
1878, in North America.

There is a girl name Kat. she lives in North America with her family. she had a dream to become a soccer player. she had a soccer team at school ,but they are all boys and she is the only girl so she used to make fun of her. they said "girls cannot play soccer" she start to give up on her dream but after the training she got home and stay in her bed room .her really worried about her so she decided to go and speak with her a bout what happen. she asks Kat "what wrong honey is everything ok?". Kat tell her about what happen then her mom said " don't give up on your dream", if boy can play soccer so can't girl and by the way your grandma always tells me that if "If you believe you can achieve it" so you shouldn't give up on your dream. Kat promised her not mom to never give up. she starts believe in herself, train harder. until the final match she keeps scoring and scoring then her team won. they are really proud of her and the boys now realized that girl can really play soccer. A year later she became the most famous person in the country.

[ if you believe you can achieve ].