
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
445 Chs

Other Side

-----Mai's POV

Mai: "Wish me luck."

Galatea: "Can't believe you're doing this again..."

Neda: "Good luck!~"

Erytheia: "Don't get stuck this time, hehe."

Melanthos: "Mm."

Mai: "I'll be back as soon as I can."

And with that, I focus in on Selene.

For a while now, I wondered if the doorway was still active with Selene. Sure at the time, Kaede was also in the mix, but I still feel somewhat of a link between both Kaede and Selene. I do feel as though I can take a physical form once more, even without their assistance, but the only question would be if I can return... That was the main reason why we got into this predicament in the first place.

But again, I need to move fast. Ellen as yet to be born and I need to get down there before it's too late, especially in Selene and Lilith's case. And so, after collecting my resolve, I embrace the link with Selene, and in a flash, I find myself appearing straight in front of Selene and her mother.

Lilith: "What?!"

Selene: "M-Mai?"

Ah, she recognizes me? I feel the corners of my mouth rise on their own upon hearing my name being called.

Mai: "Mm. It's me."

Lilith: "W-w-what's a naked woman doing here?!"

Selene: "Ah, sorry mom. I was experimenting. It seems I've summoned someone."

Lilith: "R-really?"

Selene: "Mm!"

Actually, before I try and return, I should maybe fix a few things, and also-

Mai: "Can you hear me?"

Selene: "Yes."

We just communicated through our thoughts. It makes me happy, but also worried. But for some reason, my worries soon dissipates as I feel a lot more loose than before. Hmmm.

Mai: "Lilith."

Lilith: "Yes?"

Mai: "Can I borrow some clothes?"


After getting dressed in some of Lilith's clothes, I figure it's time to put my plan into action. Before I did this to see how much damage I caused, but maybe I could use it to my advantage? Sorry Lilith, but you'll be my first test subject.

Mai: "Thank you Lilith."

Lilith: "Y-you're welcome. To think my daughter was this talented to summon a familiar that talks..."

Hehe, I guess people will still think of me like that. Not that it really bothers me now.

And so, I move a hand up to Lilith's forehead.

Lilith: "W-what are you-"

Mai: "Please."

Selene: "You can trust her mom."

Lilith: "O...Okay."

With her permission, I press my hand against her forehead before closing my eyes. I can communicate with Selene and Kaede thought thoughts still, but I still need to be in direct contact to do the same with others. Actually... Maybe that's why Selene remembers everything... It didn't cross my mind until now, but that would explain why. She must've used me in order to extract those lost memories of hers. 

Mai: "You're pretty smart, Selene."

Selene: "Hehe."

Despite being just a little kid, barely even a year old, she can speak as if she had been around for many years. I guess Lilith must just think that's what a vampire child is like.

And so, I use the now temporary link with Lilith to feed her lost memories back to her.

Lilith: "!"

Good, it seems to be working. But right as I took my hand away, Lilith collapses as Selene rushes to her mom's side.

Selene: "What did you do?"

Mai: "I'm fixing my mistakes."

Selene: "What?"

Mai: "She'll wake up soon."

And without wasting time, I move away from Lilith before getting ready to teleport to-

Selene: "Wait!"

Mai: "Hmm?"

Selene: "What happened to Kaede?"

Mai: "She's safe."

And with that, I quickly teleport away, I don't want to waste anymore time. But Selene's words were quite interesting just now...

However... where I thought I teleported was a lot different than I remembered. There was no buildings around as I'm just floating in mid-air.

Mai: "Ah!"

That's right... Iris isn't here yet... I got used to them being in Yarene that I forgot that they're still in Inasdale. This city isn't even built yet...

Before accidentally making a scene, I teleport back to Yui's old place as I find myself in a room with an empty baby cradle. Good... Seems like I still have time. But suddenly, the door to the room opens as a water strike soon comes straight for me as I quickly disperse it with air magic. It's caster was none other than Alice who has now also drawn her sword towards me.

Alice: "Who are you?! What are you doing here?!"

Mai: "It's okay. I'm a friend."

Iris: "Alice?!"

It was then that Iris came out, standing behind Alice as she pokes her head into the room.

Alice: "Stay back, Iris."

Iris: "Eh?"

Alice: "How did you get here?"

She keeps her sword pointed at me as I can sense more mana collecting around her free hand. Sensing her hostility, I slowly raise my hands.

Mai: "I mean no harm. Like I said, I'm just a friend."

Alice: "I don't recognize you one bit."

Mai: "Well, you don't remember me, but I'm a friend of your daughter, Iris."

Iris: "Eh?"

Alice: "Fool. Did you mean her son? She doesn't have a daughter."

Iris: "..."

Instead of focusing on Alice, I instead focus only on Iris as we lock eyes with one another.

Mai: "You want a daughter, right?"

Iris: "..."

Alice: "What are you-"

Mai: "I'm not lying when I say that I'm a friend of your daughter. Or should I say, your future daughter."

Alice: "Shut up. Don't spout such nonsense to-"

Iris: "Alice."

Alice: "Huh?"

Iris: "Calm down. I'd like to hear more from our visitor."

Thankfully, it seems like my attempt at coaxing Iris has paid off as Alice sheathes her rapier, stepping to the side a little. However, I do notice that she still has that magic prepared if I were to do something. I can even sense mana steadily accumulating in Iris as well. I better choose my words wisely here...

Iris: "What's your name?"

Mai: "I've been given the name, Mai."

Iris: "Well then, Mai. Sadly I don't believe in fairy tales such as time travel, but how did you know about me wanting a daughter?"

I guess I need to somehow prove I'm from the future? I've piqued her interest, but that's all I've done so far. Proof...

Mai: "Because I've seen her myself. You and your family end up moving to Yarene, where you hope to live a much more peaceful life."

Iris: "What?!"

Mai: "As for why you want a daughter... I guess only you have the answer for that, haha."

Iris: "How do you know about that?"

Mai: "Like I said, I've come from the future where you made that a reality."

Iris: "...I don't believe you. You're a spy sent by the king, right? Trying to get some information out of me? I commend you for knowing about Yarene, but I'm not falling for it."

The mana building up in Iris soon forms small streaks of flames in her right hand. I guess she's nearly had enough about what I have to say...

Mai: "What if I can show you?"

Iris: "Eh?"

I take a step forward towards Iris which of course prompted Alice to get in between us.

Alice: "Not another step!"

At her words, I stop. This is a little more tricky than I originally thought.

Iris: "...What do you mean you can show me?"

Mai: "I'll show you the future I saw."

Iris: "..."

Smart. She's still keeping her distance. Maybe if I can gain her trust, maybe...

Mai: "It's not just the future. I also know about your past. I know that you only married out of the need of wealth."

Iris: "..."

Mai: "Your family is a notable figure in this kingdom, but due to some errors by your father, your family has been deteriorating. So while attending the academy, you searched for the best candidate to get your family out of the hole your father had dug, even if it's to sacrifice finding love."

Iris: "How..."

Political marriages happen all the time in these families, but there's still some form of love between the two partners, otherwise the family might fall apart even more. However, Iris is different. The only instance where Iris ever told anyone about her feelings towards her husband was to her own daughter, someone who isn't even born yet. And just by the look on Iris' face, it seems that I've begun to get through to her.

Mai: "I can show you."

I raise my hand up, but in doing so, Alice sends out a sharp water strike, aiming straight for my neck, but I quickly erect a barrier, dispersing the strike in an instant.

Alice: "I said!-"

Iris: "Alice... It's okay."

Alice: "Huh?"

This time, it was Iris who stepped forward, now only a few steps away from me. I could just quickly close the distance now and force it, but I feel like it'll be better for Iris herself to accept this. And so, I hold my ground, letting Iris go at her pace.

Iris: "You say you can show me this future? With my daughter?"

Mai: "Yes."

She takes another step forward. Her eyes now filled with uncertainty.

Iris: "And you said you're a friend of my daughter?"

Mai: "Yes."

Another step.

Iris: "Then I ask, why did you come back to the past?"

Mai: "..."

I guess I'll just tell her.

Mai: "...I messed up. I did something that caught someone's attention. It wasn't me that went back in time, but everything else around me. I just want to avoid that future and do right... I don't want to make the same mistakes again."

Iris: "..."

Finally, her eyes widened if only slightly, showing a hint of the old Iris that I know.

Mai: "To be honest, your daughter... I ruined her life. I've been given this chance, so-"

Iris: "So you think telling me this would help my daughter?"

Mai: "...Yes."

She takes another step as her face in right in front of me.

Iris: "Okay."

She closes her eyes as I gently place my hand on her forehead. I relay all her memories back to her as her face begins to contort as even a few tears begin to sneak it's way out of her closed eyes.

Alice: "Iris!"

Iris: "Y...Yui-"

She spoke in a soft voice, saying only a single name before her body gives out. I quickly catch her before she hits the ground, taking my hand away from her forehead.

Mai: "I'm sorry."

I speak those words softly in her ear before Alice shoves me away from Iris. But using the single instant of connection, I quickly send all the memories I have of Alice into her as well. And in but an instant, Alice too collapses on the ground. With this, I think I've saved Yui. But I can't help but feel sorry for Iris. I knew what those tears meant... I've essentially given her the daughter she wanted, yet she'll never come. But maybe-

Maid: "W-w-what's happened?"

Just then, a maid comes into view, along with some butlers and other maids. Looks like I have a lot of work to do...