
Mr. Wang's plans

Olivia speeds along besides Mr. Wang, low heels clicking against the floor as she struggles to keep up with his strong pace.

Today, the sound is an annoyance. Everything is an annoyance. Why does Olivia even bother wearing heels when they're barely an inch off the ground?

"Sir, how did the meeting go?" She quips, whirling around a sharp corner and barely missing the crazy haired intern flying by, "Did we manage to snag a deal?"

"They had inside information." Mr. Wang mutters darkly, throwing open the door to his office with such a force that it bangs loudly against the wall as he steps inside.

The woman doesn't follow, knowing her place. Instead, she stands obediently outside the doorway. Mr. Wang paces slightly, stroking his chin before turning back to her.

Mr. Wang can feel rage churning inside of him. Smoke is practically billowing from his ears. Olivia can tell, standing still and rigid as a statue in front of Mr. Wang as though she were afraid a single movement would draw his ire.

"I believe we've got someone in the office selling info to our competitors." Mr. Wang snaps with a loud growl of disgust.

Olivia's face goes white, eyebrows shooting to her hairline. For a moment she disregards Mr. Wang's rules and steps closer to him, kitten heels crossing the threshold of his private space.

"Are you sure?" She asks breathily, clutching the portfolio in her arms so tightly to her chest that her knuckles blanch, "Someone in the office is betraying you?"

"Fairly certain." Mr. Wang murmurs, running a hand through his hair before shaking his head, "Tell that to no one." Mr. Wang instructs gruffly, pointing a harsh finger at her, "Business as usual. Keep an eye out for anything strange."

Olivia nodded hastily, jotting down notes on the little paper pad she always carried with her, "And Chunhua?" She added tentatively, chewing the corner of her lip, "…should I escort her out?"


Thoughts coursed through Mr. Wang's mind, a list of names and faces of all those who could be privy to sensitive information of his own. Who would be selling him out when he stood to make so much money from a deal like this? It was definitely true though - someone had discouraged the investors from striking a deal with him.

"Chunhua." The office manager continued quietly, "The one you called into the conference?"

"Oh. No. She's staying. Actually, I need her file right away. No other calls or appointments today." Shock once again rippled across the woman's face as she resumed nodding, shuffling her papers before stepping out of the large office and closing the door behind her.

The silence was comforting. Mr. Wang had carefully soundproofed his office so that none of the outside bustle would seep in through the cracks. Nor would any noise from within escape.

With a groan, Mr. Wang strode quickly to his desk, sinking into the fine leather chair he had imported from Europe. Rocking slightly, he folded his hands over his lap, letting his head rest against the dark cushion of the chair.

He had never expected such a precarious situation to come of the meeting today. It was supposed to go smoothly. He was supposed to be sitting with a big fat cheque on his desk. He was supposed to have a guarantee of his success for another half dozen years, at least.

Instead, Mr. Wang ended up engaged.

Mr. Wang had a strange habit of talking to himself while sitting alone.

"Chunhua..Hmmm. She'd played her role well. In fact, she'd done even better than I expected her to when I'd called her in there. It isn't easy to be tossed into a situation like she was, but she'd rode the waves with grace. If she continued this path, she would be invaluable to the success of this company. What she needed was a little more refinement, a little more skill in order to pull this whole thing off. I had a feeling she'd be easy to teach… ", thought Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang's tongue traced his upper lip, hands slowly sliding down the silky fabric of his pants. He could still feel her body, trembling and warm and pressed against his own. He could still feel the heat between her legs soaking against him in that tight pencil skirt she so frequently wore. But there'd be no more pencil skirts. Not now that Mr. Wang had control.

Mr. Wang started talking to himself again.

"Those types of skirts were too long and covered too much. I wanted to see more of her. I wanted other people to stare at her as she walked down the hallway, I wanted other men to worship what they could never touch – what was mine. I'd have to figure out a way to keep her nearby, so I could keep a steady eye on her ", thought Mr. Wang.

"Slipups would not be acceptable, not when there was so much on the line for both of us. If investors discovered that there was any untruths about our story, they could full well blacklist my entire company with a single phone call. We'd be blacklisted everywhere", thought Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang shooks his head, slamming a fist on the table. Failure was not an option. Chunhua could handle the situation if Mr. Wang had instructed her well. Mr. Wang would have to use a firm hand, but he had seen the glint in her eye when he pinned her to the wall.

"I'd felt her quivering heartbeat, I'd heard the catch of her breath and the slight moan on her lips. She would be an excellent student of mine, fitting nicely under my thumb… It wouldn't take long for her to give me full control."

Mr. Wang hummed slightly to himself, eyes drifting shut.


While there was still much business to attend to, Mr. Wang couldn't help himself but to think of me and how he would undress me, how he would dominate me. He could see me on my knees before him, gazing up at him with my wide, hungry eyes, lower lip trembling… He could see me bent over his desk, clutching the edge of the wood and crying his name.


A soft knock at the door jerks his head over in irritation just as he was imagining me in a tight, barely there miniskirt, his fingers flicking the buttons of her blouse open one at a time while her head rolls back, hair tumbling over her shivering shoulders-

"Open it." Mr. Wang mutters, kicking his legs up onto his desk as Olivia cracks open the door.

She holds a new file in her hand. Chunhua's.

Mr. Wang gestures her over as she walks forward, passing him the papers though her fingers remained latched tight on the other side. Slowly, he lift his eyes back to her, single eyebrow arching.

"I know she can be a little immature." Olivia begins suddenly, meeting Mr. Wang's gaze with a sternness that even startles him, no wonder all the interns listen to her so promptly, "But Chunhua is a good girl. She'll work hard for you if you let her."

"Perfect." Mr. Wang growls softly, his pants tightening slightly at the thought, "That's just what I want to hear..."

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