
chapter 3

"uum...hey evelyn why am i awake"i asked a little sleepy,finding myself staring at the blue screen in front of me.it was weird i had no hands nor legs...i was a ball, just a white ball floathing in the endless darkness that is see around me.

[ you're awake because we need to disscuss your rebirth into the new universe.which so happens to be the dragon ball universe.

if you would like to sleep you could. then evelyn will just choose the race that you will be born as and when you will be born for you. ]

" no!!... that won't be necessary i'm wide awake evelyn." i said all the sleepiness vanishing in a instant.("damn what a pain the dragon ball univese huh...well the abvious choice would be the saiyan race.").i thought to myself.

"yep i choose the saiyan race.i wanna be born 15 years before goku is born"i said to evelyn trying to remember something."oh can you also change my mothers pod a little bit so i won't have to teach her about technology."i said remembering that the pods teach the young saiyans everything they need to know.

[ affirmative. please choose which one you would like to be :

(normal saiyan) : those that are commonly found on planet vegeta.(goku,vegeta ect...wait are they normal saiyans?? idk ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ )

(Legendary supersaiyan) : broly...

(ancient saiyan) : the ancient saiyans where once feared across the universe so much so that the supreme kai's had to come in and imprison them on their own planet.they where a race of warriors,fighting was in their blood and seeing no one to fight they fought each other. it became so chaotic that the planet couldn't take it anymore and exploded.some knew that the planet would explode so they made a plan to survive the explosion.

(A/N : i really am sleepy and explaining this is getting boring so here's what i was going with...the ancient saiyans here where before yamoshi was born.the surviving saiyans landed on a planet where the gravity was so strong that they couldn't even fly so they where stuck again on the planet.in the next 100 years or so yamoshi was born on and fought with the evil saiyans.(for those who don't know who yamoshi is...well he was the first supersaiyan god.) ]

[ i already know which one you'll pick be warned that you insticts will be enhanced by 50 times than a normal saiyan if you pick the ancient race of saiyan ]

"like you said i'll pick the third option...i mean how bad could it be"i said laughing.(future me here): well it wasn't that bad i just destroyed a few planets here and there...it happens to everyone right...

[ fine don't come crying to me when blow up a planet out of rage...any way let me make the bodies

...and done~ the next time you wake up you'll probably be on your way to conquer a planet.]

"please hide our battle power from frieza's scouters,put our powerlevel where they wouldn't even give us a second glance before walking away"as i said that everything went black.


( planet vegeta, 12 years before goku is born and planet vegeta's destruction )

( year 724)

"what do we have here,where are you sending those two little monsters"said a purple alien mob character that i'll probably never write about again.

"on planet xo 3457 orcad "replied mob number 2 boredly.he has done this job for 7 years straight ever since king cold took over the saiyan race." lets see here ah here it is.it's a very large planet it'll probably take 8 to 10 years for one of them to subdue it because the moon only comes up once year there".said mob 1

"that's why they are sending two to subdue it faster,unless one died of course,sigh*... it isn't my problem. they could both die for all i care"said mob 2 uninterested.

"well anyway put them in their pods before they wake up,they're destination are already set."said mob 1 not paying attention to them anymore as he began to type on his computer.







"alrighty all set...i hope to never see you again,means less saiyans to bully me around."mob 2 said with a *sigh* he really had a demanding job.the saiyans just come in and demand that he brings them to they're child or demand he does something for them."not even the children spare me"he mumbled to himself.

(space pods launch sounds here)

( does this fit here?) 2X SWOOOSH ~


(unknown days later)

2 space pod could be seen falling through the atmosphere i heading straight for a forest with weird looking trees.when they landed they made a loud noise scaring off everything that heard the sound.


"f*ck that was loud."a kid's voice could be heard in 1 of the 2 pod that landed." you're telling me why the hell couldn't they make the space pods land softer hun"another kid's voice could be heard but this one appeard to be more feminine.

both walked out at the same time the first one was a boy who wore black saiyan armor and had spicky black hair, his iris color were red like blood.a brown tail swinging freely behind him.

the second person who came from the other pod was a girl wearing blue saiyan armor, long spiky brown hair that reached her mid section and hazelnut color eyes.like her partner her tail also swinging freely behind her.

[ congratulations on your first and last soul rebirth ]

"last...what do you meen by last evelyn"i asked with a frown on my face.i didn't like it...last what last...does this mean i'm stuck in the dragonball universe...

[ yep last rebirth during you're nap time i was bored so i decided to update my self ~ (*¯︶¯*) ]

"what functions do you have now"i asked her.last time i asked she told me she only had soul rebirth.

[ uum here are the new functions :

- shop (you can only buy things that exist in the dragon ball universe)

-gate (lets you travel between old and new universes(can't be used now)

-inventory (you can store up to anything in here(well everything except living thing of course)

how do you like my new functions (*¯︶¯*) ain't i the best.much better than those other worthless systems out there right.i mean isn't a system suppose to help they're host not kill them because they couldn't finish a quest. *agh* retards.]

"alright i've waited enough"said the female saiyan as she stood up and began walking torwards nion."why are standing there like an idiot looking at nothing! lets go hunt for food i'm hungry!."said yve a little angry as she began to drag nion away into the forest to look for some animals to eat.


(A/N : as you can see i have changed they're name i don't know if i gave the mother a name or not but now her name will be yve and the mc will be nion. i didn't like the mc name like wtf was i thinking with going with ren...oh right i was dead tired when i wrote the chapter even now i wanna go to bed...what else oh yeah they're attitude changed the mom was a lovley caring woman now she's more hot blooded.uum and the mc well he was kind before so he's now indifferent/a little cold blooded.)

uum now that's out of the way let go on to the real problem some of you like harem some don't....fine i said i was gonna have 16 girls in his harem but i'mma short it a little bit.that'll make every one happy...right... anyway now the max number of girls in it will be ( 6 ) ok no more no less.

i already have the first 3 girls so you can pick the other 3.

1) Yve (yes this is incest.i wanted to put her in another world that would be good in the short term but idk how the reunion part would go...so that's a no go.)

2) bulma ( i always liked her )

3) and vados (not choosing her because i want little baby angels...nope not at all.)

alright those are the 3 girls are already in the harem i'm not changing it even if it kills this story whahahaha.now there's gonna be a list of 6 different women down below just comment who do you want in his harem.( where the question marks are you can put a name down there and i will pick one...if it has many likes i will pick that one.)

1) android 18

2) wonder woman (injustice version)

3) tsunade

4) irene ( from fairy tail )



anyway you pick or write down the next chapter will be uploaded by saturday...maybe i really need to study for my tests so that's why i put maybe there.


i love you all.

now i will go to sleep.

oh yeah i forgot DON'T GIVE ME POWER STONES or whatever you're giving...no i don't want it.

because you will ask for more chapters like all the other people out there they just ask for more...( even tho i also ask) but that's not the point, the point is don't give me anything just comment that's all i want. to improve my writing.🙃

and if you see plot holes or something you don't like in the story pls comment here so i can see it and reply to you or fix the problemㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ bye


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