
A Lazy Mans Motivation to Eternity

One man's failure is a fortune to another. Due to bad luck, karma or bad fate, I failed too ascend at the very last step and died, well almost but at least I can give opportunity to another to achieve what I couldn't.

Rutabulis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

The Return

Lingyun and Linghua took their time going back to the Ling Clan mansion. They had cleaned themselves up and bought new outfits Neither of them had spoken about the events of the day. They were both exhausted and their faces told that story quite well. Their plan was to sneak into the mansion but they had played their parts all too well.

They were barely in the neighbourhood when they were surrounded by experts from the clan. Word had been sent out since "Elder Sun" had named them his disciples.

A few minutes later they were brought into a large hall withing the Ling Mansion. The matriarch sat at the head on a large adorned chair.She seemed to have aged a little since he saw her a few hours before. It had been odd for him to see her bow her head and refer to him as an elder but it was something he had to endure for the good of the clan.

His plan had gone well. In one fell swoop he had eliminated any possibility of doubts about where his new found strength came from, as well as taking measures to ensure the strength of the clan.

As he and Linghua walked in they noticed the near reverent looks that the elders had for them. Their fathers sat in the chairs nearest the Matriarch and they were beaming with pride. They walked hesitantly until they stood a few metres infront of the Matriarch.

Before them was a table on which sat all the things he had given her earlier.

"Where have you been?" Matriarch Ling asked.

"We left last night to see the city one last time before..." Lingyun began saying before he was cut off by a stern look from his father.

"Do you know what those are?" she asked pointing at the stack of silvery tokens on the table.

Lingyun and Linghua approached the table and each took one of the tokens and inspected it.

Replacing them on the table they shook their heads and looked up.

"They are entry tokens to the secret realm that the Zhang Clan was auctioning."

Linghuas eyes brows rose up on his forehead feigning surprise. He pretended to count them the exchanged a look with his brother.

"There's nearly a thousand tokens," Linghua said,"I didn't know our clan was so rich."

Lingyun smiled. This brother really was reliable. He clasped his hands to the Matriarch and said, "Congratulations, third... I mean... it seems we were successful during this trip."

"You mentioned meeting a passing elder, when you went missing in the beast glades, did he perhaps recruit you tow as his disciples,"

Lingyun looked up sharply, "He offered to make us his disciples and when we told him we wanted to live mortal lives, he forced us to break through."

"I will never forget that cheating old man." Linghua added and shivered visibly.

A gasp of surprise went through the group of sitting elders and the Matriarch didn't hide her surprise as well.

"Elder Sun said that he is your master, and gave us these gifts." Lingfeng said.

Lingyun was visibly angry now, "He is indeed a cheating old man, I knew he gave in so easily after that incident. He was planning to go behind our backs. We should run." He said looking at his brother.

"I have nightmares just remembering, It was so painful." Linghua said.

Matriarch Ling was observing the two juniors. It seemed that Elder Sun recognising Lingyun's potential couldn't give up the opportunity to make him his disciple. The two were tied at the hip so he must have decided to take both of them.

She looked at Lingman and Lingfeng who both nodded.

This matter was not something that would be left at the whims of two youths. The very fate of the Clan depended on it.

"You will accept him as your master," she said looking seriously at the boys, "and that is the last we shall hear of it."

Linghua tried to say something but he kept quiet after one look from his father.

Go and prepare we are heading back to the clan tomorrow.

As they were leaving the hall, Lingfeng caught up to them and said, "Son, do not be stubborn, our clan will rise to the top of the state if not the country after this."

Lingyun was about to walk away when he stopped and asked,"Where is uncle Zhang?I thought he would follow us,"

"He had to leave on urgent matters but will be back in two months. Focus on your cultivation and breakthrough by then.

Back in the hall, Matriarch Ling was saying, "Summon all members of the clan, even those in their respective sects. We will close our doors for three months. Also the matter of Elder Sun musy no reach anyone outside this hall, am i clear?"

"Yes Matriarch," the elders said and left to do as bidded.

Lingyun and Linghua were back in their compound. They were charting a course for the next two months. The next two days would be enough to make their preparations.

The next day they flew back as they had arrived. As they approached the clan they noticed that they were not the only ones returning.

Thousands of people in different attires from different sects all rode the exclusive clan mounts on the way back to the Ling Clan Valley. There were a few strong ones who had higher tiered beasts from the others and a vast majority of them comprised of elders who were transporting multiple juniors on their beasts.

Lingyuns assumption had been correct with the various techniques he had given the Matriarch it would have been a waste to put them in storage and therefore would call back many of the clan members to cultivate them and strengthen the core of the clan.

At this point in time if the clan could find a good location. with dense heaven and earth energy they could establish their own sect.

He was mostly right, the initial plan was to call most of the talented clan members and assign the Yin-yang essence to them for cultivation but the situation had changed because they had gained a lot more in this one trip.

This would be preparation to enter the secret realm.

Inside the clan was more chaos since except for the few who knew the reason for the return everyone else was seemingly in the dark.

It was a big reunion for some as they greeted each other having not scene in other in a while. for the enthusiastic ones the dueling grounds had been reserved several times over as a few childhood rivals battled together.

Matriarch Ling was proud that my of them were stronger than before they left. When they landed they drew attention of everyone as they were expecting the elders to offer a. explanation but none would be given until all who could had returned.

Official word of this went round that there would be a clan gathering in five days where everything would be explained. In the mean time they were free to do as they wished.

The five days was not solely to allow clan members to arrive to also determine a system of how to distribute the various techniques and resources that the clan had. It was clear that alot of resources would be needed.

Lingyun was in his new quarters. They had been upgraded to some of the better ones. He had heard about the mandatory clan gathering and while it had presented a hurdle in their plan Xiao ya had mentioned that this was a great opportunity to buy other resources that they may need.

On the way back Matriarch Ling had given them what their master had left behind for them as well as the list of things he had requested for. They were in one storage ring for them to distribute among themselves. He would take the next few days to produce the Soul Nurturing pill.