
A Chance for Hope

<p>I was walking towards the convenience store I daily visit after school ended. I had still a long way to go. Then it suddenly started raining. I ran towards the nearest shelter. It was someone's house. I heard noises that sounded quite like a quarrel. When the rain stopped and when I started to move, their door opened and a lady of my mother's age came outside, with her eyes swollen and with the marks of tears attached in her cheeks.<br/>She saw me and I saw her. She asked who I was and i explained the situation. Then she asked with a guilty-sorry face if I heard them. That was the moment I chose to wipe that tears for good.<br/>I don't know them. They didn't know me.<br/>But Still, I wanted to give myself a hope. A hope that I can still stand. It Doesn't matter if it is on others problems or their life. As long as it give me a Push-up in my life, I can do anything I can.<br/>I told her 'I did. '</p>