
A life after the ruination

300 hundred years ago, there was a great war between the supreme beings and the demon king. The fight was so intense that the outcome of the fight alert the entire universe. However, this fight was the supreme being lost. The demon king [King of Darkness] Samael managed to fuse himself with his 7 demonic weapons and turned into a demon god. After that he decided to hunt down the gods of origins [God of creation][God of destruction] and [God of life and death], who make the universe in that fight causing the balance of the entire universe to collapse. After that the demon god lost his sanity and was consumed by the power of demonic weapons turning him into a mindless killing machine.

However, 30 years ago, the massacre of demon god had put to the end by party of heroes; A girl who has beautiful long scarlet hair and eyes wielding a large death scythe who has impenetrable defense, Mary Lynn. A black jet hair android who can summon an entire battle ship arsenal, Kuro Machina. Lastly, a half human half robot who said to be the strongest being, Ax.

Even though, the demon god was dead, the heroes cannot do anything to stop the collapsing of the universe and by the time past almost every life in the universe has been extinct.





30 years later,



"PLEASE WAKE UP, MASTER!!!" said the black hair android maid who is trying to pull off the blanket

'Ngggg don't pull the blanket! I want to sleep moreee!!'

I scream as I try my best to hold the tyrannical act of Kuro's blanket stealing.

' It's weekend today, let me rest more!!!'

"Master! You can't just use this excuse everyday!!!"

"As a maid who serve the Lynn family for 16 generations since the founder, I must accomplish this task!!!"

A tug of war between the blanket.

"Fine!!! If you really want to sleep that much.." Kuro said as she let go the blanket

'hee hee, seem like I win, huh?' I pull back my precious blanket and give Kuro a smirk. Wait a moment? Kuro seem pretty mad, isn't she?! Oi!? 'I f*cked up' I realize.

Kuro right arm turn turn into an anti-particle cannon and now it is aiming at me

" Dear master, would you mind to wake up right now....please?"

"I will count to 10 if you still want to sleep, I will pull the trigger.....one"

She pulls the trigger.


A blue laser fly straight to me and my bad, vaporizing everything that it touch and area around it.

"What about other number!!!!" I yell at Kuro

'I almost die!!!'

"of course, you aren't." Kuro heartlessly replies

Damn, even if my body look totally fine, but my mind won't!!! You know?! I am just a normal cute looking girl who can tank on anti-particle cannon. Moreover?! my favorite PJ got blow along with my bed.

"Master, please hurry up and get dress. I will prepare a meal for you in the dining room"

"Ah.. I seem master Ax have something to show you as well. Please go to see him after finishing your meal" Kuro said and take a leave.

Fine!!! just leave me alone. you sadist maid!!!!




"Here is your today meal, madam" Kuro hand me a plate full of bean.

"You are not look so appetite, are you sick?" She asked

'um...no.. I just bore of eating bean everyday'

"If master Ax heard what you just said, he's gonna be depress. We are lucky enough that he was able to materialize a bean in this dying universe. Otherwise, we will starve to death"

AHHH I get it, I get it!!! Damn! I clearly understand you, sir! but Having only bean of a decade for every day and every meal is too painful for me!! Every meal time for me is a torture!!! And what more is not "WE", but "I". You and Ax can life on without eating. So, your guy never understand my feeling!!!

" Even an android like myself might not need to eat or drink, But I can taste. So I fully know how tough it is to eat only bean. Master, even if bean is taste terrible, but you need to eat it for your well being"

How can she understand what I am thinking?!

Oh!! Fine, if you really care me that much! I will eat.

" Please, enjoy for meal...pttf"

Huh! did you just giggle on me?! DID YOU JUST GIGGLE ON ME!!!!? I am your master, don't you know!!!!!?

"my my, apologize for rudeness." Kuro elegantly bow her head.

'you intentionally did it, didn't you?!"

Ah that's right, my vein is popping on my head right now.





Oh sh*t! my stomach.... Why it have to be at this moment!!!!

"Oh my! you seem very hungry, let me give you extra scoop of the bean"

Hell Noooo!! no more!!!Anything, but bean!!!!!! please have some mercy!!! Damn you robot!!! And what is that pose!! you are clearly mocking me!!!

Kuro covers her smirking smile with one of the hand .

After I finish the torturing bean time, we go to see Ax.




The room is a mess. A word mess might not work either. Oh yeah! The room is disaster. The moment open the door. I was greeted with a pile of books , sheets and all kind of research. I might mistake this room for a library if there is no pile of machine and other robotic tool that moving around. The smell of oil, rust and paper is flowed out through the opened door. The room is clean though. Good job Kuro for cleaning this room before I arrive!!! I give Kuro a thumb up to a clueless Kuro.

Ax seem to notice our arrival, he even prepare a cold drink for us!! even thought it is just a water. Do not worry! I will acknowledge it!!

'Kuro said you want to see me' I ask

"Oh Mary, great timing. I just finishing my project moment ago" He answer me with smile

Huh?? a project? seriously?! I thought that he was just some loner who prefer to stay in his comfort zone and doing absolutely nothing to pass the time. I mean we have living in the same house for many decades and I hardly see him around!!!! I have absolutely no idea what he is doing in his everyday life.

"Master Mary, Master Ax has been working on the theory about applying time and space magic into a machine" Kuro who is suddenly speaking and turning her face toward Mary.

Huh!? Wait a moment?! How does she know my mind thought????? A psychokinesis?! Mind reading android?!

"No, madam. I do not have mind reading"

!!!!!! Oh my, yes, you are.

"It just....I have been with you since you were a baby. of course, I'm gonna know your thought process well."

How come I never notice such a thing before. Well, it is what it is. let resume to the Ax's project!

'So, the thing you have been working on is something like a time machine, right?'

"it is basically a time machine" Ax answer while looking at the huge donut shape machine.

After that, teacher Ax lecturing us about how his donut work for an hour! Yes, an hour! I was about to sleep for many times, but at least I got some ideas about how it work. Basically, Ax got a hand on his old friend magic theory and some information about the previous time traveler who we met half century ago. Wait...That is not an explanation about how the donut work, isn't it?! Well, what ever, we only need to know that it is working though.

"It's sad that I have never test this thing out. However, I know it will work perfectly fine."

huh?! what did he just say????? and why he is looking at me?!

I'm about to step backward, but some one block my escape path. Kuro!!!! you damn traitor!!! move away?!

"I think Master Mary's indestructible body is a perfect guinea...a perfect way to test out this machine" Kuro stand firm with out moving

You are about to say that I am a perfect guinea pig!!!!

"It is as Kuro said. Mary, you are the only who can perform this experiment. This universe is beyond saving and soon everything will be disappear. Here is the plan, if we travel back to the time before demon god destroy the balance of universe, we can prevent the past from become like our time"

'it is easier to said than it is done though' I reply Ax

'fine fineeeeeee, I get it, so all I need is to stand in this marked place and get the job done, right?' I speak as I walk to the target location near the donut machine.

why does it has to be me????? It pretty SUS, but what ever. Huh? Kuro is bringing something out?

"Master, I know that I quite sudden, but can you please give this to my past self?" Koru hand me some kind of a small machine box and some kind of pouch.

'why don't you just give it by yourself? isn't that way more easier?'

"Master, after we use this device. It will drain a lot of our energy and might render to do anything of a while. therefore, if we are going with you right now. we will only be your burden. I hope you understand. But don't worry after our energy recharged, we will travel to you"

'you all better be' I take the box from Kuro hand, then walk straight to the device and never look back.

After that everything turn white and then I find my self in an unfamiliar place.





After the white light disappear, Mary is no where to be find. Only Ax and Kuro remain in the room.

"Mission accomplish....the target have been move to...destine location..." Kuro report the outcome to Ax

"Kuro, do you really have to lie to her" Ax ask...

"She...probably know that....I am lying...." Kuro response weakly

"Well, you might be true. It is not that we do not want to follow her, but we can't... "

"After that accident, we have life for many decades with recharge our energy. If the energy disappear along with the universe, soon it will be our time as well"

"And that was our last drop of energy..."

"..." Kuro stand still without moving

Ax look at the unresponsive Kuro.

"Farewell Kuro...I will join you soon"

He stop moving

the last living being in the universe has died.



