
The Second OwO

"Riku! Get up or you're going to be late!"

That voice… I missed that voice so much…

I went downstairs to check if it was really her, and it was!


I went up to her and hugged her. She had a confused look on her face.

"Oh dear… what's wrong? Are you that excited for your first day in high school?"

My first day in… high school? Was everything I experienced just a dream? Graduating… being transported to another world… meeting that cute Goddess… was it all just in my head? It felt too real for a dream…


Mom suddenly hit me.

"Anyways, start moving already! Look at the time!" Mom said with an angry look on her face.

That really hurt but… seeing my mother made me feel really happy. And so, I start preparing to leave.

"I'm off to school now mom!" I look back at mom with a huge smile on my face.

Mom gave me another confused look and waved her hand as if to say goodbye.

"Was that boy always that cheerful…?" I heard my mom mutter to herself.

I can't help acting like this. After all, it felt like it's been a long time since I saw her and everything else in this world. If it really was a dream, I can see why mom would be so confused as to why I'm acting like this.

The thought of mom being that confused is too funny… I can't help but laugh.

"It's so early in the morning yet you're laughing like a maniac."

That voice… I turn around.

"Hey Kaito!"

I see Kaito wearing a school uniform. I wasn't used to seeing him like that since he always wore formal clothing that seemed stuffy. Seeing him as a student instead of a king feels really soothing. I remember my attendants scolding me for treating Kaito as a normal friend when we were back in the other world… I'm glad I don't have to worry about that now.

Wait… if it wasn't a dream, then…

"Kaito, do you remember being a king of a big nation?" I asked him.

Kaito looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Uhh… no…? What's with that random question?"

"Nevermind man."

So I guess everything really was just a dream. Knowing that I mostly felt relieved because no one really did die, but a part of me feels… dejected. Not because I wanted it to be real, but because I wasn't really a hero. I didn't save the world.

"Well, we should start moving or else we'll be late." Kaito said as he starts walking.

As we walk to school, I look around me. Seeing the busy streets and all the tall buildings around me makes me feel relieved that I really am here. I keep expecting carriages with horses and stalls beside the road. I guess the dream I had felt so real that it disoriented my sense of what's normal.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize that we were already close to school.

I look around me and see plenty of students wearing the same uniform as me. I see plenty of people that look familiar, but Kaito won't greet them. Maybe he just doesn't feel like talking to them this early in the morning.

As we entered the school gates, my eyes immediately locked on a very familiar figure.

I couldn't help but stare at her long beautiful hair… her tall and slender figure...

The girl I have always adored since we were young…

"Himari!" Kaito calls out to her.

She looks back and smiles at us. That smile is, for sure, the most beautiful thing in the world. I'm so blessed. Thank you God!

"I'm sorry I left you guys behind and went ahead, I was so excited for today." She said with a laugh.

Maybe my vision is just clouded with love, but, for me, she really is the most beautiful girl in the world.

"I checked ahead and it seems like the three of us are in the same class this year!" She said happily.

"That's great! Now I can ask Kaito to let me copy his answers!"

As soon as I said that, Kaito playfully hit me. Even though it was playful, it still hurt.

"I'm glad you two are as close as always." Himari said with a laugh.

The three of us talked about a lot of stuff as we walked to our classroom. I felt really happy. It feels like a really long time has passed by since we've been together like this.

As we walked through the corridors, I felt a familiar feeling…

Ever since we were young, I felt like I had the power to know whenever someone else is looking at Himari romantically when I'm close to her. That power was developed by the sorrows of my heart knowing that the love I bear is for someone who was super popular. And I gave that power a name…

The Himari love love radar.

With the Himari love love radar, I accurately pinpointed the location of the guys ogling at her and gave them all a scary look, letting them know of their fate if they ever plan to approach her.

"So over there is our classroom!" Himari cheerfully said as she pointed at the room across the hallway.

For some reason, a feeling of dread came over me as I looked at the door of our classroom.

It's the same feeling as what I felt in my dream, when I was about to face demons and monsters. It's somewhat of an instinct telling me that there's something dangerous there.

As we slowly approach the door, I couldn't help but feel fear. I don't have the power to protect anyone unlike in my dreams… I'm just a normal high school student.

"What's wrong Riku? You seem pale." Kaito asked with a worried expression.

"Oh he's right! Do you want to go to the clinic?" Himari also looked really worried.

I try to calm myself down. There is no way that monsters exist in this world... right?

"I'm alright! Don't worry!" I tell them with a forced smile.

It's gonna be okay Riku… just open the door.


I turned the knob and opened the door. I see a familiar cute girl sitting by the window. She looked like she was in a beautiful painting with her long silver hair and all the scenery from this angle.

"Hello, boy."

And then I remembered.

It wasn't a dream. After, all… in front of me is…


She looked at me and smiled.

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