6 A Glimpse

Authors Note: The chapter won't really be necessary for the story and it might turn out bad because I'm not the best at character interaction. But this will be small glimpses into the 3 month training and time skip. I hope to let you guys get a better understanding of how jack trains and have a believable character connection between him and Eve.

1: Fuinjutsu Training

"Ah!" I shouted as I pulled my hand back from the paper tag in front of me. 'Dang this is definitely harder than it looks.' It has been 2 days since I brought Eve back and right now she was sleeping in base. I cursed again under my breath while taking another tag out of my inventory to start again taking reference from the book laid out in front of me.

Right now I didn't need a very complete under standing of the art, all I really needed to know was the basics and how to copy down explosive seals. But it's not as easy as you would think, along with my physical exercises and practicing chakra control this is all I had been doing since I got back. I really underestimated how intricate a art it was. Not only having to have near perfect calligraphy but also be able to correctly implement the chakra was hard work.

But even though it was difficult I could certainly see myself getting lost in the craft in the future when I had more time. It was truly interesting and had infinite capabilities. But I knew that now I have to focus because the longer we wait the more chance that we have of being to late.

'Bang!' I pulled my hand back as the next failure exploded in my face.

"Well it's progress."

2: Resolve

I fell to the ground exhausted after completing the final push-up of the set. It had been 4 days since we got back and I was worried about Eve. She didn't talk much and if she did it was in one to two words. I had told her about my plan and she seemed to be ok with it, she did question why we had to wait but was surprisingly understanding about my lack of preparedness. She had been pretty emotionally distant ever since her breakdown and I wasn't a child's therapist so I mostly gave her space. At least she seemed to rust me now.

Turning my head when I heard footsteps I saw Eve walking out of the base. Carrying her trusty blaster pistol with her. She seemed to be really attached to the thing probably doesn't want to feel powerless again. She seemed to walk with a purpose in her step that wasn't there before. But she seemed to slowly lose some of that confidence as she got closer. Finally reaching me she opened her mouth and then closed it again.

"hi" she said in a small voice

"Hello" I replied before a always silence descended upon us. "Did you want to ask me something?"

"Yes, well... I was wondering if you would be willing to help teach me how to fight I know it might inconvenience you and you have already been more than kind to me but I do t really feel safe and I want to help save my mom I know you might not be able to teach me everything you can do but if you could do anything I would greatly appreciate it."

'... wow she said all in one breath she must've been trying to say that for a while'

"First of all calm down I barely caught half of that just slow down and say it again."

"Would you be my teacher!" She said getting more towards the point and sounding more confident.

"Are you sure it's going to be very dangerous?"

"I'm sure" she said with such finality that I couldn't really say no.

"Sure, but you'll have to call me Sensei."

(Important notice MC will Not be giving or teaching anyone chakra I know some people do t like that and I don't either. In this fix it isn't really even a option with how the system works.)

3: Nature?

"Phew" I sat back onto the ground watching Eve almost drag herself back into the base. It had been a little less than a month since we started and I had been pushing her hard everyday to keep up with weighted me. It was difficult but she was getting better, I also worked with her on her shot during my kunai training. She was actually a decent shot already, I wasn't sure how because she didn't have any former training but I was fine with it.

But now I had something really important to do so I quickly pulled a sheet of paper out of my inventory. I had spent the month getting good at the jutsus I already knew and working on the basics. So I finally thought it was time to check what was my nature affinity. I was hoping to have a couple of decent elemental Jutsu under my belt before the attack so I needed to do this now. 'If I remember correctly the paper burns if fire, cuts if wind, crumbles if earth, wrinkles if lightning, and gets wet if water'

I murmured a quick prayer before pushing my chakra into the paper. And it....Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!... Jk it Wrinkled.

"Yes" I said our load careful not to be so loud as to disturb anyone. 'That is actually what I had hoped for I can't wait to use the raikages lighting armor or the chidori.' Wait don't get ahead of yourself me, I have to focus on what I can get done in a relatively short amount of time. So I went straight to the D-C section of lightning ninjutsu.

4: Oops

A couple days after I had learned of my lightning nature I was sitting on the ground deep in concentration. Carefully I connected the last two lines on the tag. I closed my eyes waiting for it to blow back into my face but lo and behold I opened my eyes to a completed explosive seal.

Jumping into the air multiple times I celebrated as this was my first completed seal. 'Shhhhhh' I heard a noise coming from the seal and my eyes widened in panic as I realized what was about to happen. Enhancing my legs with chakra I flung my self to the side.


'Shit the whole forest must have heard that maybe my seal needs some more practice'

Eve came running out of the base looking worried for a second but when she saw what happened her expression immediately turned.

"I told you I didn't know how those dumb papers of yours explode but you should be more careful!"

'I smiled inwardly as she seemed to be getting better and more open with her emotions.


We had to move after that alerted the pirates to our position.

5: Eve POV

It has been more than two and a half months since..that.. happened to me, I still didn't like thinking about it. But what I didn't mind thinking about was the strange person that I now call Sensei. I really can't figure him out, he is very trustworthy but always gives vague answers when I ask about his past and his powers. Obviously I don't pry because he can keep his secrets.

There is no doubt that he is an amazing person, saving me from the pirates and even offering to help get my mom and people back at the same time. He also is a admirable teacher or Sensei he calls it. Sometimes he says certain words in a different language that I don't understand. But his lessons are hard and he seems to be very adept at fighting and stealth even without his chakra as he calls it.

But sometimes it's hard to see the amazing man when you see his face full of soot after failing one of his 'paper bombs' (seriously how does he do that) or falling asleep in the middle of a hard work out late at night. He is even surprisingly funny but awkward when we would spend the nights taking at the campfire. And taking his advice I had actually taken up a small hobby. I had started to take apart and build my blaster pistol, for some reason it just felt calming and I enjoyed learning about the insides.

All that I know is that I'm glad he came into my life and I can't wait to show those pirates what's for.

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