
'James Moore' True Motives

Michael was faced with a decision, James had warned him to stay on the low considering what he just did and Tee had brought him here on a whim to kill someone.

But Michael could not resist. Tee, was just like him but Michael allowed his mind to wander for a bit, how did Tee get all these people here and why did they allow him such privilege in the first place? They surely didn't allow just anybody here, and everyone seemed to give him special recognition.

"The power of life and death is fascinating…" Michael said, stretching forth his hand in the direction of the captive, and Tee looked on in anticipation because he got to see what Michael's power was and Michael began clenching that hand.

The muffled scream of the man excited Michael, so much so that a bulge appeared in his trouser as the man's left leg bone cracked, splitting and crunching sounds echoed through the room.

"I have never seen someone enjoy this as much as you do…" Tee blurted out, he expected Michael to kill him so he could spare himself the burden of taking a life but Michael relished this.

"Human life is pointless in the grand scheme of things. The most precious moments in our lives are when we're born and when we die. Right before someone dies, you should aim to give them every feeling or emotion they could get," Michael said, as the second leg of the man suffered the same fate, and just then, both his legs imploded like a grenade was planted beneath them.

"Fuck!" Michael exclaimed and even Tee was getting uncomfortable because this was not going how he planned it to be. Tee eventually just wanted to scare Michael, but he did not know Michael would take this course of action.

It showed how little he valued any form of life and his speech sounded like something a cult leader would say. Tee crouched, scratching his head.

"You're one crazy son of a bitch…" Tee said with a satisfied smile as he watched Michael continue with his torture.


A room, illuminated by the glistering sun rays that penetrated through the window revealed five figures in a room.

James Moore was in a meeting with a few masked people, they had on masks to conceal their identities. The four KIngs were the rulers of the underground but it did not mean everyone conformed to their rules.

The unease was clear, this wasn't a meeting to talk about business but rather the rumors circulating the underground world.

"J…. What is this I hear about you starting up a villain agency?" A raspy-voiced man asked, he had the letter V on his mask hence his identity as such. V was worried and he was right to be because he was aware of the consequences of such a decision.

"You will anger the Kings and I fear even we wouldn't be able to protect you if that happens," A feminine voice with the letter S on her mask.

She reminded James who the true people in power were and that no one did anything big or major without their approval but maybe that was why supervillains were no longer feared and used as propaganda for superheroes.

They have shifted from being villains

"Villain agency? I have no intention of doing that because I know it will put a gun to my head…. My goal was never to anger the Kings, it is to force the heroes into action," James said, he had on a mask with the letter J.

The silence in the room was obvious that they did not know what he was talking about if he did not want to anger the four Kings that is. Did that mean he wanted to rile up the heroes instead?

"I have only one goal, I want to return this world to how it was meant to be…" James said.

"What do you mean?" V asked but James smirked beneath his mask as he said.

"Anarchy!" This was the natural order he believed the world needed to be in, a world where everyone is free to indulge in their darkest impulses without judgment or remorse.

Good is imposed on everyone but the irony of it all is that good needs evil to exist yet humanity begs for the eradication of evil.

He understood the hero agencies were business-driven, and in the face of true evil, even they would crumble.

Apex Protector has been deemed as the strongest man alive yet no one has recorded any of his feats in real-time, it was all a show and James knew the best way to drive humanity into hopelessness, was to take away their "God"

Once they see that even their God can be killed, the false sense of protection that they feel with the existence of heroes would evaporate.

This would also serve as a beacon to the evils that lurked in the world, telling them that anyone could be killed.

James Moore had no powers himself, what he had were resources and a grand ambition and he had no intentions of stopping.

The meeting concluded and despite their hesitation, the people present agreed to continuously support him as long as the Four Kings don't move against him because no one could survive them or rather, no one has.

S, V, G, N, and J, were the alphabetical representations of these individuals, a letter signaling the first word of their names.


"I want us to welcome our newest member…" Damon said, and everyone anxiously waited, everyone but Fred because he knew that it was impossible to try to replace the member that they had just lost.

And he felt disgusted that Damon was attempting to do so, it hasn't even been a week since they lost him yet he was so easily replaced?

Damon gave the signal and Edward walked into the room where they were seated. Alessia flushed red the moment her eyes settled on Edward.

"Hi, I'm Edward Michaelson and I look forward to working with you all," Edward said with a smile. He had joined Gen Z for there was nothing left for him to protect but Samuel recognized that smile.

"He has a fake smile too…" Samuel thought to himself, glancing over at Alessia. He noticed she couldn't even make eye contact with Edward.

"It's happening again…" Samuel thought, clenching his fist beneath the table.