
A Rogue In Gotham

Deathstroke's former apprentice, William is living in Gotham trying to go to school while working part-time as a bodyguard/goon for the penguin. He is getting tired of the goon life and doesn't know if things will ever change for him. His past is shrouded in mystery until one fateful night he is working for the penguin everything seems to change for him.

TheRealestWangLin · Anime e quadrinhos
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32 Chs

Ch. 3

[Will Pov]

"Ugh, where am I," said Will as he opened his eyes in the bright white room.

"Ah shit I know this place… I'm dead." He looked around and there were cords hooked up in his arm, and it smelled sanitary in the room.

He shot up only to feel something pulling on his cock, he looked down. "AH shit, come get this thing out of me now!" He pressed the button a million times to call the nurse.

"Please get this thing out. I hate catheters."

Will was no stranger to pain, but that doesn't mean he loved it; he's not some kind of masochist. Though you might think he is by how many times he seems to get hurt.

Eventually, a nurse came in and said, "Welcome back to the land of the living."

"Please get this out of me so I can go," Will said.

"Sure honey." She said

As she was pulling out the catheter, Will asked, "So, uh, what day is it?"

She yanked out the catheter and Will grunted in pain.

"Thank you, mam." Will said

The nurse said, "It's Tuesday, you took a nasty fall, but I've never seen anyone heal as fast as you do. At this rate you should be nearly fine by the end of the week."

Will responded "Thanks," then made to get up. He stood up and gently pulled the IV out of his arm. Grabbed his belongings and changed out of the hospital gown back into the dress clothes he wore at the gala.

He had a cast on his right leg, and on his left arm.

He didn't care though, he just walked out on the crutches the hospital gave him. As well as a few throwing knives, his phone, wallet, and other belongings.

He called up Penguin on the way out, "Yo P what's up."

Penguin responded, "Nothing much boy good fucking work the other night, if it weren't for you, I'd have been fucked."

Will said, "You know I got your back. Anyways, I just got out of the hospital. I'm going to head to the iceberg lounge to get my money. I'm racking up these hospital bills lately, P."

Penguin said, "I heard that boy, see you in a few."

Will walked out, hailed a taxi, and was off to the iceberg lounge.

[Barbara Pov]

Meanwhile, at school, Barbara, Tim, and Stephanie were eating lunch and talking. Tim said, "Yo, Sunday was quite the surprise for me. Do you know if Will is okay?"

Barbara said, "Yeah, he's fine. I went and checked on him after school the other day."

Stephanie just smiled, "He's an idiot. He jumped out the window with Deathstroke."

Barbara said, "Ugh I don't really wanna think about it."

Tim laughed, "Yeah the kid is absolutely nuts, speaking of, did you see how he broke up with Ravager."

Barbara looked pissed, "Uh, how could I forget…. Who is that red-haired slut."

All three of them burst out laughing.

Tim said, "I take it he was never with Trixie to begin with."

Stephanie said, "Yep, it seems like it. I guess he could have, but he doesn't seem the type."

Barbara responded, "Ew, Trixie is pretty gross; let's not talk about her."

Tim rolled his eyes, "Anyways, what do you think his relationship with Deathstroke is? I don't think I've ever seen Slade get so angry before."

Barbara said, "I dunno, I'll ask him. Maybe he'll be awake today. I'm going to go check on him before we all meet to go on patrol."

Tim said, "Bruce wants to see him once he wakes up. Also, I think Damian likes him."

"Of course, Damian likes him, he said he was super strong." Stephanie said.

"I wonder why he said he was stronger than us. I beat up Damian all the time when we train," Tim said.

"Me too," said Barbara.

[Will Pov]

Later at the iceberg lounge Will and Dembe are drinking heavily, chatting, and causing a ruckus. Clinking their glasses together and just shooting the shit, you know how it is.

"Yo good shit the other night my boy. You deserve that money you got fer it." Dembe said in a thick African accent.

"Yeah man, I got more than I've ever seen. I'm glad Gotham PD hasn't run up on your big ass yet." Will laughed and said.

"Nah, they would end up worse for wear on that one, my friend," Dembe said.

"You gonna stay for the party tonight?" Will asked.

"Not if we keep drinking like this," Dembe said.

Selina looked at the Two of them, "You both sound like idiots. Slurring your words, I'd cut you both off if Penguin wouldn't kill me for it."

Will and Dembe both cracked up and high-fived when she said that.

Soon the VIP area of the iceberg lounge was packed with higher level goons all were here for one thing to have a party in the 16-year-olds honor.

[Tim Drake Pov]

Meanwhile, Tim was chilling waiting to get picked up from school with Barbara and Stephanie.

"So, we are going to see him first, right? Then do a bit of homework and go on patrol." Barbara said.

"Looks like it." Replied Tim

Bzzt Bzzt Bzzzt Tim pulled out his phone and said, "Hey, it's Bruce. I got to take this."

"Tim, I thought I told you to keep an eye on the boy, you were supposed to let me know when he left the hospital." Bruce said in a serious tone.

"What! He's already out of the hospital! Since when?" Tim asked exasperatedly.

"I don't know, check the tracker you put on him," Bruce responded angrily.

"Crap, hold up let me check." Tim said

He pulled up the GPS tracker they had placed on Will's clothes the other night and saw he was at the Iceberg Lounge.

"He's at the Iceberg Lounge Bruce." Tim said flatly.

"Make sure he comes to see me tomorrow. I need to speak with him." Bruce said then hung up the phone.

"He's already out?" Barbara asked.

"Yeah, and apparently he's taken it upon himself to make his way straight to the Iceberg Lounge." Tim said.

Stephanie said, "Is it wrong of me to have wanted to be there when he wakes up?"

Barbara looked slightly upset as well and said, "No I don't think so."

Tim dialed Will's phone number, Bzzt Bzzt Bzzzt Tim placed the phone on speaker and said, "Hello."

There was a lot of noise on the other side of the phone.

"Hey Tim, what's up brother." Will slurred out.

"Dude, where are you? Are you drunk?" Tim asked pinching the bridge of his nose

"Oh I'm at the Iceberg Lounge, and yes I'm fucking hammered, my friend. They are having a party in my honor tonight. It's getting pretty wild up in here man, if he keeps this up, I really might clique up for real man. Anyways, did you want something?" Will said

"Yeah, we were about to come visit you in the hospital we didn't know you were out." Tim said.

"Wait really, that's awfully nice of you I don't get many visitors," Will replied.

Barbara raised an eyebrow and took a sip from her water bottle.

"BRING IN THE GIRLS. WHOOOOOOOO" they heard people scream over the phone.

"No, No, they fucking didn't! How did P know man, THEY GOT ME A MOTHERFUCKING BATGIRL STRIPPER!"

Will screamed.

Barbara choked on her water and Tim started laughing.

"Yo Tim this shit is getting wild man you should pull up, hold up check this out." Will said.

Then took a selfie with what looked like someone dressed up in a scantily clad Batgirl outfit with long red hair, and someone dressed up as Black Canary kissing him on both his cheeks while Will sat there flashed a peace sign, and stuck his tongue out.

Under the image, it said, "Arrest Me!"

Tim pretty much died laughing. Once he caught his breath he said, "Yo Bruce would murder me if I showed up there."

Will replied," Wait, really? Sometimes I forget regular kids have like rules and shit….Well if you decide to sneak out and come party with the demons you know where I'm at. See ya."

Tim said, "See ya."

Barbara looked completely red in the face and slightly embarrassed as she stepped into the black town car that Alfred pulled around.

Tim looked at Stephanie and said. "You know, he's actually a lot cooler than I originally thought."

They both laughed and stepped into the car.