
A Perfect Disguise

“I adore you... I mean why won't I... You are so dumb and clueless, Haha...” His hands slid down my cheeks as he pinched my cheeks. “Hmppppphh!!!” I was barely able to breathe, his glares sent shivers, and my throat hurt every time I tried to breathe “Hehe, don't worry I don't enjoy playing with tiny bugs like you~” He tucked his fingers in my mouth and pulled out the cloth he stuffed in. “What do you want...” A dangerously cold shiver ran through my spine, though his face was covered, I knew this bastard was smirking... I am fucked... “Hehe... come on now sweetie don't waste my time... You know exactly what I want.” His deadly aura made me choke, and his sharp words demolished my act of courage. “Y... You will kill me even if I tell you what you want...” I have been abducted before, that's one part of the career path I chose, but this freak is insane... “True.” He said it as simply as if he knew every single word which would slip out my lips... “Then why would I give that to you?? Am... Am not any amateur who would fall for your fake mercy!” His eyes shined as the moonlight hit him past the dusky night sky, an unwavering result backed by a soul craving for blood. “Huh... When did I ever say anything about mercy...” A loud tick broke the silence and he pulled out a revolver from his back. His expression went blank the smirk that he put on was long gone, he is the master of blank canvas... “It has been over ten minutes sweetheart... And our investigation has led us... nowhere... So we need to speed things up, 'cause... unlike someone someone rubbing his butt on my chair, I am quite busy.” He cracked his fingers and proceeded to release the tension built into his neck by slowly cracking his neck. His slow marches thickened the air surrounding us to the point I suffocated with every single breath. His hands lifted off a massive bed sheet behind him revealing any man's biggest weakness... He kissed the tip of his pistol and looked dead blank in my eyes, “Now you shall bark like a bitch... or my baby here knows how to sing a lullaby.” It is a thriller mystery novel where the protagonist is on a hunt, and his blank heart and empty soul reject normal human emotions, for everyone is a pawn, a pebble that shall be stacked to create a perfect staircase for him to concur the tower which must have been his long ago. Hello! Am restarting after almost an eternity, so I may not be too good, but will surely try to improve. So please leave your honest opinion and reviews, and also a few pointers on how shall I improvise. Enjoy the novel... And try to guess who might be the protagonist, I hope I do my best to hide him/her from your creative minds.(Also the cover is made by me, so... Bare with my bad art style~)

Baby_Shadow_5978 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Beauty Behind The Screen

After meeting Leo and others and finally signing a contract with him, Cristopher was quite relieved and excited about the progress of their upcoming missions. Though he had to compensate a lot, it was still worth it in his eyes. Now the only thing he was left to do was drop this unconscious body of Ralph back at his office, where Zeno would eventually take care of him.


After almost an hour of riding through city traffic, he was finally able to reach the police station, and surprisingly it was calmer than he had anticipated.


"Huh... I thought detectives were lazy, but it seems this whole city runs on the same principle." Since Cristopher was not raised in that city, heck he originally doesn't even belong to this country. Mr. Bailey adopted him and his siblings from an orphanage mainly because Cristopher was brilliant even at a very young age and his strength was far superior to others.


He walked toward the entrance and noticed the guard was snoozing while laying his heavy head on the table. "If my team ever becomes like this I will surely make them feel what is true fear..." Cristopher sighed inwardly and he walked directly inside Ralphs, office while carrying him like a rag doll on his shoulders.


The moment he got inside the office he noticed Zeno was arranging some stuff around the office while he had set up an espresso machine to make some coffee.


"You are late Ralph, we have to start working for that mission you know..." He turned around with a cup of coffee in his hand, and to his surprise, he noticed Cristopher standing there while Ralph hung onto his shoulders.


He raised a brow while handing the coffee mug to Cristopher and continued in a calm tone, "Well well who is here?" He greeted him with a pleasant smile while sipping his coffee.


"You are not as surprised as I expected you to be..." Christopher dropped off Ralph onto a chair before resting his back on the wall and enjoying the freshly brewed cup of coffee.


"Mhm... Not bad..."


"So... You mind explaining what is going on? My boss did not pick up his phone last night, or this morning. And now he is lying unconscious in front of me... But the most suspicious thing of all is why are you carrying him?"


"There is no need for us to get heated over someone like him..." Christopher closed his eyes and took another sip and continued. "And please drop that formal caring sub-ordinate act in front of me... You can fool others, but not me. The moment I saw you I realized something was off, and it doesn't seem like you both have met each other recently..."


A subtle smile appeared on Zeno's face as he chucked on Christophers' sharp senses. "Great! I couldn't have expected any less from you, sir Christopher..." He kept the mug aside and walked towards Ralph, he lifted his chin to inspect and continued. "It's true, we both have known each other for quite a while... His brute strength and unshaken and dominating nature, while I am the brain of his team."


"I see..."


"Now that I have answered your questions why don't you answer mine?"


Christopher cleared his throat and lifted his hand, signaling Zeno to ask his questions.


"Where was Ralph last night?"


"Mhm... He was kidnapped." Christopher crossed his fingers and held the cup between his hands.


"Ralph getting kidnapped? Now that's unusual... Generally, he is the one kidnapping people and dragging them down in the cells." Zeno was slightly surprised by this news as Ralph was quite a brute and he won't give in so easily.


"Let me finish little boy... He was kidnapped by Shadow."


"Huh? Shadow? The Shadow??" Zeno couldn't help but get more confused and raise his brows toward Christopher not able to accept the facts he was throwing at him.


"Yes... This fucker was kidnapped by Shadow and I had installed a tracker onto him beforehand, that's why I was able to follow him around and get him out of his primary base. And he was beaten up like a rag doll and tossed in a corner before I had reached him, that's why he is unconscious right now."


"I get it..." Zeno walked to his chair and seated himself.


Soon after finishing his coffee Christopher got up and walked out the door without saying a word to Zeno.


"To think you could fail so miserably... You are getting worthless aren't you?" Zeno pulled Ralph by his hair before smacking his face with his fists until he was fully satisfied.


Christopher was still standing by the door while listening to all the commotion he was causing inside.


"Now now budd... Chill out you might kill your puppet at this rate." Christopher smiled inwardly and walked away from the office.


When he reached his car he found a bouquet with a letter stuffed inside of it. He picked up the flowers tossed them in the back seat of his car, and unfolded the letter in his grasp.


"Game On Christopher..."


A vicious grin appeared on his face as he crumbled the letter in his fist before tossing it away.


"I would love to hunt you down my little Shadow... Just wait until I dismantle your organs while keeping you barely alive at every single moment of your torture." He pressed onto the accelerator and raced the city roads overtaking every single vehicle on his way until he crossed over ten miles of distance in less than five minutes.


"Hey James look at this!! It's a late seventies bottle cap!! Damn!! This casino is antique!!" While on the other side of the city, James and Andrew had already left the love birds alone and began their investigation alone.


"Woahh!! For real bro! Look over here!!" James dragged Andrew under a roulette table and showed him the mechanism, and how they manipulated the numbers and made people lose money.


"Geez... That's why I lose so much money in these stupid casinos.." They both sighed before getting back on their seats while others there looked at both of them with weird gazes as you don't usually get to see such an energetic duo.


"Darling... Should we worry about those two?" A fairy-like figure laid herself in front of a large screen that had multiple screens showcasing the scenario at their casino. Her slim hands rested on the chest of her boyfriend. His hands embraced her raven hair. Her figure was magnified by the light blue dress which was cut enough to showcase the length of her legs by her hips, while a thin veil rested upon her back, her appearance resembled that of a goddess from the kingdom of ice.


"Don't worry cutie, I have my eyes on them." He caressed her face in his palm as he gently patted her hair. The light from the screen highlighted a thin silver chain around his neck, which had a moon-shaped pendant resting on his lower chest. Their unmatched beauty and elegance could make even the moon god jealous of them.