
Chapter Eight

I step out to the arena, the cheers of the crowd following me as I take my position on the left side of the arena.

The broken floors were being fixed into position and the scarred Earth from whatever skill that was used was being closed up. Opposite me walks out Princess Zita glaring at me in fury, burst of flames coming out of her fist as she walks towards me.

"The rules are clear, no maiming, no killing. The Competition would end when the opponent is knocked out or when I declare it's over. Do you understand?" Archon asks.

"Crystal clear Boss." I reply smirking at Zita who furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes." She also replies.

"Very well then. Begin!" Archon yells and disappears away from the arena.

"Do we know each other before?" I ask trying to ease the tension between the both of us.

"Why would I know a commoner like you?" She says with disgust.

"Oh, I see what's happening here. Your ego is hurt, because I managed to harm you during the rumble." I smirk at her.

"You--[Fire Ball]." A ball of fire burst out from her hands and flies at me. I jump away and watched as it sailed pass me hitting the arena walls taking a huge chunk out of it.

"That was hot." I comment and jump away just in time as another fireball was thrown at me.

"[Air thrust]." I kick out my leg sending pressurized air towards her, she jumps high over my attack aided by the burst of flames coming from her feet.

"[Great Flame Annihilation]." She takes a deep breath and releases a stream of fire at me.

"[Air Dome]." Coping Kyna move, I began spinning around very quickly forming an air dome which dispersed the fire.

"[Rush]." Just as the stream of fire was completely dispersed I rushed at her and throw a punch which she managed to dodge by leaning to the side.

She counters with a right hook which I catch, using the momentum of her attack, I spin my body so my back faces her and with super strength I throw her over my shoulder sending her flying forward.

She recovers mid-air and lands safely, with a yell she channels mana to both her hand to form a long whip made from fire.

"[Fire Whip]." She swings the whip at me while I continuously evade and dodge under the flurry of attacks.

I should probably shock her with a fire attack of mine, that should make her momentarily stunned.

"[FireBall]." Just as I duck underneath her whip, I swing my legs over my head releasing a fire ball which flies at her.

Her eyes widen in shock but she recovers quickly and dispersed her whip then redirected my attack.

"[Rush]." Taking advantage of her distraction, I dash quickly towards her without giving her time to prepare for my attack.

"[Compressed Air]." I slam the ball of air into her mid-section sending her flying back, slamming into the wall hard, coughing out blood.

The crowd went silent seeing as their so called genius princess was knocked back.

"How...Dare...You?" She stammers between breath as she gets up slowly.

"[Inherent Skill: Phoenix Princess]." Her level 8 mana pools out of her body in form of a shimmer in air. A purple glow coats her body and the ground beneath her starts cracking as she hovers in air looking down in fury at me.

"[Barrier Formation]." Guild guards rush towards the audience seats and channel Mana into the protective barrier enforcing it.

"[Phoenix Twin Suns]." Two huge fire balls emitting dangerous level of energy form in her hands.

"Die!!" She yells as she throws the fireballs at me.

"Oh shit." I jump as one of the fireballs hit the floor causing a huge explosion which tore through the floor.

"[Air Shield]." I cross my arm infront of me creating a bond between air molecules in adding my Mana to strengthen the bond creating an air Shield just as the other FireBall slams into it.

The explosion from the hit sends me flying back as the shield collapse from the sheer strength of the attack.

I tumble backwards for a while until I finally regained my balance, my clothes were torn and smoking from the hit and some scratches could be seen on my arms.

"[Phoenix Fist]." Out of the smoke flew Zita with her fist embedded in flames which she threw at me.

I instinctively raise my hand trying to block the attack but it hits anyway and sends me breaking through the arena wall towards the spectators area bleeding from a cut on my forehead.

It's funny how mortals body bleed from the smallest hit, to me the hit is likened to being thrown a stone but my mortal body could not handle it.

"Die!!." She raises her hands to the sky and Mana begins converging in her palms forming into a swirling ball of flames that shines brightly, it was like the sun descended down to Earth and settled on her palm and kept growing.

"Won't they stop this?" An old lady behind me said staring at the sun like fireball in her hand in fear.

"Run!" I yell at the people behind me and immediately they scurried away tripping over themselves to escape the incoming attack.

"[Phoenix Sun]." She throws the sun at me with all intention to kill, neverminding the innocent watchers behind me.

"[Heavens Protection]." A glowing white translucent shield forms infront of me just as the sun slams into it and explodes into a mushroom in the sky. No one was hurt though, but I'm really angry the Guild Leaders didn't even care to stop it.

I look towards the section were they are seated and see Prince Klaus holding Archon back and the royal guards preventing the rest of the Guild Leaders from going.

"Well then. If that's how they want to play it." I grab a stone from the floor and bounce out on my palm, then channel Mana to my eyes, piercing through the smoke from the explosion infront of me I see Princess Zita kneeling on the floor panting heavily, the last attack might have taken alot out of her. However, we are not done here.

"[Meteor]." I infuse the stone with divine energy and coat it with flames then throw it at her.

"[FireBall]." She sends out a fire ball to destroy the stone heading towards her, but the stone flew through the fireball without any hitch.

She rolls away just as the stone was about to hit her but what she didn't expect was the explosion that followed. The explosion throws her backward slamming into boulder and breaking through the arena wall.

"What?!" Prince Klaus exclaims after seeing the attack.

"How is he still alive?" Archon asks in awe.

I step back into the arena, this time I'm going to teach her a lesson and anyone who stops me would recieve part of the lesson.

"[Fire & Wind Wrath: Flaming Devourer]." A spinning air ball with flames around it forms in my head. The sound of blades swinging wildly could be heard in the air.

I throw the spinning air ball at her with the intention to kill.

"[Inherent Skill: Glass Manipulation: Impenetrable Glass Shield]."

Several layers of glass shield forms infront of the princess just as my attack was about hitting.

The attack tore through several layers of the glass shield before imploding on itself just before hitting her.

A slightly old man, with grey hair dressed up in a black pant, a tucked in buttoned up white shirt, a long black coat which has cuts all over it and shining black shoes stands infront of Princess Zita who is passed out on the floor.

"Princess." He crouches beside her touching her arms feeling for a pulse.

"Freeze!!" Several royal guards round me up pointing their spears at me.

"You're under arrest." The leader of the group walks forward his hand on the sword sheathed on his waist side.

"Under what account?" I ask calmly.

"Attempted murder of Princess Zita." He replies and takes a step forward.

"You call that attempted murder?" I smile. The royal family always get what they want whenever they want. They expected me to be on the losing end and when that didn't happen they resorted the blackmail.

"Yes, now step forward or we'll have to do this the hard way." He threatens.

"[Combust]." The surrounding beside me explodes blasting the guards away from me injuring them in the process.

"[Shards Descent]." The broken shards of glass surrounding the old man hovered around him and suddenly rush towards me.

"[Air Dome]." I spin around rapidly creating a dome which blocked the glass from piercing me.

"[Sand Burial]." The sand around the arena began hovering and converging increasing in size and width blocking the sun as everywhere became dark.

"Fall." The old man orders and the sand falls threatening to crush me.

"[Great Flame Annihilation]." I breathe out flames which burns through the sand turning it to glass which shatters upon contact with the ground while I remained untouched.

I glower angrily at the old man and dash towards him throwing him a punch which he dodged by backing away.

"[Sand Coffin]." He waves his hand while still remaining calm, the surrounding grains of sand grasp my legs tightly.

"[FireBall]--" Just as I was about breathing flames on the sand holding me down, a hand made of sand covers my mouth stopping me.

The remaining sand clusters around my body encasing me in a sand like coffin.

"Crush." I hear his voice and the sand starts constricting around me threatening to crush me to death.

He's quite strong but it's not enough to put me away. I still have more in store.

"[Break]." Using divine words I channel pure mana into the sand. The sand begins to break apart releasing me from it's grip.

"How?" The old man eyes widen in shock, his calm expression finally changing.

"That's enough!" Archon yells as he appears between us.

"Hmph." The old man turns away and carries the princess bridal style.

"[Phoenix Sword]." I turn around quickly to see Prince Klaus about stabbing me with his flaming sword.

"[Spatial Travel]." A flash of blue light appears between us and Lex appears blocking the attack.

"What do you think you're doing Klaus?" Lex asks glaring angrily at him.

"What do you think?" He replies pressing down on Lex.

"You will not attack him." Lex says. I raise my eyebrow at her in confusion.

"[Phoenix Slash]." Prince Klaus jumps back and swings his sword down which sent a flaming wave of air towards us.

"[Spatial Jump]." Lex grabs on to me and in a flash we disappeared from our position to another spot in the arena.

"I'm not sure you'll want my family to have a talk with yours if you hurt me prince." Lex threatens. Prince Klaus frowns at her but doesn't move to attack again.

"He is under Allen Family protection." Lex declares.

"Why would your family want to protect a commoner like him?" Prince Klaus asks.

"That's our family business. Prince".

I smirk at Prince Klaus, he frowns and makes move to attack again.

"That's enough Prince Klaus." Archon says stopping him before he could attack.

"The fight is over. Everyone return to your position now." Archon orders.

Lex un-hands me and walk away, I glance at the Prince and the old man carrying the princess and wave at them before I walk away.

"You had better be watching your back Silver." The Prince yells after me.

"Same with you Prince. Greet the Princess for me when she wakes up." I reply without looking back. If they want a fight then they'll have a fight. I do wonder what's with me having the Allen's family protection though.