
Diagon and Knockturn Alley...

Hadrian Riddle née Preverell - The QueenLucius Malfoy - The Dark Lord's Right HandNarcissa Malfoy née Black - HealerBellatrix LeStrange née Black - TorturerRodolphus LeStrange - TorturerRabastan LeStrange - TorturerEvan Rosier - Ministry Informant and InterrogatorTadeus Nott - Ministry Informant and InterrogatorBartemius Crouch Jr. - InterrogatorXenophilius Lovegood- Publicist and ResearcherSeverus Snape - Potions Master and Order Insider and Hogwarts Insider

Narrator's POV

It didn't take long for the Order of the Phoenix to realize they had been given a false lead.

And when they returned to Potter Manor only to find Harry, Luna, Neville, and Hermione had escaped and Ginny and Ron had been taken too, they quickly realized what really happened.

Severus Snape lied, swearing that he did not know that the Dark Lord had given him a false lead and he had probably lost what little trust he had —still lying— and needed time to regain it.

And all the while Sirius and Remus stood in the background smirking that Harry was now safe with his soulmate.

Six out of eight Weasleys —which were Bill, Charlie, Percy, the twins, and Fleur— were happy with the escape of the four children and the kidnappings of Ron and Ginny.


Harry healed within hours, so when he awoke he was completely fine.

Harry already loved his new home, Riddle Manor, he could do whatever he liked: whether it be going into the gardens or the library, he could do whatever he wished.

And his soulmate was handsome beyond all reason to say it simply.

Tom was tall; he was pale, but he had seen sun recently; his hair was wavy and brown; and he had Crucio red eyes.

Harry already knew he loved Tom, but seeing him helped too; I'm mean Merlin damn he is hot.

But today they had plans, today they were going to meet Neville, Luna, and Hermione at Gringotts.


Once the group of ten —which included: Neville, Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan LeStrange; Barty Crouch Jr; Hermione Franqui; Luna and Xenophilius Lovegood; Harry Potter; and Tom Riddle— entered Gringotts.

The group was greeted by Griphook —who happened to be in charge of the Potter family vaults.

They were led into said goblin's office and Hermione pricked her finger first and let it drop onto the paper Griphook had laid out.

"Repeat after me, Lady Franqui," Griphook said "."

"I, Hermione Charlotte Franqui, accept my inheritances and my soulmate." Hermione repeated

The paper shone and the words and blood splat disappeared and words appeared in its place.

"You're next, Miss Lovegood." Griphook said and Luna pricked her finger

"Repeat after me, Miss Lovegood," Griphook said "."

"I, Luna Elizabeth Lovegood, accept my inheritances and my soulmate." Luna repeated

The paper shone and the words and blood splat disappeared and words appeared in its place.

"You're next, Mister LeStrange." Griphook said and Neville pricked his finger

"Repeat after me, Mister LeStrange," Griphook said "."

"I, Neville Rodolphus LeStrange, accept my inheritances and my soulmate." Neville repeated

The paper shone and the words and blood splat disappeared and words appeared in its place.

"You're next, Mister Potter." Griphook said and Harry pricked his finger

"Repeat after me, Mister Potter," Griphook said "."

"I, Harry James Potter, accept my inheritances and my soulmate." Harry repeated, smirking at Tom

The paper shone and the words and blood splat disappeared and words appeared in its place.