

Next morning maven came down enthusiastically with a book in his hand. Then his father told him that they would leave at 12:30 after having lunch .

It was about time for them to leave when morvous said, "maven there is a butler in the farm. He will show you around and if you need anything ask him he will will help you".

Then using floo network we reached the farm. An old man was standing outside the farm. He looked at maven with his sharp eyes examining a thought surfaced in his mind ' he looks exactly like her. His smooth black hair, sharp eyes,nose and lips are same as her'.

" Son let me introduce you he is butler John. And John he is my son" said morvous

" Hello sir" said maven looking at John.

" Hello young master, please come in let's go inside" said John

After reaching the house at the farm. John showed maven around the house. At the time morvous said " it's almost time I need to go, son when i am done with the gathering I will come and pick you. And be careful " and apparated from there. Not knowing what to do maven looked at John.

" Ok kid let me show you around the farm and don't touch anything" said John.

John showed maven different types of herbs,plants and fungi. Explained to him how they farm. Maven was listening carefully to what John was explaining and asked questions enthusiastically. After a hour tour was over and they went back to the house.

" Young master I need to bring few things from diagon alley. I will come back as soon as my work is done mean while you enjoy at the lawn" said John

" Ok sir please carry on with your work. There is no problem" said maven. Then John apparated from the farm.

After some time maven go bored, decide to walk around and came out of the house. Not known to him beside a tree John concealed himself and was looking at maven.

( He is so humble, has thirst and curiosity. On the top of the he is born to two most talented individuals of gaunt family born in last 100 years. How could such a child have no magic and no gift of parseltongue . He started having some doubts. But morvous would never lie about such a thing John knew about morvous's pride. Looking at maven he felt sorry for the kid) - - - thoughts of butler John.

Walking around maven felt bored then he found a tree beside a swamp with full of flowers. Then he looked around then shouted " butler John are you around" . And shouted " is anybody there".

Hearing shout John looked at maven and thought why is this shouting. Confirming that no one was around maven looked at the flower. And started manipulating and levitating the flowers. Looking at him from a distance butler John was shocked at what he was looking at.

Then maven found a flower near another tree and walked towards it. Then he heard a scream.

" Ahhh idiot you stepped on me remove you leg".

In shock maven jumped aside " who whose there".

" Can you hear my voice human.look down I'm near your feet"

Maven took a look beside his feet he found a small green snake looking at him curiosity.

" Oh yes I can hear your voice " said maven

" Speaker of our tongue. What's your name.my name in 'alee ' " said alee

Looking around maven shouted " butler John are you there " confirming that there was no one around

" Hello my is maven. Nice to meet you alee " said maven

They both started conversation and maven showed alee his skill of manipulating flower. And then he showed alee how he commanded a bug to do his bidding. When all this was happening there was one person who was so shocked with his mouth agape and not moving even a inch of his body watching how things were turning out.

After sometime

"Alee why don't you come with me to my house we can have fun" said maven

" Sorry maven my family members are here I cannot leave this place. But we can meet when ever you come here" said alee

" Ok alee I will leave now. I will meet you when I come next time" said maven and walked towards the house.

Looking at maven John had a smile and thought " what clever, cunning and sly kid. He made fool out of everyone .Even his father brilliant. A true Slytherin descendent to the core. Only cruelty and ruthlessness are missing."

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