arms went around her as he hugged her tight as he kissed her forehead. For a moment Rayme wondered whether he actually had never been in a relationship. The way he kissed and hugged her felt so familiar, though he had never done it before.

"Hey calm down for now. It is most probably almost morning, and what if your parents see us? I don't want to lose the privilege of visiting you for studying sessions." She said, smiling.

"True, but..." he said as he closed the door. He held her by her shoulders as he pinned her against the wall. He stared into her eyes as if it was going to be the last day. He was going to see her. After staring at her eyes for a while like that, he pressed his lips against hers.

"I will go now then;" he said, breaking the kiss.

"You are going to be there on my birthday, right?" Rayme asked.

"Even if it is going to be a full moon day on your birthday, I promise you that I am going to be there."

"What's with the full moon day? Shall I check my calendar, just in case?"

"You don't have to, cause I already did. It's a full moon day indeed but I will for sure be alright cause I haven't gone through the coming of age ceremony. Don't worry, I will be there." Dylan held onto Rayme's hand as he spoke.

"You don't have to do anything risky just because it is my birthday. If something happens to you, I will hate myself even more. Also, we just got into a relationship. I don't want it to end as soon as we started it."

She was scared; It scared her that she would lose him. She was not scared of losing the lover she gained but was afraid of losing who was worth more than her life. All the urban legends that she had heard before started appearing in her mind like a movie.

While holding onto both of his hands, she looked straight into his eyes.

"Listen to what I am going to say. Don't show up Infront of me on my birthday unless you want to die. I seriously am going to beat you up if you harm yourself to be there. We can hangout the day after. Even if it is going to be the loneliest birthday of my life, just don't risk yourself to attend my birthday."

"You don't have to be that concerned about me," Dylan said, putting his hands around her waist.

"Enough being romantic," Rayme said, pushing him away. "Go back to your room. Let's meet at the breakfast table. Remember not to lose your cool." She patted his head as if it was a little puppy who was standing Infront of her.

For the first time in her life, he looked a bit different to her and until the moment he kissed her; she didn't realize what her feelings towards him were. Though she was developing feelings for him, she made sure not to show them cause she was afraid of losing him as a friend.

She knew that once she confess, there will be no going back to those words and she will never be able to talk with him like before.

"Then I am going back to my room. See you in a bit." He left the room.

She slapped herself once to make sure that she wasn't dreaming, but the pain she felt made sure that she was not dreaming about anything.

It was already six in the morning, but she couldn't help but think about everything that was happening since last night. She went down sharp at 7 for breakfast. As usual, Mr. and Mrs. Night were there with the brightest smiles in the world.

"Rayme, sorry for making you all sort of pancakes all this time. I didn't know that you liked waffles until Dylan told me about it."

"Mrs. Night, there is no need to apologize. It's not a big deal. Pancakes or waffles, they are literally the same thing that is made in different ways."

Rayme felt so bad about Mrs. Night apologizing to her like that. Letting her stay with them was more than enough, and when she apologized regardless of everything they have done for her, it felt as if her parents were apologizing to her.

She sat down and enjoyed the waffles; they were much tastier than what she always made for herself at home.

"You two," Mr. Night awakened his voice. "If my assumptions are correct, it must have been a long time since you both went on a trip. I know that Rayme's parents are a bit busy these days and so are we, and since you both are almost adults, I hope you both can handle a small trip to downtown yourselves."

"I have already booked everything. Rayme, you don't have to worry. I will make sure that he is not going to force you to study. I managed to book two very nice rooms for both of you two. It's a shame that Dylan doesn't have any friends other than you."

"Rayme, you can ask your parents just in case. Cause even if he is your best friend and spends a lot of time with you, he is still a boy, so I need to hear from your parents whether they are alright with this. If they are alright, then you two can leave this long weekend after Rayme's birthday."

"Kids these days are so busy that they don't even have time to enjoy their lives travelling and seeing new things. Back in my day, it was not this stressing. We got the chance to do whatever we wanted, and my parents didn't even force me to study until I decided to do it myself."

"Alright dad, I guess we both know your old story well enough that we can recite every word of it." Dylan said, putting his fork and knife on the plate.

"Thank you so much for the breakfast, Mrs. Night. It was really good. As you see, I grew up in an Asian household, so parents apologizing to their children feel a bit weird for me. So please don't do that ever again. It was not even something you should apologize for."

Rayme left the house without being able to speak to Dylan. She knew that if she tried to do so, his parents would have realized that something happened between both of them. Her heart was beating so fast whenever she was reminded of the trip. She never once in her life thought that conservative parents like Mr. and Mrs. Night would allow their son to go somewhere with a girl.

"Maybe they are alright with their son being with a girl." She thought for a moment, but in the end she had to let go of that thought, thinking about how well they were hiding their identities.

She drove home thinking about everything that had happened.