
A Game To Remember

Warning: This story is bad. After a tragic death of which I didn't write, Ren's soul stumbled upon Death's Realm. ....Now he's wedded to her and is now in Remnant? What the fuck?! 1st World RWBY: Complete 2nd World: Scissor Seven: Ongoing(Sadly)

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28 Chs

A Hell Of A Dungeon (Long Chapter)

I was slightly sick for the past two days, but now I'm a-okay... I think? Hopefully we'll be delving into plot next chapter.

Anyways, Enjoy❤️❤️❤️


Due to unknown reasons, I decided to walk through a nice, relaxing grassy field, clearing my thoughts.

The soft breeze flowing upon me. The kinda peaceful chirps of birds... Truly, what a relaxing-

[Dungeon Detected!]

"....No. I'm not doing that, I'd rather relax." I say, lowering my body to the grass.

[Need I remind you of your quest? Your weaker than the main cast as of right now, and if you don't get stronger... Do I even have to tell you?]

I stopped myself, considering the Guide's words. Sadly, and regretfully, she's right. I am weaker than them, I even checked Ruby's stats and she was stronger than me by a long shot.

"Fine, I'll do the dungeon, and not get almost murdered like the last time I fought." Remembering the intense pain I felt as my bones broke made me shudder.

"Where is the dungeon."

[Behind you]

I turn around and lo and behold, there it was. Though unlike the last one this looked a reddish orange, and strangely... Ominous. "Why does it look like that?"

[No reason!]

She answered that quite quickly, making me even more wary of it. However she probably wouldn't tell me of it, so I could only shake my head and enter the portal.

My surroundings changed from the grassy plains, to... What the hell? Hell?

The sky was a deep shade of red, with grotesque monsters everywhere. I could also hear the crackling of fire, along with the intense heat it generated, causing me to sweat.

I could only stare in silence before bursting out in rage.

"NO REASON MY ASS! WHY AM I IN LITERAL HELL!" I yelled out to the Guide.

[H-Hey! Quiet down!]

"I Can't quite down, I'm MAD!" I spoke through my teeth, glaring deep into the system screen. "I'M IN LITERAL HELL!"

[...There are demons behind you...]

My screaming stops as I slowly turned around. If this was a cartoon, I'm sure my head would creak like a door closing.

"...There is in fact a demon, atleast I think?"

It stood at what I could guess 7ft tall, and was entirely pitch black. It looked like a human expect it's arms and legs were pretty long.

It's white eyes seemed to peer into my soul, making me shiver from it's creepiness.

"hEheheheEHeHE" It's hand slowly reached for me.

Nope. Absolutely not. I'm scared. Mom come pick me up... Fuck this.

I jump away from... that 'thing,' watching it look around for me. It saw me and slowly walked towards me.

'What's happening?' I looked down at my hands and realized they were shaking. Not just my hand, but my whole body.

[That's a Lurker. It's relatively weak in strength, speed, and defense. But it's known for it's ability to give fear to all. Back in it's world, it was treated as the Devil itself, though we don't know why. By the way, if it touches you, your deepest fear will be brought to life]

'Shouldn't Gamers Mind be blocking some of my emotions!' I hurriedly dodge it's grab, punching it in the head, effectively killing it.

[+4,000 EXP]

[Level UP!]

[That's the thing. It's skill: Fear Inducement is maxed out. The only beings it can't effect are Gods, Devils, and it's own kind. The skill is so strong it can get past Gamers Mind]

Knowing that small tidbit of info scared me. "And how many of those are down here?"

[Over 1000. Also, you see that small grey ball?]

I don't like where this is going.

[Dungeon Quest!]

[Collect souls: 1/10,000]

[Kill the boss: Sultra: 0/1]

[Bonus Objective: Slay the 5 Queens Of Sins

Greed: 0/1

Lust: 0/1

Envy: 0/1

Wrath: 0/1

Pride: 0/1]

[Rewards: 50,000 EXP, 1 Title, 1 Skill, 1,000,000 Gold]

[Bonus Rewards: 5 Skills, 5 Titles, 5,000,000 Gold]

[Failure: Enslavement to Lust... Rip her]

[PS: Time in Remnant is stopped... You can't leave here until you finish the quest... Your getting strong. -Death]

[PPS: Have Fun :) -Death]

Wait, no, this isn't how it works.

"HEHEHEHHEEH!" Multiple laughs sounded out, causing me to pale.

No, I want to go back and sleep.



(Time Breathing: First Form: Fast Forward 1 Hour)

Good news, I managed to kill the 10 Lurkers.

Bad news. I might have some sort of trauma. I was currently walking around, trying to complete this quest asap.

I tried to argue with the Guide to let me out, but I got a couple of temporary benefits in this dungeon.

1. I don't need to eat. 2. I don't need to sleep.

So I couldn't really complain about anything else and just shut my mouth.

"So how strong are the sins?" It was awkward walking in occasional silence, only sometimes hearing the crackling of fire, so I decided to chat with the Guide.

[Well for starters, Pride is the strongest of the 5. Her natural strength is around 3,500, with her speed being a close second. Since her Pride get's the best of her, she doesn't train her defense. Her skill... We'll talk about it later]

I gulp. 3,500 how strong even is that! And what kind of skill does she posses.

[You shouldn't worry to much about her, and focus your thoughts on Greed. She's the weakest of the 5, but unrivalled in intelligence. Her skills allows her to steal others strength temporarily, and copy powers but only have 30% of the power]

[I don't know what else to say but.... This is only a one time thing, so don't get any ideas!]


[Level 132 - 54% EXP]

Race: Demon/Sin

Titles: Sutra's Weakest, Sin Of Greed

HP: 45,000

MP: 100,000

STR: 540

DEF: 510

AGI: 563

WILL: 1,200

Skills: Copycat, Greed's Hunt [Click for more]


That's nice and all, but's what's with that Tsundere act! Weren't you an asshole to me when we first met! What happened to you!

"Haaa. Thank you very much... What's your name?"


That's not a reaction you should have!

"Your name? I've been calling you Guide for the last week."

There was silence for a couple of minutes before she finally replied.

[V-very well! I shall grace you with my name.... It's Liz]

Liz mumbled out the last few words, but luckily I managed to hear it. But now I'm in a dilemma.

I've now just found out that my system is a certified Tsundere. If I call it a nice name, I'm sure she'll become a mess of words. 100% chance of getting called a idiot, and a I'm certain she can manipulate the Dungeon as she pleases... No.

On the other hand. If I stay silent she might think I think it's stupid. Once again, she can manipulate the dungeon as she pleases.

I have no other options left...


...That'll work.

I head to the source of the roar, and stumble upon a giant... Pig?

No, it seemed more like a Boar than a pig. Kinda like Inosuke, except it's an actual Boar with a human body... That's really jacked... and Tall

'I didn't even know 16 packs exist.' I thought with a deadpanned face, watching the Boar wreak havoc to the surroundings. 'Observe'

[STR: 490] [AGI: 130] [DEF: 320]

'It's almost in the 500's... That's a big nope.' I managed to level up my observe to where I can decide what I want to see. I haven't found a use for it, but It saves me the time for reading.


I cover my ears, blocking them for the actual cancer-inducing scree the Boar somehow produced.

'I've seen enough. Besides, I don't need to fight-'


My head whips towards the stick I somehow stepped on. Impossible. Bakana! More words meaning 'Impossible' There were no sticks anywhere! It's Hell!

Sticks are made of wood, and this entire place has fire... It shouldn't be here.


Oh. Wait, there's no way it heard it, I mean It was still screeching like a 3yr old who lost a game of Fortnight! No way it heard me!


Scratch that, I can feel it's glare boring into me.



"Heyyyyy, Mr. Boar" I said, turning to face it. "...plz no kill," That was the last thing I could get out, before getting punted through a mountain.

"ACK! WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE BACK! I SHOULD HAVE SCOLIOSIS BY NOW!" That punch brought my health down by 3,000... Fuuuck.

"I'm definitely gonna have to get some sort of regeneration skill once this is over." I tiredly mumble, getting myself out the mountain. "I couldn't even activate my aura."

[It's kinda weird how your bones even break at all]

I froze. "What do you mean."

[Look Up]

With a grunt, I look into the Boary sky... Ah, it's the boar.


As it finally landed from the sky, it created shockwaves from it's landing, glaring at me.

I stare right back... Fearfully.

"I don't really think my fist are gonna cut it... Gimme a weapon."


'"You did this to me... Weapon!"


A dagger materializes in my hand. Good thing I have weapon proficiency and not sword.

I grip the dagger, feeling a sudden boost of strength. Best to end this quick.

As the boar swings it's arm down, I jump on it and run along it. Rushing towards it head, I keep my balance as it tries to shake me off.

Nearing it's head, I crouch my body, putting strength into my legs. With a burst of speed, I aim my dagger at the side of it's neck, which is cleanly cuts through.

'Did that get it?' I thought before gasping in shock watching it regenerate.

"...." I want that.

[You shouldn't worry about that!]


I create some wings of void, flying up in the sky. Alright so the thing can regenerate. Just great.

'I can't exactly just cut it's head off. This dagger is to short.' I watch in slight amusement as it tries to grab me, but I'm just far enough for him to not.

'It's not like I can use magic and spam it... Or maybe'

Bringing my hand up, I imagine something like the Destructo-Disk but void like, appearing in my hand.

And viola! Spam attacks!

'Now enlarge it...' I pour more mana into it, willing it to grow bigger.

Though it took quite a bit of mana, I now had a very sharp circular piece of void, ready to be used.

I threw it towards the boar, watching it close in on it's neck. It raised it's arms in an attempt to block.


However it cut through them with ease, making it towards the neck, and....

[+50,000 EXP]

[Level Up +10!]

[Gained Item: The Boar's Cloak]

"Ah, yes. Items"

(Time Breathing: Second Form: Timeskip: 5 Days)

I'm... kinda at a loss.

[Ren Ashborn]

[Level: 340 - 42% EXP]

HP: 230,000

AP(which I totally didn't forget): 205,350

MP: 400,000

STR: 1,400

DEF: 1,245

AGI: 1,305

WILL: 2,500

LUK: 1,000

AP: 9,400


"Genuine bullshit." I blandly stated, sitting in a cave.

It is indeed, 'Genuine Bullshit.' It makes no sense how I got this strong.... it does.

Turns out... Their was a wounded Envy. on the last of her HP...

(Time Breathing: Third Form: Flashback)

"H.... help me." Envy reached her arm out to me, while I looked in confusion.

'Who is this?'




(Flashback Over)

As it turns out, Sins give ALOT of XP. Though all those levels weren't just from her. From the looks of it, they all have minions... thousands of them.

I took my time killing each and every one of them, watching them bleed out to make sure I get all the XP I could get. I killed hundreds of families, all while smiling in glee.

And now were here! Stronger than ever.

I also... stole Envy's primary skill and Title I made a quick check on the quest and the skills turned to 4... Yeah.

[Shape-Shifting - MAX]

[User can shapeshift, changing their form and appearance at will, maybe even transforming and reshaping themselves down to their genetic and cellular structure. They can impersonate others or enhance their own body for combat, either by turning into animals, humanoids, monsters, etc. or by making the body stronger.]

And that marks the tale of the 3rd strongest sin. Now I'm venting.


[Weren't you complaining about how your poor bones keep getting broken?]

"...That's different" I instantly lose my anger, and grumble. "My back is always getting broken... What about my arms or legs?"

[Well it's common to get smashed into a wall, back first. Unless your they like to smash your face in the ground]

I mumble some words before getting up and dusting myself off. "Whatever. Say, do you know how long I've been here? I kinda don't have a sense of time."

[5 days. 2 have been spent sulking after killing Envy. Why? Finally going to get out this Hellhole?]

I nod at Liz's words. Being in this place has made me bored and slightly insane. I've been doing nothing but killing for 5 days, and I miss the taste of food, and crave sleep.

I cover my eyes from the brightness of hell. "Can I get the location of the 4 sins?"

Thankfully, Liz is kinda nice. A screen pops up, showing me 4 different locations. 1 of which close to me.

"Surprising she didn't notice me." I would've assumed they can sense each other or something dumb like that.

[They can, however you don't have the marking they all have]

I hum at that. That makes more sense. I did see a marking on Envy's shoulder. But enough of that.

"Let's actually kill a Sin." I grin at the thought. See what I mean at the Insane part.

I get myself in a jumping position. As much as I'd like to say I know math and stuff... I don't. My Will isn't helping either. It only boost my mana and spells which I don't have.

Basically, I'm winging it.

Pushing more force in my legs, the ground slowly crumbles beneath me.

I stare in the distance, my eyes glowing an eerie red. They soon harden, as I push myself up and forward.

If I could rank my speed, I'd put myself around Mach 1. Which is pretty fast I guess.

In a minute or more, I soon arrive at my destination. A relatively giant castle... To bad it's now ruined.


"HOUSEKEEPING!" I yell out, a feral grin on my face. I felt something that wasn't ground beneath me and looked down. "Oh."

I landed on a women. I can't exactly make out her features, seeing as her face is currently kissing the ground.

"auuuuuu." Muffled noises of pain sounded out from her before she started struggling under my feet.

I however ignore her and gaze at my map. "The marker points to this room, yet nobody else is here... Weird. Is this thing broken?" I curiously ask Liz.

[No. Your under her]



I get off the women, watching as she gets up and glares at me, rubbing her face.

"How DARE YOU! YOU FILTHY HUMAN!" She yelled out in pure rage. I focused on her face though.

In all honesty, she was beautiful. Long white hair, ruby red eyes, and a body most woman would die first.

(Image Here)

She looked like me... Well, I'm sure all people with the exact same hair and eyes would look the same...

"YOU TOOK MY STYLE! I HAD IT FIRST!" She stomped her feet, breaking the ground under her, pouting like a child.

"The hell are you, a child?" I ask her, crossing my arms.

She took a second to think over my words before she stopped her actions. She put her hands on her hips, a aura of Greed appearing.

"No. I am Clara, The Sin Of Greed. Human. What are you doing in my territory." The childish composure was gone, replaced with one of a ruler. Her eyes settled in on me. And her question... no demand was one seeking only an answer.

'Jeez, mood swing.' I dully thought, watching her eyes harden as I avoid her demand.

Her face contorts into a scowl, and a wave of killing intent washes over me. "ANSWER ME! Are you one of Envy's. I can smell her disgusting scent on you..." At the word of Envy, her eyes flash with a hint of rage.

'Must be some sort of bad blood.' My hand twitches from the amount of bloodlust she leaks. I've truly gone insane.

"My name is Ren Ashborn." Dramatic pause, pull dagger out, point towards her, leak out own bloodlust. "And I've come to kill you."

(End Of Chapter... SIIIIKE!)

Her scowl turns to a frown at my answer. "You wish to kill me?" I nod. "I see..."


Sparks briefly flash through the air, as my blade collided with her silver arm. I click my tongue and jump away.

I raise my hand, hundreds of black orbs filled the large room we were in.

She raised in eyebrow. "Void magic... A magic sadly lost to time... How intriguing" Grabbing one, she inspected it. "It seems you have moderate control over it." She gives a sweet smile before crushing the orb.



"Very Well." She now fully releases her aura... !!!!

Death. It gripped my heart.

Cold sweat flowed down my back as I watched her walk up to me.

No. Stay Away. Away.

"What's wrong?" She gave a concerned look, putting her head on my forehead. "You don't seem sick..."

Away. Away. Away. Away. Away. Away. Away. Away. Away.

"Are you perhaps... scared" her voice so close to me... Scared.

Go. Go. Go. GO. GO! GO! GO!


I wanted to move my body to get away from her, yet I couldn't... Why.

Slowly, the once bright castle turned into a dark void, leaving only me and her. She walked around me, humming a sweet song.

Eventually, she stopped in front of me, still having the sweet smile.

"You have immense courage to challenge me." She said, giggling. "I wonder what made you do that... Was it because I'm the weakest? Maybe your just a cocky human who thinks he can kill anyone?"

My eyes widen as she slowly spoke out.

"Or maybe because. You. Killed. Envy."



Her hand was now through my stomach, my blood fully coating her hand. "It's to bad really that I have to kill you."

My vision slowly deteriorated, as my blood freely flowed out of me. I wanted to do something, but I still couldn't move.

"Well... Goodbye"

The sound of something getting cut could heard... Is that my body.





[Host Has Died]

[Due To Skill !@$)%*#@, Host has been revied]

[Kicking out Host from dungeon]

[Host stats have been retained. All titles and skills have also been retained]

[Welcome Back To Remnant]

(This is the actual end of chapter whatevr)

This is a 3241 word chapter... FUCK ME.

Also, I have no idea what I'm doing. The concepts of life are merely a thought now.

I have ascended.

Thanks For Reading❤️❤️❤️❤️

Don't expect something like this again, B-baka👉👈