
The Questionnaire

When my father suddenly asked me how I felt about the results of today's test, truthfully I felt a little conflicted. Up until now I never thought about the martial arts of this world, I just went about doing my own business. Frankly, the fact that spiritual forces existed here had not completely sunk in yet. And today, the fact that I had an abnormal amount of internal qi in me, was suddenly dropped on me. I didn't even have the chance to analyse the reason why I had so much internal qi in my body. Was it because of the Pranayama and acupuncture I do every day? To dismiss the reason why my body had an impossible amount of inner qi (when I am clearly a human) just by calling it inborn talent was really thinking about things too naively. Even the reasons for the use of martial arts in this world was different. While MMA may be the most effective martial art for sports and entertainment, its completely useless in war situations like skirmishes, ambush etc. Therefore I replied, "Father, I was really surprised by the results and didn't have time to ponder about my future. Therefore to give you a better reply to your answer, I would like like to clarify some doubts. May I?"

"Proceed", it seemed the king was intrigued by the attitude of his youngest son. Before this event, he didn't pay much attention to this child but it seems like this child may be more than what meets the eye.

After a deep breath, Vidyut asked, "Why did you start to walk on the path of immortal and why did you leave it? Do you regret your decisions?"

The king replied, "I started on the path because both of my parents were part of 'Yellow' Earth sect. I left it because I fell in love with your mother and queen-aunts. I don't regret any of my decisions".

"Fair enough. Then my next question is - What were your aspirations when you first started martial arts and what is your impression on it now?"

The king thought for a while before answering," When I started martial arts, I wanted to gain fame and riches and also fight against my destiny. Now I view it as a source of power to maintain my position and dignity as king."

"How do see your position as the sovereign of Vajra kingdom?"

"It is a position of responsibility. As the king I enjoy the top priority to all resources in this kingdom, in return whenever this kingdom faces any threat, I have to to be at the forefront, shielding the citizens. Otherwise, I will not be a king but a despot. "

"I see..." saying upto here, Vidyut fell silent. All the family members were intently gazing at him to find out what revelations he had achieved through this father-son questionnaire. Staying silent for 3-4 minutes, Vidyut raised his head and said in a solemn voice," I don't see why I should become a martial artist."

A heavy silence descended onto the hall.....

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