
A Girl from FUTURE in 2016

"Love with no time boundaries" Explore love story of Alice and Liam through Aidens eyes. A 5 year old finding a diary in his house store room. Find out how Alice got missing and what happened to her.

Nikita_Verma_6979 · Urbano
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11 Chs


Aiden, his mother and aunt in her living room YEAR: 2098

On a beautiful evening Aiden's mother called him and told that she can read the diary for him, Aiden got excited and hugged his mother. They both and his aunt went to the living room where she started reading the diary for them:

<Hi! This is Alice's Diary, I am not a big fan of writing diary but that's my work place rule. I don't know who is going to read this or for who I am going to read this for but here it is. So let's start with my intro: My name you already know, I am 21 year old, it is; umm... I can't tell you the date or year because of some policy but yeah I can tell you the today it is Monday; 9:14 PM, I am in office. After my parents died in bullet firing during their duty; I immediately decided what I am going to do in my future. I joined the same Crime Branch in which my parents worked; I am proud of them and I also wish they are proud of me too. The Crime Branch, in which I work deals with time travel, means we deal with future and past crimes or we catch the sinner from the future or past wherever they hide. I know it's confusing but you'll know in future/further what I mean/meant. Today was my first day as a member of Alpha Team, our branches one of the best team. Today I met my all the team members, Captain Chris, Brian my brother and Priya of my batch mate. All the three are the sweetest. Only Chris is old member of the team, we three are new. I hope the in future we will do more things together to stop crime.


Today we got our first assignment we don't have dead line that was the best thing but the most amazing thing is we are going to time travel for the first time, we had a training session but they didn't made us to do tome travel we only felt how it looks like when we do time travel for example the air pressure, sound level, blood pressure, the training was this amazing that I can't wait to time travel. So about my mission, hmm... it's an easy on cause it's our first time, but not easy for us though, HAHA... We have to travel in past and just have to stop the Theft. Yeah that's easy, only about 20-30 people in front of 4 of us with guns and some special equipment (sighs) I'll rest my thoughts and come back when we complete our mission.>

With a bright smile and sleepy eyes Aiden spoke to his mother, "Mom! Aunt Alice is so amazing right, please continue." Realizing that Aiden is sleepy his mother said, "Baby, mommy is tired let's sleep and continue tomorrow." After listening that his mother is tired he immediately replied," OK mom! Let's sleep. Good night mommy and aunt." Both wished him night and went to their respective rooms.


In an office, a mysterious woman speaking on a phone call, "Sir, when I am going to get my last time travel pass." Man on the other side speaks, "Well your detention period is going to over soon. Do you think it's the time and you this right you won't be coming back once you go?" "Yes sir, I know, and I also know this that right time is coming to make everything right." Call ended.

Woman blankly looked towards the sky from her office.